cover of episode Jonathan Clements Explains Why Dying is Hard Work

Jonathan Clements Explains Why Dying is Hard Work

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Masters in Business

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jonathan Clements
@Jonathan Clements : 我在华尔街工作多年,积累了丰富的个人理财经验,也写过很多关于投资和理财的专栏文章。去年我被诊断出患有晚期肺癌,这让我对人生和金钱有了新的认识。我意识到,人生是有限的,我们应该珍惜当下,享受生活,同时也要为未来做好规划。在投资方面,我始终坚持指数基金投资策略,并建议大家不要过度担忧市场波动。在理财方面,我建议大家量入为出,不要负债过多,并根据自身情况制定理财计划。我的癌症诊断让我更加珍惜与家人朋友共度时光,也让我更加乐意花钱。虽然我仍然关注财务安全,但我更注重的是享受生活,并为家人留下足够的遗产。 在面对死亡时,我们需要做好遗产规划,整理好自己的财务状况,以便家人能够轻松处理。这包括制定遗嘱、授权委托书,并关闭不必要的账户。我还建议大家与家人沟通财务状况,并提前做好税务规划,以减少家人未来的税务负担。 总而言之,我的经历让我更加深刻地理解了金钱与幸福的关系。金钱可以帮助我们避免经济上的担忧,获得做自己热爱事情的自由,以及与家人朋友共度美好时光。但金钱并非万能的,真正的幸福在于珍惜当下,享受生活,并为未来做好规划。 @Barry Ritholtz : 作为一名金融记者和播客主持人,我与Jonathan Clements进行了深入的访谈,探讨了个人理财、投资策略以及如何平衡当下与未来等话题。Jonathan Clements的经历和观点为我们提供了宝贵的经验和启示。他强调了指数基金投资策略的优势,以及在市场波动时保持冷静和理性的重要性。他还分享了他在晚期癌症诊断后,如何调整自己的生活方式和理财策略,更加注重享受生活和与家人共度时光。他的故事提醒我们,人生是有限的,我们应该珍惜当下,并为未来做好规划。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores Jonathan Clements's career journey, from his early interest in financial journalism to his work at Euromoney, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. It also delves into his experience at Citigroup and his role in promoting index funds during a time when active management dominated.
  • Clements's father was a financial journalist, influencing his career path.
  • Early career at Euromoney and Forbes, covering mutual funds and star managers.
  • Advocacy for index funds at The Wall Street Journal, despite editorial pushback.
  • The role of ETFs in the rise of indexing.

Shownotes Transcript

Barry speaks with Jonathan Clements, Founder and Editor of the HumbleDollar and veteran personal finance columnist for the Wall Street Journal. He wrote over a thousand columns for the Journal and for the Wall Street Journal Sunday before spending six years as Citigroup's Director of Financial Education. He also held positions at Euromoney and Forbes. Jonathan is the author of 9 personal finance books including "My Money Journey" and "From Here to Financial Happiness." He received a Stage 4 Lung Cancer diagnosis last year, an experience he's used to expound on the relationship between money, well-being, and life satisfaction.

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