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Team Favorite At the Money: The Tech Behind a Crypto Future

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#blockchain and cryptocurrency#technology#personal finance and investment#investment banking People
Matt Hougan
@Matt Hougan : 我认为比特币是投资者能够以数字形式存储财富的一种方式,而无需依赖任何政府或银行。它是建立在一个名为区块链的重大技术创新之上的,这项技术经过40年的发展才得以实现。比特币在2008年和2009年取得了突破,并从那时起持续获得采用。 以太坊比比特币更复杂。如果将比特币视为数字货币,那么可以将以太坊视为在公共环境中使货币和计算可编程的一种方式。你可以在其上构建应用程序、智能合约、稳定币和其他应用程序。我认为这是一项非常令人兴奋的技术。 区块链技术使得像音乐会门票这样的资产能够实现无摩擦的可编程货币,从而解决诸如黄牛倒票等问题。加密货币能够实现无摩擦的可编程货币。你提出的问题就是一个允许货币可编程的例子。这不仅仅是音乐会门票。艺术也是如此。艺术家总是对他们出售的艺术品价格上涨百倍而自己却无法直接获益感到不满。因此,这种在艺术品之后附加收入流的想法,在区块链环境中很容易实现。 加密货币领域的监管不确定性和早期区块链技术的低效性阻碍了其主流应用。一个原因是加密货币一直笼罩在监管的阴影之下。美国证券交易委员会一直在对加密货币提起诉讼。国会也对此表示担忧。一位参议员正在组建一支反加密货币的队伍。如果你是主流公司,你会在一个参议员正在组建一支军队来摧毁你的领域建立一个新业务吗?不会。所以我们没有看到任何这样的情况。第二个原因是,直到大约一年前,区块链才速度慢且成本高。我们经历了从拨号上网到宽带互联网的转变,现在我们拥有高性能、低成本的区块链,可以执行大量交易,并且我们拥有积极的监管环境。 未来几年,加密货币的应用案例将激增,并逐渐进入主流。我认为在未来两三年内,加密货币的应用案例将会激增,这将令人难以置信。我认为它们将成为主流。你甚至在不知不觉中就会使用加密货币应用程序。我认为人们还没有意识到这一点。 加密货币技术目前正处于类似于互联网早期发展的阶段,即将进入主流。现在的情况就像1994年或1996年的互联网一样。我们开始看到一些例子。雅虎正在崛起,电子邮件正在崛起,Hotmail正在兴起,但它还没有成为主流。它即将成为主流。 稳定币是加密货币领域的一个重要应用,它使得全球范围内的人们能够更容易地访问美元等稳定货币。稳定币是加密货币领域中正在开发的杀手级应用程序之一。稳定币是一种货币市场基金,但它是在区块链上运行的,对吧?它是在区块链上访问美元的一种方式。为什么它是一个杀手级应用程序?有两个原因。首先,它使任何拥有手机的人都能在世界任何地方轻松访问美元银行账户。如果你在阿根廷或土耳其,你无法轻松访问美元银行账户,但你的货币通货膨胀率很高,你就会想要访问稳定币。这主要是在以太坊上构建的。 加密货币的保管和安全措施已经显著改善,现在主要通过受监管的合格托管机构进行。值得注意的是,这些故事听起来总是很荒谬。这些人怎么能把他们现在价值数十亿美元的密码弄丢呢?但是,请记住,当时它并不值数十亿美元。它只值几美元,对吧?有人用8万个比特币买了两个披萨。现在价值数十亿美元了。我当然希望它们很好吃。但是你必须回想一下,当时比特币的交易价格只有几美分。人们不像今天这样谨慎。但是这项技术已经得到了指数级的改进。现在,大多数人保管他们的比特币、以太坊和其他加密资产的方式是通过受监管的合格托管机构,这些机构拥有来自领先保险提供商的保险,这些保险提供商已经做了很多年了,并且有数百或数千人帮助安全地管理这些资产。这些合格托管机构的业绩记录是优秀的。 许多世界顶级投资者都在投资比特币和加密货币,这表明其价值并非完全基于投机。他们可能是对的。当然,这就是市场运作的方式。但是,世界上许多最聪明的投资者都在投资比特币和加密货币。斯坦·德鲁肯米勒正在投资加密货币。你知道,富达的阿比正在投资加密货币。贝莱德正在在这个领域建立一个庞大的业务。世界上60%最大的对冲基金持有比特币头寸。他们也可能拥有正确的观点。当我现在看待加密货币时,在我看来,它就像一项技术,它正从早期采用者转向主流,并且尚未获得这种主流关注。但从长期来看,它还没有达到成熟状态,对吧?比特币并没有与黄金并驾齐驱,对吧?以太坊并没有与亚马逊云服务并驾齐驱。我们认为它们处于折扣水平,直到它们与之并驾齐驱。我认为我们还没有达到成熟或泡沫水平。我认为我们正在接近,但我认为我们还没有达到。 许多加密货币的怀疑论者对该技术的早期负面印象根深蒂固,未能客观评估其当前发展状况。我认为他们中的许多人仍然停留在他们第一次听说比特币的时候。加密货币需要承认的一点是,许多人第一次听说比特币或加密货币时,都是以负面形象出现的。也许是FTX。也许是2014年Mt. Gox的倒闭。也许是丝绸之路和非法用途。问题是,从心理锚定的角度来看,他们对比特币的第一次印象如此负面,以至于他们无法正确地评估它。他们仍然会考虑诸如比特币的非法用途之类的问题。好吧,司法部已经出来说,比特币的非法用途非常小,以至于不值得监控。它远低于现金。所以我认为许多怀疑论者并没有评估今天的数据,因为他们对比特币和加密货币的看法仍然停留在2022年、2018年或2014年。 一些人对加密货币价格的极端预测夸大了其潜在风险,忽略了市场效率和风险因素。确实看起来他们有点像在戏弄我们。我认为他们低估了市场的效率以及市场准确评估资产价值的能力,仅仅因为比特币在过去上涨过,加密货币在过去上涨过,并不保证它将来会上涨。未来存在一些可以预见和不可预见的重大风险,我们应该考虑这些风险。存在监管风险、技术风险和采用风险。我认为可能只是过于假设比特币一定会涨到一百万美元。市场上没有这样的保证。总是有风险的。 比特币既有投资价值,也有投机成分,其价值取决于其作为价值储存手段的潜力和美元等法币的未来走势。趋势是你的朋友。这就是旧的交易台说法。所以这引出了一个非常有趣的问题。这些硬币是投资还是投机?是的,它们绝对是投资。其中一些具有投机的成分。让我举一个比特币的例子。我认为,当你投资比特币时,巴里,你是在做两个赌注。首先,你是在做一个投机性赌注,即比特币将与黄金并驾齐驱,成为一种价值储存资产。现在,它大约是黄金的10%。你是在说,我认为它会达到20%、30%、40%、50%甚至100%。第二个赌注是你正在做的,那就是美国政府有36万亿美元的债务,并且每90天就会印制另外一万亿美元。价值储存市场在未来将会变得更有价值,而比特币是其中的一部分。对我来说,这是一个基本面赌注,另一个是关于它成熟的投机性赌注。 投资者应该将比特币和以太坊等加密货币视为一种新兴技术,谨慎投资,避免盲目跟风。比特币在过去几年表现如此之好的原因是,这两个赌注都实现了。如果你有两个赌注都实现了,你知道,这不是一加一等于二。而是二乘二等于四。这是一种指数级赌注。所以其中有投机的成分,但也有一些基本面投资的成分。 总而言之,投资者应该关注各种加密货币,特别是比特币和以太坊,这是一种正在从早期采用者转向主流投资的新技术。这并不意味着你应该超配你的仓位。这并不意味着你应该超配持有比特币。把这看作一种新技术,它开始在金融和技术领域得到更广泛的采用。每个啤酒广告的结尾都是负责任地饮酒,负责任地投资。如果你想拿出你投资组合的百分之几投入比特币ETF,这没有什么可怕的。你只是不想疯狂地投入,陷入泡沫心态。这就是人们遇到麻烦的地方。

Deep Dive

This chapter defines Bitcoin and Ethereum, explaining their core functionalities and potential use cases. Bitcoin is presented as a digital store of wealth, independent of governments and banks, while Ethereum is described as a more complex platform enabling programmable money and applications.
  • Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency designed for storing wealth digitally without reliance on banks or governments.
  • Ethereum is described as programmable money, allowing the creation of applications and smart contracts.
  • The blockchain technology underlying Bitcoin took approximately 40 years to develop.

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I'm Barry Ritholtz and on today's edition of At The Money, we're going to discuss all sorts of cryptocurrencies.

To help us unpack this and what it means for your portfolio, let's bring in Matt Hogan. He's the chief investment officer at Bitwise Asset Management. The firm runs over $10 billion in clients' crypto assets. So Matt, let's start with a really basic question. What is Bitcoin? What is Ethereum? And what use cases do these coins have? Oh.

Amazing. Well, it's great to be here. Bitcoin is a crypto asset. The way I think of it is the first way that investors can store wealth in a digital format without relying on any government or any bank. It's built on a major technical innovation called the blockchain, which took 40 years to develop.

trying to figure out how to make this possible. Bitcoin broke through that in 2008, 2009, and it's been gaining steady adoption ever since.

Ethereum is something more complex than Bitcoin. If you think of Bitcoin as digital money, you can think of Ethereum as making money and compute programmable in a public setting. And you can build applications on that. You can build smart contracts. You can build stable coins. You can build other applications. I think it's a very exciting technology, but you can think of Bitcoin as digital money.

Ethereum as sort of public compute and programmable money, and you'd be pretty close to reality.

So you mentioned smart contracts. Um, I'm kind of fascinated by that. When, when we were talking about this a few years ago, the idea for smart contracts for concert tickets had come up where, Hey, Taylor Swift is unhappy that, um, in the U S scalpers are buying up their tickets, keeping them away from the fans and selling them for $5,000. Uh,

If we were to put Taylor Swift contracts on Ethereum, she could sell her tickets at $50 and whoever buys them, if they want to resell it at a higher price, she says, great, this contract says I get half of that. And so the idea is to encourage it going to fans and making it less profitable for scalpers. But even if they do scalp it, well, then the artists themselves get it.

How realistic are applications like that? And when might we see something along those lines? I love it. It's all going to happen, Barry. I think they're all realistic. Crypto enables frictionless, programmable money. So what you're raising there is an example of allowing money to be programmable. It's not just concert tickets. You could say the same thing about art.

artists are always upset that they sell their art and then it 100x in price and they don't benefit from that directly. And so this idea of attaching revenue streams downstream from it is something that you can do easily in the blockchain setting. The natural question is why hasn't it happened? If we were talking about this two years ago and it's such a great idea, why hasn't it happened? And there are two reasons for that.

One is that crypto has had a regulatory cloud hanging over it. The SEC has been launching lawsuits against crypto. There was concerns in Congress. A senator was building an anti-crypto army. If you're a mainstream corporation, are you going to build a new business in an area where a senator is building an army to crush you?

You're not. So we didn't see any of that. The second is that blockchains were slow and costly until about a year ago. Sort of we've gone through in blockchains what we went through going from dial-up to broadband internet. Now we have highly performant, low-cost blockchains that can perform a lot of transactions, and we have a positive regulatory environment.

I think you're going to see a flowering of a million use cases over the next two or three years in crypto. They're going to blow people's minds. I think they're going to go mainstream. You're going to be using crypto apps without even knowing it. And I think people haven't woken up to that reality yet. So...

You're really suggesting we're like 1993 in the internet? Is that a good frame of reference? That is exactly right. And you're seeing these crypto apps pop up and break through people's consciousness. A good example was Polymarket during the election. Oh, sure. Everyone was looking at Polymarket for the prediction odds.

on who would win the presidential election. It was in the Bloomberg terminal, right? The data from it. That was a crypto app. It could only be built on crypto. Crypto enabled it to happen. And yet no one was talking about that. So yeah, it's 1994, 1996 in the internet. We're starting to see a few examples. Yahoo's jumping up, email is jumping up, Hotmail is happening, but it hasn't gone mainstream yet.

It's about to. So it sounds like there are a lot of new use cases for things like Ethereum. Give us some other examples because you're obviously much more knowledgeable about this than I am. Stablecoins are one of the great killer apps to develop in crypto. A stablecoin is a money market fund, but on a blockchain, right? It's a way to access dollars on a blockchain. So why is that a killer app? There are two reasons. One, it puts a US bank account

at the fingertips of anyone with a cell phone, anywhere around the world. And if you're in Argentina or you're in Turkey and you can't easily access a US dollar bank account, but your currency has high inflation, you're going to want access to stablecoins. That's built primarily on Ethereum.

If you're in a sub-Saharan Africa, there's a company called Yellowcard that's using stable coins to do country to country payments between business entities. It's growing at an exceptional rate. The US dollar is a phenomenal tool and most people don't have access to it. Stable coins make that instantly accessible globally. And so I think that's

a good example of how crypto can really go mainstream at a very fast rate. So let's talk a little bit about security. I recall 10 years ago, crazy numbers, something like

A lot of hacks, a lot of thefts. And we talked previously about passwords, something like 20% or 25% of all Bitcoins have been lost because the owners either misplaced the drive it was on or misplaced the password. That sort of security issue seems to have been taken care of

as this has become financialized and you can buy coins in ETF fashions. Tell us a little bit about custody and security of crypto assets. Yeah. I mean, it's worth noting those stories always sound so ridiculous. How could these crazy people lose their passwords now worth a billion dollars? But remember, at the time, it wasn't worth a billion dollars. It was worth a few bucks, right? Somebody bought

two pizzas for 80,000 Bitcoin. That's now worth a billion dollars. I sure hope they were good. But you have to think back to then when Bitcoin was trading for a few cents. People weren't as careful as they would be today. But the technology has improved exponentially. Now, the way most people custody their Bitcoin, their Ethereum, their other crypto assets,

is through regulated qualified custodians with insurance from leading insurance providers who have been doing it this for years and have hundreds or thousands of people who help manage that securely. And the track record for those qualified custodians is sterling.

And so I think it's really improved sort of exponentially. And to give you a sense of how long that's been going on, in November 2017, there was literally an episode of the Big Bang Theory where they talked about mining coins and putting it on a drive that subsequently got lost. And back then in 2017, it was tens of thousands of dollars. Today, it's a whole lot more than that.

So I keep hearing from some skeptics who are saying this is a bubble, all these cryptocurrencies are just speculative excess. How do you respond to that? Well-

Well, you know, they may be right. Of course, that's what makes a market. But many of the smartest investors in the world are allocating to Bitcoin and crypto. Stan Druckenmiller is allocating to crypto. You know, Abbey at Fidelity is allocating to crypto. BlackRock is building a huge business in this.

60% of the world's largest hedge funds have a position in Bitcoin. It may be that those people have a right point of view as well. When I look at crypto today, it looks to me like a technology that is just crossing the chasm from early adopters to mainstream and has yet to gain that sort of mainstream attention. But long-term, it's not at a mature state, right? Bitcoin is not standing shoulder to shoulder with gold, right?

Ethereum is not standing shoulder to shoulder with Amazon cloud services. We think of them at a discounted level until they're standing shoulder to shoulder. I don't think we've reached maturity or bubble level. And I think we're getting there, but I don't think we're there yet. So let me ask you a two-sided question and you can answer them both.

What do the skeptics not understand about crypto generally? What do you think the advocates either get wrong or overemphasize? What do the skeptics not understand is a really great question. I think many of them are anchored on the first time they heard about Bitcoin. And something that crypto needs to admit is the first time many people heard about Bitcoin or crypto was in a negative light.

Maybe it was FTX. Maybe it was the collapse of Mt. Gox in 2014. Maybe it was Silk Road and illicit use. And the problem is, from a psychological anchoring perspective, they have such a negative first take on Bitcoin, they're not able to evaluate it properly. They still consider things like, what about the illicit use of Bitcoin? Well, the Department of Justice has come out and said that Bitcoin's illicit use is so small

And it's not worth monitoring. It's much lower than it is for cash. So I think many of the skeptics don't evaluate where the data is today because they're taking a 2022 or 2018 or 2014 view of Bitcoin and crypto. I mean, we've seen some pretty extreme forecasts on prices that kind

kind of raise red flags when people are talking about, you know, a million or five million as a Bitcoin target. It seems like they're trolling us a bit. It does seem like they're trolling us a bit. I think they underestimate the efficiency of markets and the ability of markets to accurately value what an asset is just because Bitcoin has gone up in the past

and crypto has gone up in the past does not guarantee that it will go up in the future. And there are significant foreseeable and unforeseeable risks in the future that we should think about. There are regulatory risks, there are technology risks, there are adoption risks.

And I think there's probably just too much sort of assumption that there is a manifest destiny of Bitcoin going to a million. There is no such guarantee in the market. There's always risk. Well, the trend is your friend. That's the old trading desk statement. So that leads to a really interesting question.

Are these coins an investment or are they a speculation? Yeah, they're absolutely an investment. And some of them have elements of speculation. Let me give you an example of Bitcoin. I think when you're investing in Bitcoin, Barry, you're making two bets. One, you're making a speculative bet that Bitcoin will stand shoulder to shoulder with gold as a store of value asset. Right now, it's about 10% of gold. You're saying, I think it'll be 20, it'll be 30, it'll be 40, it'll be 50, it'll be 100.

The second bet you're making is that the US government has $36 trillion of debt and is printing another trillion every 90 days. The store of value market is going to become more valuable in the future, and Bitcoin is a piece of that. To me, that's a fundamental bet, and the other one is a speculative bet about it maturing.

The reason Bitcoin's performed so well over the last handful of years is both of those have come true. And if you have two bets that are both coming true, you know, it's not one plus one. It's two times two equals four. It's sort of an exponential bet. So there's elements of speculation, but there are elements of fundamental investing behind these crypto assets as well.

So to wrap up, investors should pay attention to the various coins, in particular Bitcoin and Ethereum, as a new technology that is crossing the chasm from early adopter towards mainstream investing. It doesn't mean that you...

outsize your position. It doesn't mean that you oversize holding Bitcoin. Think about this as a new technology that is starting to be adopted more broadly in the world of both finance and technology. And every beer commercial ends with drink responsibly, invest responsibly. If you want to take a few percentage of your portfolio and throw it into a Bitcoin ETF, there's nothing terrible about that.

You just don't want to go hog wild and get sucked into the bubble mentality. That's where people run into trouble. Thanks, Matt. This has really been interesting. I'm Barry Ritholtz. You've been listening to Bloomberg's At The Money.

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