cover of episode Understanding 'The 5 Types of Wealth' with Sahil Bloom

Understanding 'The 5 Types of Wealth' with Sahil Bloom

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Masters in Business

AI Deep Dive Transcript
Barry Ritholtz
Sahil Bloom
@Barry Ritholtz :@Sahil Bloom 的新书《五种财富》探讨了构成真正财富的多个维度,不仅仅局限于金钱。这本书深入研究了时间、社交生活、心理状态、身体健康以及财务状况,强调了这些因素共同构成了我们应该追求的全面幸福。Bloom通过个人经历,分享了他如何意识到自己过去对金钱的过度追求,导致其他重要方面的缺失,并最终如何调整生活重心,以实现更平衡和充实的人生。这本书不仅仅是一本理财指南,更是一本关于如何重新评估生活优先事项,追求更广泛意义上的财富的深刻反思。 Sahil Bloom:我曾经深信金钱是通往幸福的唯一途径,但后来我意识到这种观念是错误的。在疫情期间,我有机会反思自己的生活,发现我虽然在财务上取得了成功,但在人际关系、健康和个人目标方面却远远落后。我与父母的关系疏远,与妻子的关系也因生育问题而紧张,我的健康也因为过度工作和不健康的生活方式而受到影响。我意识到我需要改变,我开始重新评估我的优先事项,将更多的时间和精力投入到那些真正重要的事情上,比如我的家庭、我的健康和我的个人成长。这本书是我个人旅程的总结,旨在帮助读者重新定义他们对财富的理解,并采取行动来创造一个更平衡和充实的生活。

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Barry speaks with Sahil Bloom, Founder and Managing Partner of SRB Ventures, a Venture Capital focused on accelerating compelling startups. He also owns and operates SRB Holdings. Prior to SRB, Sahil spent roughly 7 years in high finance, serving as Vice President of a private equity fund with $3.5 billion in assets under management. He holds multiple degrees from Stanford University, where he also played Division I baseball. Sahil is an avid public speaker and content creator. His newsletter 'The Curiosity Chronicle' is read by over 800,000 subscribers on a weekly basis. On this episode, Barry and Sahil discuss his path through finance, his latest book The 5 Types of Wealth, and what it truly takes to live a healthier, wealthier life.

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