Welcome back to eb sode trading secret, your host j and target, and welcome to the pre market trading segment. Tell you a little bit about our guest today, a little money tip and then and update for my personal life. Before I do that, please make sure to give us five stars on apple on spotify.
Let us know what you thought about the show biggest take away and or a guest or topic you want to make sure that we cover. We would so greatly appreciate IT and whatever you're listening. Now just remember to hit that subscribe, but and IT helps us out tremendously.
And if you want to watch the whole epsom, you can do IT on youtube. Just go to jay antar on youtube, and you can follow along there. Now, today's guest, this one might be a good one to watch.
So we were at the jake pow, mike tyson fight with sale as and Tyler and I were like, minutes. It's been a minute. It's been a minute since we ve been on the ones in two, don't we? The test tomorrow, I was like, great.
Let's do IT. So we think about where we have a podcast. We both have rely flights.
He's like like just podcast in my bed, I yeah this one because of my bed. So I woke up early the next day after the time I pop light. And there you go.
Tyler and I are podcasting in his bed. And yes, we have a beautiful gas joining us in bed. And that is tate, his nuclear end. He was really funny.
You going to hear in the epsom Tyler's telling the story about, you know, oh, the first time he met and tate in the bathroom to her makeup and SHE comes out and gives them like the dirty is, look like, what are you talking about? I take what's wrong? Like, okay, cut the film with what he like.
He's lying. This isn't sure. I'm like what I take IT on the bed. You're now in the podcast. And so with this, epsom is a lot to cover.
We talk about life, we talk about love, we talk about health, we talk about wealth, all the things we talk about Tyler show, we talk about the deal that tailer I did together um and we talked a lot about the relationship too so it's like a help well life update from Tyler in tate all from his bedroom hotel at the jake power might decided to fight h sponsored by self. So there's that. So this is a good episode though, good banter, good information, taxes in real state stuff, you will enjoy IT.
Now I want to give you one little money tip and kind of connect to everything that you know happened with bird and just in just life. And something that i'm not talking about, that I haven't done is update all your state and insurance plans like this is a good time as a year is winding down in a new year is beginning. Make sure that you've they're created or you update your state plans if you don't have in a state plan consisting of at least a will and a testament a power of attorney and health care proxy in place, um you know just make that a priority and think through the state plan will help significant ways ensure that your assets are distributed like according to your wishes.
I what you want is opposed to where I could go. And this is also a good update to just make sure all your health insurance, all your life insurance, all your insurances are in place, you're properly covered and you're a good place going into twenty twenty five when IT comes to all things estate insurance planning. So just a quick little tip.
IT gets away from us and as we get into the new year is something that we should really, really think about. Now I am reading a book called brave enough by shero. Strain really enjoy IT.
I'm in my clothes era right now. I think it's just because of new life changes and a lot on the horizon. I'm just like I see, quote, I want to read dom on the consumer and they're landing with me.
So I got one of four here. It's from brave enough some facts of your childhood will remain immutable, able, but others want. You may never make sense of the bad things that happened to you, but with work and with mindfulness, with understanding and heart, you'll make sense of yourself.
Another one for a how wild IT was to let IT be. Alright, I just like this book, brave enough. shero.
Straight check IT out, personal update, what a week. Oh my gosh. Lot of action when I grown vagus four f one.
And we are here doing some work with vanion properties. This hotel has been immaculate. IT apps.
It's like you have the luxury that you want in a hotel, but you have all the different options from the food court to higher restaurants like it's got at all. So we're here with the nation. We're also doing some work here with petrol on.
We dropped by, uh, the raising cane sweet and hung out with raising canes. We're doing some work with jefferson whisky as well. So and also has been at least with J D sports in puma. So a lot of brand activations happen at these big events and myself as a creator uh is working with these companies. And then our agency is higher in creators to work with these agencies.
But just I mean, he was unbelievable with such a great dinner with Shawn way in the patrol team with the nation we are at their pata club, which was just such a cool experience we got to walk to the garage of where these cars are. I was learning so much about him. I can't believe that the two cars uh, that we saw have an annual spent together of one hundred and twenty million dollars.
That's how much they spend on these cars in an annual basis for f one. And you know, there is just is just such a great weekend, such a great weekend of networking, seeing old friends, meeting new friends. And there's just nothing like an everyone race.
So if you ever have the opportunity to do so, definitely check IT out for the experience. And even in Bakers, like you only have that a ticket, you could see that they're really racing on the strip. You can see IT for almost anywhere.
So definitely give that a go. Or think about IT. And this upcoming week is gonna such a fun one. Happy thanks giving day to everyone out there to you and your families. But before thanks is given, i'm going to be in l in some podcast.
I M, we get mark baLance coming on and then gotta go to go to support the kid, the one the only joy. G dancing with the stars for. So my fingers are cross the joy winds at tuesday night.
Make sure that you vote for joy in gena. Two, one, five, two, three. Text, joy ten times. It's been a really fun week.
I'm really looking forward to this week, and I just can't wait to be back with mom in dad for thanksgiving, but enough for me. Let's go to the bed and Cameron and tate, let's thring in the bell. Tire do. Kid up, have we do? I would expect you to sleep with the shirt on, do you this here?
我我我。 You're such a peace of work. Do you have a good time? Last night.
at a great time, this can broke.
I worked to, i've never done an episode of tree. That else wrong with you is how to do things you just like always have to like try and make IT sexy yourself. That is this just your life? Just I before doing this and that take the show little bit to the time everything hi, talk about last. Yeah.
we're in the wrong .
with you. Why do you also have cameras set up like this? What else did you do IT here last night?
We're not shoot the pocket.
We are a ticket choices. We're talk and trading secrets.
Have you ever talked trading cigarets in the bed?
Have you ever sold anything sexually? Like i'm mine, like only fans, like feet picks.
So I have a means that income, I had only fans one time.
And I, to technical, do. But I was four means of marketing. We used IT as a able full job to launch my show going home camera.
If you haven't checked that out, make sure you do. In episode six.
that was the best one. A couple other guys and .
completely football. Let's get into some of the numbers from last night's event that you hear. How much check paul profited from that fight?
My guess I heard, I heard a number of forty million.
Is that true? That is correct. He took in forty million.
What do you think my tyson took in? I heard twenty thousand million. And for jake g. Paul's entire career, this point with boxing, a hundred million dollars. Wow, unbelievable.
I think that just the power of marketing a promotion like everyone talks about IT, he is a marketing genus and throughout night, like the big brands that he's involved, so is the the body's ray company. He saw IT throughout the everywhere you did a great job showing off everything that's important them .
would you ever get in the boxing like is a creature ack when you see something .
having this much success? Yeah yeah. I I do think of the mark of like influencers doing the box is kind of come and past. I think there was a time when there was like a bunch of you two boxers and spring boxers doing IT ah but now I think it's like jack paul. And then like I want you like tonight you saw on the undercard IT was little .
box box and .
then IT was jack paul. My tyson is like the show fight .
so you think IT asked, like you have to be IT like like almost an a level.
Jake paul is like he's he's .
fighting he's he's fighting .
like his fighter like he's a real doctor. Yes yeah I won't say he's like and maybe the most I boxer, there's like cannon and those guys that's a different class yeah. But I think for what he's done and the promotion in the show and that I think also the light is shining on boxing, there has been quite impressive.
Seventeen point eight million. They did a ticket sales yesterday. So the numbers are absolutely .
of the charge. When I heard they're doing this at the cobos station, I was like a boxing match in a demo for the stadium I thought was insane. And I thought it'll have IT.
You should just be lower level, everything else. People, no, we were in the sweet last night. Sweet were all packed out. You look above us. All those things were completely, but to the top of A T, T, in which I am seventy .
thousand plus people for a boxing, I think is interesting. The celebrity of traction, the boxing, I think, other than it's the number one sport, yeah do you agree that I I feel like I always been since like the sixties, the seventies, like it's always .
went like that yeah I think boxing is like the place where you see a really celebrity like all that like that might take of fights back then. Everyone needs to be a rinse for that for sure. I feel like I feel kind of loss last. Now it's you've done a great job of bringing that back. There was tons of people in that room last night, and I though I was, I was fun.
Who are you most impressed with the south? A three, last night.
like one person, you, I tell you, every time I see him, I love seeing them. This is the two friends guys. Those guys are great, the awesome.
They're like the sweetest ys. They know the best parties. They're always fun to be around.
I think two friends is just on top of being amazing. D, J, S. And entertainers.
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We're transitioning this to you. You actually almost took a career track into rustling W W. E. There is a room out there. They knocked on your door.
was so.
Set up for W, B, B before the bad. Get out of here.
yeah. So I was a homeboy. I D love this run around and red speedo and red boots and just kick.
That's what I was born to do. Where was the .
ad was just like, I don't like, do something. I saw something for, like, sign up to join the W, W. I been really desperate at the time here. And I saw IT. And I like, I feel that the application I sent to my boys as a good joke.
Yeah, you be amazing this time because I like a crazy and so I did that and then the batch or right in up, put me back with the next two weeks and was ready up like about six months like like even after like my show came out, I was like, well, already kind of did that guy. So I guess i'm going to do this. And then we actually had conversations and they brought me in mad too, because they were talking about, maybe don't attack team with me in that bringing us to like the training grounds norlander. And I thought IT was really cool, would be fun to give you a try. And then we get in there and we saw that the guys in the rain, yeah, brutal living.
So you would actually did training for the ww.
We went down there and checked IT out. We didn't like, get in the rain, and I really tried out like one in the road. So I thought, the rope, like bungy cord, yeah, yeah, a real rope that goes around. And just so tight that IT shoot these guys off .
OK take a trick, is the ropes. And boxing last night are nothing yet but in restful like actually it's .
A A super title around the right. What do you know what .
you would get paid if you if you did something that I don't .
think pay was that great as part of I think the reason why we were into IT because it's a it's a huge commit and it's a career change. So I know we were ready for that, but maybe down the road now I can do IT as a kid. I I grew up watch my dad and I when I was a really little, yeah, we were a wrestle in commercial brakes. I could be like jumping off the corner of the bed, given like the people's, although, and my mom SHE would come.
Ce, you have fuck and break .
down OK OK OK and then SHE leave my dad, look at me. Go, 丁丁, and we can.
can go. Can you do an impression at iraq, the iraq?
H man, when he, he, he would do the, he would take the .
people about.
the people about h man.
Now can. Is cooking?
I mean, another guy just a margin.
right? Alright, talk about changes. Been a lot of changing in your life lately.
Yeah, let's started about you now. You're dating someone is out there. tater.
yeah. We were shooting going home with Tyler, and there is a scene where where tate, we knew the photographer in. We just asked .
him to do IT.
Where did you find though? My friend found her. okay. yeah. Well, like we saw her one time on the side of the road, he was going to fall status al library after IT with .
like ten dollars after the 误会。
swing in the sign and think the effort was A I was like, he can take that effort and put IT into, you know, just like something social media, what like that she'll be incredible what how much .
you get page for that? How much did you get page for that?
I did you get page? 在 点 酒。
they do every true false you are in the statute liberty casting tuff's。 You are ever working on the side, the roads spinning. So where is making this up?
He's told interviews.
This like is just a you just like the time. Is this really always that this is why .
is always like great headlines like I can .
fully make that I know.
Thank you.
I was like, you ready to start cry? I know the dorm. Like, you save your life. Yeah, I can know. Okay, so he was.
So where did you guys meet? So big love, you make IT up to give me some want to come in, come in, come in, come in and get in. You want themselves? Ls, yes, to wait this here more over.
but this is nice. So, so where did .
you actually meet?
So time, I actually met a couple times before he remembered meeting me. I thought tired. I actually good friends. Turns out he didn't know what I was.
So that was through like a little baby era for myself. Yeah, well.
I was. You had a .
meeting. So technically we met because J. P. And I did a fake wedding shoot for a friend. Is a wedding planner.
okay? A lot of fake stuff happening here.
He was like, you, you got to come on my friend's both and hang with the squad cells that, okay.
happen to be his boat. A big at party.
Was J. P. I coming unto you, trying to really, were you in a tailer from day one?
No, no, no, no. Especially like when I started working for me, because my sister or text me SHE be like SHE would see how we kind of work. I had our banter, which do you think you come on to and you would be like, all like you guys like each other. And i'm like, now I like, i've seen too much.
This isn't happy.
What was too much? Just off.
so. See, i'm very good .
that I don't know. You know I so weird to talk about now, but like I was kind of like as wing woman in some like it's very strange. I don't like recommend IT like you guys were .
swingers and you went like get people together.
Yeah no, he would like invite girls over and then like he has this like a avoided kind of personality. So it's like if you wanted someone to leave, he would just pick take comer like coming hanging out us and then I would go hanging out with them and then all the, I would look around and he would be like gone out the house and I would just be sucking in out this girl, trying to figure out like how to get her .
like go and you got the statute livery story. He was Better than what is wrong with you. All right. So then we're on set and IT. We're filming this episode and you guys at this point had not each other for how long?
About a few months.
like two years. So i'm fully you guys just forget the real estate you do to have your own show then. But there was some that I thought there was some going on there and I was called in for IT.
The second I was like and I was whisper like come and do and his like they're going to make a show about that. Leave IT alone. And then on the wall, I rote take entirely love each other that right.
added them. You can catch IT silly because one of the producers sent me. She's like, I can't believe that no one has like, found this and posted about .
IT what because you were like, you didn't want them to make a story line about IT well.
just I was still like, kind of like.
you don't like me. No, not like that.
yeah. Like like at that time, I was like also like we are working together at this time, like that's not really good work environment in good look, whatever. But good thing on the H R, S.
To my company is, well.
so but but so there was that. And then like also like they wanted me on my show originally to date, a lot on the show. So I want like six states on the show never saw the later day.
Why do you think they added IT?
All that out just shows change. You have different exact comes and things get put around. So like, I want on all these dates and I was like, I was trying to date again and but and late the night where I would just like I was like work, I was never like there was like a lion I always try to keep, didn't keep IT for long.
And so I was I was trying to respect that. I just think it's in and I was dating on the show and I was trying to cultivate some type relationship with somebody that from the show, but the show killed me. Like if you ask k or ask anybody, I was dying there because I was first mean mentally, you just for you everything. So you're buying properties .
by properties.
like when you're doing a home, no show, it's so hard to show you can ever possibly make because you are managing all the homes. So you you you get whole construction crew you to organize what the production crew you have to manage all the homeowners and their expectations at the work of the town. So it's like it's just the ultimate circus .
and you're you're paying for you I ve got to see you there is contained of the show.
but you're paying for everything yeah, every dollar I made from the show and more I put back into the show because I like this is my one shot to put myself out there, you know. And also, like, I wanted to make sure that we every dog that my client gave us was going. I told everyone every dog there are giving us is going to right back into the, because I don't. I wanted to be the best home we can make these people because we get one chance to make a splash. I love IT, and it's awesome.
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Try them out today, let me know what you think and use code trading secrets with mary got, and then we can get back. The show is, I think it's in this world, you got to learn my kind of fine on your face. And I think one thing you learned, and I am still very much learning, is the idea of keeping things private.
yes. And your relationship was private for quite some time before, went public. How long was a private for if you can speak to that? And then also why? What was your thinking with all IT?
What I think we ve we probably public around a year. So and then you and then yes, I think the reasoning behind IT is just like i've seen so many people, you know, just so their relationships out there and I feel like then IT becomes everyone's chance to critique, make their own opinions about IT. And what do you like your night? You read this stuff in the where, if you say doesn't make an effect on you IT does that becomes the things that becoming the back, your mind.
I know like when I first got off the show and I was read social media and doing, I was doing stuff just off at a shoot out of the hip, the increase es of all the time, and then you would start to hear the chat about IT and no matter what, like that plays in the back, your mind, when he started to do stuff again. And so I didn't want there to be like that, those negative thoughts playing in her mind or my mind when we started to build this relationship. And then once we get to a place that we were strong, we saw a good future with each other as like, okay, let's take the next step now, which was that, you know I think she's a huge super about IT because .
like it's hard you know I mean .
and what is the hard part about from your I think .
just see, no matter how much you know behind closed doors, like, hey, this is who we are. This is real. This is like our real life. Seen interviews and stuff in the beginning when, like, we were dating and they would ask him like, oh, are you date like and you really like, i'm single, ready to mingle and just like, no matter if I knew he was doing that to just .
even kind of protects you in a way weird right? Like is backwards as that is.
It's just like ool like there is a .
little bit like that .
things yeah we're we're also like right in the middle of shows over where the shows going to ready to come out. And I mean, we're promoting the show and you I work still like trying to figure out like we promoting IT as like Tylers like the single and relationship. So was always things that we were trying navigate through and like early on relation just like saying like it's just but we're not you want to mean you so IT was tRicky but I think you know he is the ultimate trooper. Um very grateful and for how gracious SHE was through all that because I could imagine that being tough because just it's stinks and it's just the world we live in is on it's tough and it's hard.
But people create like a narrative online .
where you would like read .
a whole story about your relationship and you get someone but and I like, why am I reading this? Like this is my relationship. I know what's going on and then you see you like people, I tell you all these stories and IT is is my first time being in this world. So I think I really had a no, not put my good self and I to fight .
everybody there's honestly I get that there's it's constant miss labeling and then what you realize is if there's rumors or lies are my slave ling if there's not any win to Carry that out, it'll die because there's just no truth yeah but I I know seeing IT, hearing IT and then reading IT. It's a stage no time all right, let me ask you this.
What's next tent for youtube? So we like, have been dying, but also bus or ask renovating our house. And it's been a true labor.
Love cheese. Really put this him on her back doing that. I think he is the ultimate D I Y. Only like he is breaking the the fireplaces and painting the like. He fired the first .
day .
the fire.
Well, they then delayed having to come back to him. They're like all, we actually can't make IT tomorrow. When I wanted to finish shells like what they're already getting paint everywhere, which is gone to take even more time for me to clean. Now i'd rather not pay someone like if someone where i'd rather me get paying everywhere .
and cleaning IT and not have to .
pay someone. I'm not asking the why. I'm asking that how do you do not to come all together?
O, K, so you work and renovating your house.
You guys are you are techy part. So that's a good cut backup. P, i'm like, so nice and such like when IT comes, like time, people are doing a bad job. yes. child.
I get really frustrating with him in the sense of he is so nice like with all things yeah very nancie and like, oh, it's okay like it's whatever is this is that and i'm like they think if you even ask them to come to a job, they know that you're .
so .
natural he won't care like hole ever yelled at us and it's like sometimes like he stresses himself out trying to get self done. It's like, no, you can still be nice but like, let people know I K, i'm paying you for a job. You can keep push me at the side .
car bar right there. When you look down the road, do you want to take those? Except I have kids. All the things you thinking about that as T, D, where you.
yeah, yeah, yeah.
take .
like .
time. Dirty one.
嗯, okay, okay.
Yeah no, I you know and I was talking about this the other day, and I think the fear, it's a fear I have, and he has nothing do with today, has nothing doing. It's just when I grew up, I had parents who bosses their house and work, you know, their access off for us gave us everything they had. We lost everything in the await market crash. And we went from having everyone together living this dream life in his dream house, to losing IT all, losing the house, losing the family you want to mean, and they like moving back to, like, our little house, and then having all types of drama and and losing what our family was at the 英文名。 嗯, so my fears in life are which is kind of like it's an an excuse because everyone's like you just figured out so it's like me just taking that leap of faith yeah is that I want to be a financially set place that if I have kids, I never have to have that that worry because of I just know what that did to you know which at the only day my parents amazing job and and still overcame all that but never want to have anyone go through that. What you I think .
you're really building or we're trying to like build something that has longevity. And I think right now just fuck like, you know doubling down and like just working as much as we can to get to that spot. So then when we do hopefully of kids one day out willing that he can also be the dad that he wants to be, like never miss again, be the code. You do all the things which I think right now doing what we're doing will get us to the place where you can also have the financial instability as well as the yeah.
I think right now, we're in a phase of light tools like we are just like like I think I always live broke yeah because I just take every dollar I get and I reinvest IT into the next house project. You I mean so like always feel the need to like I always feel pressure, which I think pressure is good. Decorate for yourself in business, in your life because that makes you keep going, going, going. And I step back and look at on my dam in the last years, don't like we do have .
houses you have now.
So right as after next thursday, we have for investment like rental properties, our own house. And then we I like of that four restaurants, you know me in .
restaurants. And five is right. You for some flip is in Jackson .
right now, so killed, yeah. So but like we step back and you look like, like, oh, we don't like but then when you're in IT, it's like, I I gotta get this to, you know, I put numbers on you. I got get this to ten houses by this time, yeah, got to get to, you know, then you look in the but it's like you always move in the goalpost along. And I think if you keep doing that, then you also, you don't take that leap of faith. I could have a kids yeah, you just .
put IT off. You know, you're out. How to get ahead in today's world isn't easy.
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It's just yeah it's like it's but like and like I think kind of what were leaning into heart is like the the home reno construction world and all that. And I think I think tates gona be amazing for them when people started to see like the talent SHE isn't like her D I Y .
projects and mars to her.
He's point in this. We watched the Martha documentation and we're like, I like.
I like this is you come on.
take no, no, you are on on the side of the road. Statue, every new flag. You got great girl, you got great.
Tell you. Can I tell I didn't. I've been never told this and I didn't know if I could contractually I tell them what happened with .
our business property.
Yeah so with our project we were doing to invest in the property at that. And then there was one of our budget was like sixty seventy five grand. And then there were termites, right?
So we we had the house right the house is we bought for five fifteen and it's an neighborhood where that's probably like the middle range of what the nights hood would yeah yeah I guess I got the comes right now on the nights hood like house and need n run away now five, seven, five and that's like four years later yeah about the house so we go, we run and the problem is is like, you know, either I have a huge team now I went from me and kate to me.
K plus another fifteen people right? So it's a monster and you have designers and you have designer seasons only up, but you have nine housing projects going on now. So it's like they are like we got this one covered.
So I is my house, you know, I, I, i'll be happy with anything like another. Do a good job. But then i'm focusing all these other houses, these bugs, and you come back around and look bug.
But so like I J I O Jason, they go played at this house. You're hoping to to make your money back completely on this. Never that as like I don't want you to come into this here anymore, but suck. We have also A T V show to shoot, you know. I mean, so like we'll figure out the numbers once in because like we were still filming IT and numbers are still coming in and all that stuff.
I remember you you're like and this is a testing of utah. You're like, listen, making money off the show. I'll find i'm going to make this back. You are not letting you come in this project. I was like you you got to you're like i'm not letting you come you like this got dict ous yeah and that but now I think we got to do some no, no exactly. I mean, we to put let's off.
I first go around you with everything so you no what you I don't think you know what you are capable of, what like we were capable of. So with the designers, I feel you are a little timid and scared to like pass them off. Because if they were to walk out the door, I felt like he thought he wasn't going to know to do and he was not going to finish the show. So he's like, I just have to do whatever they want .
to do as they say.
let's run IT back.
This one they they don't know.
But my question is, and this will be the last one before get you chewing secret, is will they get we go around to on the T.
V work on IT right now? Yes, in the season one was like the harvesting. Everybody is like IT was a true labor of love in the the show come out to see people's reactions. I love the show that was produced and put out there. I love like the team that I built, the show was, and like the team we created at home. But now that like we ve bent to that, I would love for people to see, like tate, step in and be like the designer and like, take on the because, I mean, I think tate would honestly be the building and the designer.
Yeah, but SHE.
maybe yes.
maybe next up. So I come on, you can find me someone. yeah. Since I found you here.
I listed last night, everyone inflated my deans and all they want them to know. Yes, so I got a whole.
oh, really interest. I know she's out. Therefore we I love IT of my favorite episode. Des trading secrets are in class spokespeople, yer and country former fb hostage negotiator, and they both around master class.
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already done.
done. Err, I know what you get.
You get. So this .
is incredible guy.
So yeah, i'm a grape, grape guy. Pe is good. Yeah, grape. But the Cherry call is now like my new post launch.
Well, I like this. I'm also doesn't after like feeling great fired up, right? Let's cooking and work out.
And before we do, let's get a training. secret. Take the first time at trading secret.
It's a trading secret that could be like your life navigation finance career could just be something you with by. But it's special to you. What can you .
leave us with? Figure to you .
make IT I like that one.
You me a yeah .
I think in life.
everyone trying to figure that out. So my as well go for IT. My as well figure that out along away. Don't skip an opportunity because you're you think you're .
not I also think you get like in life, you get what IT is that you're putting out. And if you put IT out that like you are IT, then you're going to get whatever that.
But I think like kind of off of what you're saying, but a little different is like you get what you put out. I think tate was made take successful and keep fingers herself out like because I take stories crazy like SHE the ohio and grew up there, and SHE bows to ala and live with her brother and a morning career.
And SHE had a best friend, and then that best friend brought her to texas, and he was working on, you know, the horse is here, getting up before in the morning and like training them. And then he wanted to move by her family. Like SHE wanted worked at the restart. Macy, the boom metal personal, was always just figuring that out.
And like, I think the reason why successful and always keeps going and like is like me, is like a light ever SHE goes is because like she's a person who comes in and gives a hundred and fifty percent, you know, I mean, no matter what is the job is, no matter what IT is, I think that's like in life you have to go at everything and give IT like everything the best you can because it's just a stepping stone. It's gonna ad you to right where you're supposed to go. And I think it's been like a text mental where he is that in life, because SHE SHE know did all those steps that came and then fell into our show, even before dating me.
C SHE got a another good opportunity, which I think everyone is going to to see this year. Or SHE, you know, like SHE got a huge on A T, V show. When is you come out? Can .
you speak .
to leave a precious .
rear show was like, you think they would be good to show? Like SHE .
would crush IT, you know. I mean, like, so I was the produce a show that literally es, let's let's wrap with this title. You've got to get those like you kind of just gave a train secret, but you've given a couple of good ones before. And remember, when you want to watch what happens live, you're like you go on some of these shows.
You're like you put on a show and I was like, I always try to do kind of the opposite and i'd learned from you that's what you can do this because you're like when I go, if they're going to invite me like i'm turn IT up, i'm going to mix IT up. I want to give him what they want. I always like so worried about like they end between the lines yeah and you're kind of like secret sauces you don't give. You're just like you guys are going put me on that stage, you're going to get full show .
yeah think there's some special my everything like the rewire in the spot is because you never gave a shit. You I mean and like, I just like to have fun rips and IT. But if you're going to go on wash what happens live, you're going to go to any of these shows are you know anything you're gonna do in life like, just go and go for, be authentic and let IT rip.
And B U but B U at one hundred and two hundred and thirty percent. Yeah, I mean, go. And I think good things come from that, I think, and that are you stay memorable and people you know want to watch and to see what you do. But if you just try to be joko, I was like, college, I do.
So then you losing yourself, continue trying to keep up with something. You and all falls down, all rap with this. There's really only one person to follow in this bed, and this is the up incoming. Start over here tayer working people follow you .
and find you 等等 that。 Maybe OK.
I were going to keep that. Uh, I like, I like, I had .
this conversation. You should just be like, take.
I like to latter. I know.
And if you go through her whole family, like to state, G, M, I.
oh my yeah, my gosh Grace.
until you make .
IT strategy, tiger, anything you want to put out there promote to .
yeah flying a no, I think all for .
mara junior .
Yes, no, I I, I just .
think you know, you know, to into what we're trying to create, what the houses and everything that continue this form innovation journey and know I I love hospitality. I have some really call hospitality dreams that I want to bring the life here soon. So I just got to figure out that in the funding for all that.
But yeah, we're building something really cool with our house and the other houses. Stay tuned and to see, like, you know, SHE SHE can really D I yse some cool things and she's got great style. And we've been doing some cool and ticking and thrifty ting, and yeah.
who be fun. Curve balls can see that, and I knew what are going to do a house of some sort. But what we're going to do here is little shut out to self.
There was a hell night last night, the jake bar, my test and fight. I'm feeling good after taking this down after a couple drinks yesterday, and so shout out to sales a great partners, great drinks. Anything let go.
We are closing in the belt, the Tyler Cameron epsom, with the one and only the curious canadian, David. Before I bring in over two, I want to give a big thank you to guy call for sponsoring today's closing serious canadian. What do you think? And there is a whole lot of action within this episode.
Yeah, i'm going to start the top year special shadow to my cos. The recap like you mention, know you talked about you entirely talked about the home that you were going to going on for the show and something that can always happen in the home process is going over budget or over spending in this specific process of by purchasing a rental property with someone. What was your biggest lesson learned through this entire process? I mean.
David, there's a tone of learning lessons here. But like, let's just start with this, especially with our closing recap sponsor, her guo. Making sure that you are properly covered is so important.
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So a big one, of course, is what we just talked about. Another one is trying to plan ahead for the unexpected, right? We expect a designer to come in, in, in, in and have exordium pricing for some of this stuff.
And I think that even connects to guy co, which is like expecting the unexpected with any type of cost and baking in a budget for what could happen like we just IT was a tough situation. And I curiously, what did you do here, right? Like he came to me and he's like, Jason, i'm not letting you do this deal like I didn't manage properly first business interaction that you, I would have.
And part of me felt bad. I want to be like you like, I kind of committed to IT like I should just be in IT with you. And another part of me was like, okay, he's like being adamant about this.
The good news is the property now is doing great. It's cash lowing great is in good shape. So no one got stuck. But like, what would you do in that circumstance?
I put IT in. I've never been in a situation to go like hand in, hand in in a rental property. But IT is reminds you, like everyone's been at that dinner, right? That dinner were like you both mutually decided to let go to this place for dinner.
But maybe that specific places, one person's idea and the meal comes and it's you know, it's okay. It's maybe less than what you expected, maybe a little disappointed. And in the Prices on the menu probably weren't something that you would have picked and the bill comes and you know you went there, you agreed on the place.
You could look up the menu, you head a time, you could look up reviews. You didn't. So you feel, you know you want to split the bill with them, but he feels bad because it's his place he picked that he knows IT wasn't as good as IT was.
He feels like he let you down. He insists. No, he insists now, he insists we've all been there.
Time is like, you know what he's really insisting. I'm just going to let them take this one. And both people end up feeling Better about IT at the end of the day because of that. So this is just one of those situations to hear that at the cash flows, good. He just wanted to take that initial investment, that shock factory that wow off your plate, good guy, move by toler.
Good guy, move in a workout because that property is questioned. So that's good news, but David would out. So I know we ask me some of the thoughts of the property. I think that's a good question, but we talked to a lot. I mean, first of all, we're two in his five guest in a bed. Just after that, podcasts went him and I did that roast we have tate involved with like tate wasn't first to be involved, but then became a big part of the epsom. A lot of moving pieces here.
You never know what you're gonna get from telecom. And let me just say he started talking about budgets like I don't think toor Cameron even knew what a budget looks like, but hey, he's nee deep and budget so that was kind of an interesting take. And yeah, I got ta defend my boy a little bit here.
Tiger cameras going to stand over you like american gladiator saying these five, nine jokes. Come on with some stuck on my guys named there five, nine, nine as title. Let's go hit.
Let's go hit the fields and see what, you know your idea of five nine will do against us in some sports competitions in big football. Me in J. T, take you a couple.
You you're pushed in six. I say you're pushing sixx. You're, you're not five nine. You pushed in six foot. I'm there, six to a little burly, very little flat footed, but tired.
What will take on their? I I got to put some respect on my boy's name there, but he he was great. I think the episode IT honestly could have been a little bit of tate fan club. Should I say I never seen Tyler Cameron so smitten company is girl's tires like he was tate, so that I thought, I thought those dynamics of the ebs were great. Her stories awesome too.
If you google my name, IT doesn't five night, I don't know, was from high school, I don't know. That is what he is. All three of his fuck and shirts were lies, the fucking in million followers.
One, I mean, that's low hanging fruit. That's low hanging .
was IT was a great chirp. Didn't expect IT I what if I i've dated two .
people that are your creators before that was A A teacher before and me here here and followers .
and thirty six years go there .
with that trend, which I was telling you that you should done for a while. And i'm glad .
you do IT with Tyler because it's like .
he's just jokes. So I thought .
I was looking flooding. Yeah right. So ate. I mean, tate fancy club called me number one and number two day like I, David, that from the minute i'd liked when we are filming that show, I was like, this girls perfect.
I was trying to set them up. I talked about that did IT of Tylers like, no, no, no, do IT. And then look at them today. I smit and kit in and there they're happy. But also, I think that connects to our little three, three bullshit chirps that he put on me. I can't believe he trade up just like a wide about a story, though if he wasn't there, he would continued on with that and now is a good friend that is unlike what other poles should have.
You told me I didn't know I was writing IT in my nose. I was like, oh, wow, he was a side of the road statue. Liberty doing the sign thing, and you like to work at that.
And that's how we met her. Like, took her off the streets. I was like, running IT down that I lived in, in the fact that he laughed IT and then said that he's brought IT up multiple times in a review views before. I bet if you google add is probably says that story somewhere, probably write next to the five, nine story for you.
So I mean, I was a child drinking this L S, which is great to my buzz on super alert and he's telling me the stories like nothing and actively listen and I corner my eye.
I see tito was in the bathroom come out and she's like giving the look like, what the fuck is you talking about but SHE didn't say me think and that's what i'm my god ten desire truth to this and I love you just complete, complete dad sets fake until you will make IT that's definitely one of the stories there. What else save and anything else from the subsoil? I got a small pet .
heaven that he kept doing that I want to take on. This could be pei of accused canadian peppy. He talked about, he was talking about tates trading secret.
And he was pumped, retires. And then he said his trading secret letter rate be authentic. That's how you become a memorable. This is that takes, gives a one hundred and fifty percent no matter what is. He gives a one hundred ten percent. He was, if i'm one hundred and twenty percent authentic, do you have a peeve when people use percentages over one hundred percent?
Yeah, actually the whole time you were said, you are just telling me this as a hundred .
fifty percent sounds. People who actually give a hundred percent yeah.
you can do is one hundred fifty percent of like you can do IT no.
because it's, I go, what is a hundred ten percent? Not enough. It's a hundred percent. It's like dave port or IT doesn't give tens on pizzas because then if you come on a Better pizza, well, then that pizza no longer at ten. I can give a hundred one percent because I discounts me, I giving everything that I have, and then expections all of the water. I just that.
just happy as a coach, I feel like, do you not tell your kids give one hundred.
ten personal hundred, because hundred is the max, and one hundred is impossible to give, because then you die.
exactly. And I always have my scoring system from robed your dick, which, by the way, still do I mean to finally see if I could put up now happiness level and I do the work output? Yeah, I got to right here.
So I so have you seen rob? Have you seen rob since since the interview?
Since the power? You should .
just shoot him at M K. Rit two, and we should be. Market with a two year anniversary rob bear deck and just shoot him a thing and be like.
still do your scale will help you on near the man for two years. We're about to go to four years of our deck. I do happiness, work out drinks like I all litter bright if I had a drink or not that if so how many I capit for the week I just because our job, there's so much socializing so just like keeping an ion IT um I I give myself a score one through ten of my eating for that time that I work out location, any notes.
what's what's the biggest what is the biggest column or like thing that you track that actually has the biggest impact in your life?
I mean, the one I care the most about is my happiness levels yeah like a hundred percent and I always try to find some kind of correlations and I am still working to get best coalition. There's definitely connection with obviously traveling and eating worse IT work output is pretty good and but I would take my happiness levels. They're getting Better, but might got i'm scroll through the last two months and they are not good.
But my point is but they getting Better, they're going i'm looking at the trend and up, which is good. But I only gave myself, David and all those columns, all those things talk about one hundred percent. I only gave myself a ten once.
One time I gave myself a ten for work output for a specific day. The only three o percent of all those boxes, five hundred ds of boxes there. So yeah, I agree. We're back on one hundred percent.
And I love IT. Okay, now I have a he talked about how he was dying during filming the show. You mentally, physically, financially in a home reno shows being the hardest to produce and manage because you're dealing with some many vendors and contracts and homo responsibly lit ie s and production and entine at all.
IT just seems like an absolute grind. I'm just curious, you talk about work up at all time. I know myself in in my job. I probably work way too many hours, take too many phone calls, make myself too available.
Do you think in just general that work can be your lifestyle? Can you really do at all here, the one who does the happiness scale? See, you actually are a pretty good person to ask this. So many people are guilty of working too much, and you going a lot of check, treating secrets, and it's just like a rush yourself in IT, like making a priority. But do you think it's really possible to do IT all to work at, attend every day, to be, is consumed, to do to to die filming or or working in what you're doing?
Absolutely not. Yeah it's it's impossible. I mean, I think you know, it's interestingly hear people like you, tom brady, talk about IT.
But even when you are literally the number one, the best in the world at what you do, maybe ever, there are still massive sacrifice. His marriage took a massive sacrifice. He is openly talked about the fact that at times he's been a very absent father.
I don't think the the idea of being ten, ten, ten and everything, it's impossible. impossible. Do you agree? Yeah.
I mean, yeah.
we all see in .
our lives. I just, I just had to say IT on here because I think so many times we do have people on that, like the messaging is like work more and merge yourself in at work. IT became my life, like last weekend, the apartment guy, I mean, how many hours do work? He said, all of them, right? Like, I just want people at home to get the sense of if they're listening this and thing overwhelmed by all these people who are like putting work is like their lifestyle. I just want to have a little little heat check, you know for us and for our listeners to make sure that that's not the expectation.
Yeah, I think you're right now. I also think but there's one thing about work, like if I look at correlations right now, I am looking at one day, you know october twenty first, my happiness level was a five and my workout put was eight and a half, and then the next day I have my work output, this is the only time i've ever put was a ten, and then my happiness level was a nine. So I think sometimes my point is, is like there are things you do work that can connect to happiness correlated. They can be .
correlated for sure, right?
And there's things you do in work that could be very correctly to unhappiness.
Where is so funny? Because I not to cut you off, but I think work can often get our happiness up because IT can be a IT can be a pathway and motivator to getting our spirit higher and maybe getting our focus realize. And then it's like when you go over that hill, if you don't get out of that workers de and and we're lying on work, that's when the happiness drops because now the have the work is taken over and you don't have the ap and you for all those those things that do make you happy because you you need happiness in other things outside of work.
Yeah no. I think even like even if we connect that statement to the epsom with Tyler, I think you know his stories really interesting and like he joked around, trip me about a put the followers dating bulls shit. I mean, he was a key dated all these big time models and people that used to date these big celebrities.
And he stated, big celebrities and you know, he's like at that and did all that stuff. And it's interesting you when you hear another interviews and a little bit and this one, he's like, I just had to get grounded again and I had to get back home and I had to start doing things, that matter, build my community. And that's when IT all fell in a place for him.
I think the big thing, like even connecting this conversation is like, happiness absolutely starts within. And either so much work you have to do internally, but I also have the counter that there are things that gonna happen in your life, no matter how happy and grounds that you are internally that are going to have an impact on your overall happiness. IT just is what IT is, right?
Like, you could be the most grounded human in the world, but something happens to someone you care about and all sudden, you know, happiness takes a shift, or you could be the most grounded person in the world, and you know, you're the best day of vacation on a beach with your family. Like you're happiness itself are going to go up. And I think it's just really important to continue to work in, define your grounded happiness, but also be super aware of all the little things out there that can shift IT up and down and do everything possible to just a line with those things that shift IT up and down.
Whether IT is friends, whether IT is it's actually the work you're doing, it's the places you're going, it's your nutrition, it's your sleep, whatever IT is. That's what I think really has helped me to like slowly tick that happiness level up because of the day that's the fuck. And only thing that matters that is the only thing that matters, your happiness, the people you love and and who in what energies are around you hundred percent.
is the pursuit of happiness, will Smith said IT in his movie. But I think that the unique thing about that is, just as we grow and in your life evolves, you go through experiences like happiness looks so different, and take so many different shapes and sizes and forms through where you right in your life. But at the end of the day, it's supposed to be like that, right? Life is supposed to be like that.
What brings happiness to a sixty five old and the twenty five years old? You know, maybe there are some similarities, but I think you IT should feel different. That's part of living, that's part of chances, that part of feeling emotions.
That's part of, you know, being human. And I think that that is something that be important about. So going a little weeds here from time .
in the weeds, Tyler care, and I love the episode because we talked about life. We obviously talked about love. We talked about health, we even talked about wealth.
And ah I feel like those are four big pillars of this podcast and is always good to have Tyler back on. And I will say with confidence for certainty is Better. Half tate and David got anything before you rap this up. I I think tate would .
be a would be a pretty interesting podcast guest so will keep them one on the background. But I just looked at on july nineteen, twenty, twenty one, rob, dear deck, so we going to be approaching four years this summer, which is not, so to say, aloud of having rob beard that gone. You're still doing the scale for three and a half years later, giving you some data to lead and to give you some perspective and reflection, which is what it's all about, baby. It's what it's all about.
what is all about. And we're going to reach up, rob, and do that. Another big things to guy co for sponsoring today's closing recap. Remember red to give us five stars in the reviews, maybe to tell us should we have a separate one and one episode with take you guys, let us know. And thank you for tuning into another absolute de secrets, one you can afford to miss.
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