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At the Money: Compounding Health and Wealth

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Masters in Business

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#mind-body health#fitness and health#nutrition and diet#mental health and psychology#personal finance and investment#sleep#nutrition#diet and exercise#emotional health#emotional resilience and self-care#love#wealth and social networks#emotional management#stress management through nutrition People
Barry Ritholtz
Phil Pearlman
@Barry Ritholtz : 我认为财富管理和健康管理之间存在着惊人的相似之处。我们资源有限,时间有限,都想最大化资源回报,这在财富和健康方面都适用。 我们都了解财富如何随着时间的推移而产生复利效应,但你是否知道你的健康也可以产生复利效应呢?通过对个人健康的持续投入,我们可以获得累积的回报,这与财富管理中的复利效应非常相似。 在节目的最后,我们总结了财富管理和健康管理的相似性,小的改进随着时间的推移会累积起来,最终带来更好的结果和更幸福的生活。 @Phil Pearlman : 健康管理和财富管理的核心相似之处在于,人们常常做出不利于自身长远利益的决定。在健康方面,我们可以看到肥胖、糖尿病和高血压等问题的日益严重,这反映了人们在健康决策上的不足。 健康和财富管理是同一枚硬币的两面,都影响着我们的未来,而我们并不总是做出最佳决定。因此,我们需要找到方法来抵消这些不利的影响。 健康,如同财富一样,具有复利效应。循序渐进的改善,会带来加速增长的益处,即使在50或60岁以后也适用。我们可以从小事做起,例如散步、慢跑、减少甜食等,这些小的改变会随着时间的推移产生累积效应。 良好的健康管理可以从四个要素入手:营养、运动、睡眠和人际关系。运动对健康至关重要,因为它影响着所有四个要素,并能提升呼吸效率、肌肉质量和骨密度,从而降低全因死亡率,延长寿命。 营养如同汽车的燃料,高质量的食物和饮料能使身体更好地运作,提供能量和构建身体所需的蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物。 良好的新陈代谢健康能提升情绪控制能力和压力耐受性,让人更快乐,减少抑郁。 健康的生活方式能改善认知功能,因为身心是统一的整体,改善身体健康会同时改善大脑功能。哈佛研究表明,社会关系和爱也对健康和寿命有重要影响。 无论何时开始关注健康都不算晚,可以从小事做起,循序渐进。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the surprising parallels between wealth management and health management, highlighting how we often make decisions that are not in our best interest when it comes to our health, similar to financial decisions. It emphasizes the importance of long-term care for both wealth and health.
  • Humans don't always act in their own best interest.
  • Obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure are on the rise.
  • Health and wealth management affect our future selves.

Shownotes Transcript

We understand how wealth compounds over time, but did you know you can also compound your health? Phil Pearlman, former Chief Behavioral Officer at the Bank of the Ozarks and founder of the Pearl Institute speaks with Barry Ritholtz about the parallels between wealth and health management.

Each week, “At the Money” discusses an important topic in money management. From portfolio construction to taxes and cutting down on fees, join Barry Ritholtz to learn the best ways to put your money to work.

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