cover of episode Save a Dime or Save Your Time: How Far Is Too Far?

Save a Dime or Save Your Time: How Far Is Too Far?

logo of podcast Smart Money Happy Hour with Rachel Cruze and George Kamel

Smart Money Happy Hour with Rachel Cruze and George Kamel

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
George Kamel
Rachel Cruze
Rachel和George讨论了在省钱和节省时间之间如何做出权衡。Rachel认为,省钱是否值得取决于时间成本,而George则强调了机会成本的重要性。他们通过一些具体的例子,例如在多家杂货店购物、使用促销代码、寻找便宜的停车位、自己去取餐以及购买大包装商品等,探讨了这些行为的利弊。他们一致认为,节俭应该适度,过分节俭会浪费时间,而预算可以帮助人们在便利性和省钱之间取得平衡。他们还讨论了快速还清债务的重要性以及在自驾游和飞机出行之间的选择。最后,他们总结道,需要在省钱和生活质量之间取得平衡,并根据个人优先级设定界限。 在节俭方面,Rachel和George有不同的观点。Rachel更注重利用促销信息和寻找优惠来省钱,而George则更愿意为了节省时间而多花钱。例如,Rachel更倾向于在多家杂货店购物以寻找最优惠的价格,而George则更愿意选择离家近的杂货店,即使价格略贵一些。在使用促销代码方面,George更积极主动,而Rachel则相对被动。在停车方面,George更愿意寻找便宜的停车位并步行,而Rachel则更倾向于选择方便的停车位,即使价格略贵一些。在送餐方面,Rachel更倾向于自己去取餐,而George则更愿意使用送餐服务。在购买商品方面,George更喜欢购买大包装商品,而Rachel则更关注商品的保质期。在旅行方面,Rachel更倾向于乘坐飞机,而George则更愿意自驾游,除非飞行成本远低于自驾成本。总的来说,Rachel和George都强调了在省钱和节省时间之间取得平衡的重要性,但他们的侧重点有所不同。

Deep Dive

Rachel and George discuss the balance between saving money and valuing time, introducing the concept of opportunity cost. They explore whether extreme frugality is worth sacrificing valuable time and propose using a budget to guide spending decisions.
  • Opportunity cost is a factor in saving money decisions.
  • Extreme frugality can lead to sacrificing valuable time.
  • A budget helps determine if the convenience of spending more is worth it.

Shownotes Transcript

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On a scale of “water only at restaurants” to “extreme couponing,” how far would you go to save? Rachel and George weigh in on what savings hacks are really worth your time.


Next Steps:

·     🎥 Watch our video Cheapskate or Resourceful? A Wake-Up Call With Sharon Ramsey)

·     📱Submit a Guilty As Charged question for Rachel and George! Send a DM to @rachelcruze or @georgekamel on Instagram! Be sure to type “GUILTY?” at the top of your message so we don’t miss it.

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**Today’s Happy Hour Special: 🥧 **Caramel Apple Pie Mocktail

Recipe: Merry About Town)


·     6 cups apple cider

·     1/2 cup caramel syrup

·     3 cups sparkling water

·     2 tsp cinnamon

·     2 apples

·     6 rosemary sprigs

·     Brown sugar (for rim)

Instructions: Mix apple cider and caramel syrup in a pitcher and add cinnamon. Add thinly sliced apples and rosemary sprigs and let sit for 20 minutes. Pour sparkling water into the pitcher and mix. Rim a glass with brown sugar, pour mocktail, and enjoy!

** **

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