cover of episode 25 Life-Changing Tech Purchases You Need to Try

25 Life-Changing Tech Purchases You Need to Try

logo of podcast Smart Money Happy Hour with Rachel Cruze and George Kamel

Smart Money Happy Hour with Rachel Cruze and George Kamel

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
George Kamel
Rachel Cruze
Rachel Cruze 认为科技产品可以提升生活质量,例如智能秤可以帮助人们追踪健身进度,了解身体成分变化。她还推荐了 Roomba 扫地机器人、sous vide 烹饪器、电动牙刷等产品,认为它们可以提高生活效率和品质。George Kamel 则分享了他使用 Google Home 广播功能进行家庭沟通、使用智能家居设备提升生活便利性的经验,并推荐了行车记录仪、Radarscope 天气应用等产品。他还提到了利用 PriceLine Express 等比价工具可以节省开支。

Deep Dive

Rachel and George discuss various tech purchases that have significantly improved their lives, from smart scales to Alexa devices.
  • Smart scales provide detailed health metrics beyond just weight.
  • Alexa devices offer convenience for daily tasks and entertainment.
  • Smart home devices like Ring doorbells and smart bulbs enhance home security and convenience.

Shownotes Transcript


Guys, i'm very to cruise. I'm George camel, and this is .

smart money. Happy hour here storage. All in a cup. This is a terminal .

best a man. Folia, thank you. Well, well, this is the show. We're two friends who happen to many experts talk about what you're talking about, everything from pop culture or current .

events and money and what we talking about today.

And I have a George might be one of my protest moments.


Because I have found some tech logy apps that have helped me in my life. And I sound like you, but I am not being converted to this .

idea that technology can help us. Something makes no. Well.

to be very other text stuff you convince product that you love.

which makes you attack influencer.

Now oh my god, there's so much ck by guys because there some great things out there in the world that will help your life.

And we're to talk about IT first, we are sipping on a sentiment spiced orgin time. Martel, that is T H Y M E.

You're not .

confused. It's really good. So sick ground, if you like mock tails because we're going to give you the rating and reveal the cost per glass at the end.

I will talk about the first peace of the technology that I influences you on. George? yes.

So there is a scale out there. You guys that you can buy IT like thirty dollars, something expensive. You step on IT and you wait. And apparently there's .

like way electro magnetic .

senses what? Bb, and then you have an APP and IT breaks down. Read you all.

wow. Very vulnerable to really .

my numbers. Oh god, no. But IT taxes about body fat, BMI, skeletal muscle, muscle mass, muscle storage ability, level protein, B, M, R, fat, free body weight, sub.

do you think they started making some up?

But this at body, body water percentage, bone mass, your metal olic, age?

Oh, wow. yeah. Can you tell .

us if your .

meta logan.

yeah, of all the stuff, and i've been working out.

i'm thirty four, Younger than you actually .

years Younger. I know sometimes it's not like a doctor that's doing this, right. It's not like super scientific.

So I give yourself some little bit of Grace in the numbers, I think but it's so helpful and it's amazing because i'm in my workout era but IT is fun to see like progress, right? Just like you're money, you wants to see progress. That's why the dead snowballs paying your that's of small storage st because you want that progress.

The same with helps really like oh my god, to actually working like i'm saying muscle mass yeah I don't know. It's really fun. I like that one and you convinced me to buy IT. Yeah what do you think about IT .

might i'm just confused for so long I just got on a scale and I told me one number.


little did I know. There was another world available. My fingertips at my, at my toes is IT helpful.

Your age? Oh.

I haven't checked, so I am. I'm thirty five as of this recording OK .

that could change .

birthday OK, you were fine. Oh, here we go see. You were two years Younger than your actual age? Yes, meta, all page thirty two.

I've three year differently. Well, i'm feeling pretty good about myself now. Otherwise i'm a boomer. I am the Youngest living boomer at a heart. Oh yeah, yeah.

still got IT. yes. So anyways, there is so yeah technologies, apps, purchases that can actually enhance your life.

So but he feels like every day we're being marketed to and there's another version of the tech that we now need, there's A V four that's even Better. And if you have v three is trash. And so we want to cut through some of that noise and give you our honest thoughts on what is worth the cost when IT comes to technology and not just you know don't think just digital and apps, all kinds of things going to get into today.

So let's start go first. Yeah, kk, even on a big conspiracy theory, this doesn't .

what this .

doesn't corporate with IT. But I live alexa.

We have zones elect devices.

yes. And we're always like Alice.

What's the weather today? You just trigger like a thousand xx on the so true.

okay, her name? What time is IT her name? Will you play the goodness of god by bell? Love that song I don't know but like if you're in the kitchen you're like that I needed some music. I need to know the time or the weather or like what's what's .

the weird flex a and he answered, appropriate twenty four you anything weird .

do you ask her? Um yeah the kids, i'll have rain questions and they would like ask some. They are like dinosaurs like a does SHE know yes, you using dev is and then you can play, are you smarter than a face grater with her? And that's pretty n because you know like yes, there's some like .

anyways and that makes you feel good to .

be smarter than that. I don't know. She's just it's a helpful gadget in our house service we don't use to shop with like some people like tell her like buy more of this and like him, we don't do that but just haven't her around for music and o'clock.

Well, we're we're a google home family because we have distrust of large corporations. I am kidding.

Just like google talk about this.

The joke, Rachel say both owns o in different ways. But here's my favorite thing that we do is we use the broadcast feature and so we can say, he name broadcast and wait me from another room in the house will say, broadcast. Hey, can you give me two pacifiers in the nurse? I'll here from the bathroom. K .


And that really has been the most helpful communication tool in our marriage. Cause I can hear her. She's as the whispers, little voice, so her yelling, I still can here across the room, you know. So anyways, there we go.

That's a good one. I love, I love a rig, so IT still use .

a current.

Winston will make poor over coffee, say, maybe four times a week.

like a good american. yeah.

Would the man? I still, I think he takes good, the correct to me takes good.

But I think that should give you pause as to how good your taste mean, if you cracked open chef boy R. D, and you're like, this is some of the best pieta.

I've some of the best way.

only ever I would, we would all go OK.

I really wanted do blind taste us with you because you always rag on the curig. I'd bet if I had a curig, and like two other types of coffee.

I don't know if you know .

that you could. Sml, here's another technology that I love. We should use IT as a much recent. But back in the day .

when we had our dog that shed.

we use IT a lot, the roomba. Oh, that's a good fun bot.

That's a vacuum like a house warming.

After we closed, i've heard one .

horse story from my friend. Oh no, i'm about a roomba. Oh, did you pick up dog pool? pick. That's always .

my greatest fear spread IT all over those so bad, so bad. I was not good. But other than that, I think it's A, I think it's a great piece .

because you can see schedules IT maps the house like all, especially the neural and our fancy. I can't run IT because my dog thinks it's trying to like murder so he attacks that we can't run IT if the dogs around h are always and he's always around.

yeah just the one dog.

Is that yes, the one dog, okay, blue. The boy, he doesn't like anything that moves or make sound, which makes IT difficult. So like even a little roller can use that.

And around him, or a baby.

well, the baby is fine. Okay, well.

anything back.

anything kind of move back and forth mechanically, makes a big sound. Leaf flowers in spring clears pretty everything here.

here talks are so how many? Yes um OK a crack pot. We use this all the time. So there's like the crockpot, the instated t in the air fire.

I have all three.

You do that. I only have the car. Was you like the best?

Because I use the most is the airfield, kay, easy to review.

talk about.

I don't have a traditional area fire like the thing you just kind of like pull out in the basket. Mine is like a little french store stainless .

steel .

guess from .

costco course.

So I enjoy that, but I don't need to get back. It's part season. And Kelly Daniel, I was sitting next at lunch and he had this tiny crock pot warmer that made for individual meals. You bring IT to work, you plug IT in, no need to go to microwave, and is eating IT up for you over two hours while at work and then at lunchtime is ready you put get in like done .

stairs s so like at your desk you're like, great, don't tell building services but .

at my desk breaking the ranking .

and you just log in does IT takes a couple hours, can't smell anything because is your last and then your food is ready that's well done so you got crackpots, my favorite. You can get that for like you know fifty, sixty box air fares more expensive. You know it's like seventy dollars. They put cheaper over time .

as we've gotten more time. But your incipit is like can .

go up you know anywhere from eighty, two hundred and three thousand and .

people swear by the instagram. I just I haven't have got ten over learning of how to use IT what to use IT for all yeah OK. You know any other one I fell forward, I have not used is the sevier .

winds increase to vies .

that loves at stake.

And people claim when he makes stake and they come over that it's like some of the best they've had. You get IT to perfection.

to the perfect medium river and then at the end.

yeah then you see IT so like he'll do like the Green eggs and so smoke IT like he'll or the just the girl and it's prety fantastic. And how do you chicken the same way? And then he'll fear .

IT because my greatest fear is overcooking slash under cooking chicken.

Yes, and the chicken is .

like perfect either way, it's ruined because i'm either like i'm going to die from salmonella or I will not get through this robbery mess. And I know I vow and I will never cook chicken again.

right? right? That that's .

what I vow. And then .

every time .

I end up to.

and I don't just cut that looks right?

You don't do a based on looks. How many are you all? You should look at .

a pieces chicken. You can cut IT like that way to pink .

in the center of a pink. It's all about temperature because some chicken looks pink. Like if you smoke chicken, for example.

never died.

You have a good point. You have never die. That's all the.

all the proof I need. I you know what a chicken and make a lot of chicken.

okay. And I but I think the we could change that for me.

Yeah, but the .

view is it's .

a little process. okay? But then he is an APP for IT.

There's an APP. There's an APP for the suffit is crazy. IT is crazy. So you cooking.

there's a whole bunch that just there this one.

this one is me. okay? Yeah, this is you in winston, because all the smart technology around the house, I don't get IT, I don't need to get IT, but IT is to sleep in to, when I tell, giving me all of yours. We have as much as you, you.

we, I lumped all these together as sort of smart home hands free devices. So this includes ah you know ring door bell. One of those we have like the next google one h smart bulbs are everywhere.

If there is, if there is a bow in a lamp like you know I keep them all on smart devices so that I can turn everything off with one button or just talking to a google, yes, that changes the game thermostat control. again. You can do that by voice or by the APP with nest google garage opener.

I do that from my phone I have on schedule, so I forget to close. Automated was at nine P. M.

Every night. And the fun thing is I never Carry a key. I don't own a house key. I don't have a car key.


So I use my phone to turn on the car .

and unlock the front door.

And I have, yeah, my phone unlocked the front door. The garage actually opens as I pull my car up to the garage.

No auto.

You can set that up with your car. No, I will teach you.

Oh my gosh.

it's like IT. The house is awaiting .

my arrival. IT feels like smart .

house when I did me. Yes, that's my dream, is we're all .

just trying to get back .

to that reality that in the lock on the door, so just key pad and so there is no, I don't need, as you can tell, and these skinny jeans .

I can fit there.

There is no room. So those have changed my life. And it's my one thing. If I was going to upgrade your life.

I say, how that cost.

would you say, well, I also have the cameras, so depending how many cameras you have, so I front door bell, one of the backyard, there's some inside the house, like living room, things like that nursery camera, all of that could run you. I would say a thousand bucks, i'll get you, like set up, okay? Two thousand bugs. Or change your family tree, okay? Yeah, that's the game change, your lover.

I should know this are the apps like the great door APP that we have? I do we pay a scription for that?

no. okay. I hope you don't. If you got no, the only of the subscription is nest has one to be able to watch all the camera footage yeah on multiple. These companies make money.

if not paying .

for IT the garage one.

you pay for the product and you do pay, okay? So we paid something.

You paid something for the actually product or always built in when you build t your house. A lot of times the builder includes some of the tech feature.

and that's just like a thing up in your garage.

So rather than that, I don't pay for thermostat control spt into the product to smart bulbs.

pay for yeah smart .

will be you can now get really cheap from costco or sams club. You don't need to get like crazy fancy name brand. They all have wifi capability and it'll say works with google homer or works for the next. That was just a good five minutes sort of text summary.

I appreciate that, George good.

and those really have changed. I will say that .

is the number one.

probably the best part of my life other than my wife, children and dogs. Our men of convenience, I say love, love and can be even the noise machines. I have everything on smart plugs, so I want to get underneath and turn on the machine. I D say, hey, name turn on Christmas .

section is we had smart plugs for that exactly. And that was smart. We is that all goes off like seven pm or whatever .

again on a schedule. So at sundown and Christmas lites automatically turn on and I sun up, the automatically .

turn long gone to .

the days of dad running out there. You unplugged in nineteen things, foot things. No, I can go all day.

okay? We keep going because the smart phone technology is there is a lot there is kind of what we're just talking about, but there are things on the phone that make our .

lives Better to number one attached to the phone or not attached is wireless charging. And you're a fan of that.

You just said IT right there. yes. And then IT goes a little Green light around you. It's charging and you're good to go. Yes, great. Stead like this would be meet back in the day you're relying in a Better, and I don't want to get out of bed to find that. So I throw half my body down on the ground, and I rummaged to the ground, wo in my court, and then I to hoist myself back.

I do like cord organza. You can attach onto your bedside table and I will came the court there. But I do think long phone charges like getting in the extension .

cable or just getting travel to me when that i'm not using, but a lot of people are ChatGPT.

We did.

I think we were on the front end of this technology because we did a mart money happy our episode about jt ChatGPT right like you on the cuts of IT like a year ago. Maybe it's been out longer, but I still don't use IT.

It's not to go to for me. I use IT to if I have a bunch of notes. Yes, I will use that to summarize.

I'll used to kind of give me some ideas. I'll used to add things up. I just have a long list of numbers, and I don't want to figure out excel, just say he add these up. And so I use that for a lot of any of things, recipes, meal planning, grocery less.

I mean this I use the note APP for all.

That's fine. But if I was like, hey, give me ten gluten free recipes for a crock pot that involved chicken and steak IT was a and it's right based on that, give me a grocery list that I can use that all the or coca and I can copy in place into my note and how into a shop yeah .

that's that's very so .

that kind of stuff. Just think about anything that would save you time that you .

don't want to ask your spouse for so worth that you go. Here's some maps that I love that I wish we had. Like back in the day, I going to make life easier vmu for payments, for payments with friends like you're splint payments, you're got to pay someone you don't have cash always.

So it's like a yeah let me just demo with you, uber and left as well as more are you? Are you over a left? I am a man of frugality.

so I will check both every time you will, and I will choose the cheaper option.

Is that usually pretty competitive?

I would say to lately, uber been a little cheaper for some reason. I used to be the opposite. I would find lift was a little bit cheaper. But uber now they have different versions, like, hey, if you're willing to wait up to twenty minutes, it'll be cheaper, or you're willing to share ride.

which I would never do.

That makes me so nervous. Well, here's the hack. I do IT knowing known, sharing a ride in the suburbs.

So in the big city, sure, maybe. Yes, waiting. And I did this when we travel in. Same for cisco. And we just said lives and we'd always use shared ride because I was cheaper.

And there was, I think, maybe one time out of ten, there was someone in the car in the first short distance. Okay, okay. And they get in the front and we get the back and it's fine.

Yes, it's quick drop off, no deal. So but they are great and very convenient. What is the threshold for you when IT comes to requesting a payment on vendor? Like if it's less than five bucks, don't even bother than moving.

Yeah, I only go. Twenty bugs, ow.

oh, so if I borrows nineteen ninety nine, you don't about IT.

Well, the use that comes up is like if we have like a bunch of pizzas and like two other families come over or whatever and something like, ah yeah yeah well just vin mo you are part of you know usually might I always fine because IT usually end up being in mind twenty thirty books in a like .

because piece is pretty ap, and you're just like, let me just be generous and fine. It's fine. Yes, I think IT depends on the friend. Some friends really don't care like just went mommy for the fourteen dollars for the movie ticket, something like that request or and we move on with life ah for certain things IT just feels like I way out. Is this worth?

yes. okay. I will say I bit like seven movie tickets for a bunch of girlfriends.

We went yeah and saw IT hundred .

ds IT ins with us together yeah. And I did. I think that ended up being like fourteen without mad night. So I think that ended up being less than twenty, but I did text them out because they were like, come to, we owe you OK out to be like fourteen bucks a ticket.

If you purchase someone triple I, you could have save big Rachel because then you .

a triple I member. I heard I A triple a member, but i'm also the, I signed up for the movie theatre membership.

AMC stop. Yeah, okay, tell me about how that's change. Don't pay for.

you know, if they give you a discount.

Yeah, I check again. No.

they do. If you, if you buy certain number of tickets.

you buy four tickets, the way of the convenience fee.

George, I am saving money. Can I tell you something .

I did that I went to the theater to buy the ticket in person for a show the next day to avoid the convenience fee.

and the convenience is White, like a dollar night. It's like three dollars at three dollars. And we did go to a rockies game where and in over with the kids and I bought everything through ticket master. And I don't buy tickets a lot. That's not like I don't someone that like goes to cons, I don't use take a master often and now I know what little bcs about because I like .

paid per ticket .

like you I mean IT I mean I think was hundred dollars.

You like twenty five percent of your ticket or thirty percent fees.


anything all right. Here's one that um recently came into my life and i'm excited to use IT more and as we cook more and it's africa .

o yeah my brain.

Later, Tyler, tell me about this. And what's really cool is you know you see those um instagram recipes that look really good and like Whitney, i'll send them to me. I'll send me wonder her and out there we just sit there and like the messages or I save him to a collection.

What was cool about this APP as you can go to share, copy the link, you pay IT into the browser and perrico and he download and IT brings in the recipe into the recipe APP in create grocery, alas, from there. So it's kind of a recipe keeper. If you weell digitally, yeah, and you can copy and past things, you find our websites, and it's a game changer.

So we can talk about apps without food because food and apps like come hand in hand these days. So order ahead. Apps against the card is one that my family we use. And we're actually using less than less of just because IT has gone pretty expensive. But you have like, yep, tip delivery fee and then there's a lot that goes into IT.

You can get into a lot of the stores on there charge more pro item order. Costco, we're going to up charge every item like ten.

twelve percent yeah, are paying a lot more, I know. So we compared our grocery budget for like a week's worth of groceries and IT was like fifty sixty dollars less. So again, you're in a season that you need the convenience.

Like I felt we were like that for a little bit and I was out. It's like you pay IT IT was worth. I just have a girls y right there. But now, yeah, we're shifting.

wow. yeah. I use IT more like chaotic situations, emergency situations where I really very difficult to leave. You have a big strain on the family to for someone to go out.

right? right? Yes.

here's another one. Weather apps. What is your weather APP of choice?

Oh my gosh. H read our scope and I pay .

a but this is like .

the hard core weather APP because all the national weather service radars. So they're like all and you all come up.

you know even know what you're looking at. Sometimes they hurt my face.

No, they are great. how? And IT is so helpful because I am terrified of tornados and all the things like, here we go.

Oh, wow, that's yeah.

And then you can see this, but then he gets really nerdy. And then you can go in and change like the velocity and stuff, and then it'll show you like different type. Yeah, I mean, a goes, a goes rooty. But yeah, I don't do tornadoes. I like Helen hance that like something traumatic up into my childhood.

You actually like main? I don't do. Main is like, no one does not know. I get into IT.

Some are just see the movie twister.

Some people are twister faster.

I ter, and that was actually great. Twister was great to, no, but I I don't do. I don't like him because we anxiety. I don't storms. I don't win storms. So this gives me a level of control when I feel like is perceived control by having knowledge of the radar and knowing what is going on because it's very hell. Because you can also see like where the winds are going, and that's the key for torne atos because if the Green and the rest are colliding, that's where circulation happens and that's what to do is possible. So we're always .

what you thought about metro logic.

like on the news out of my own anxiety.

Maybe I think you'd be great because you'd good like coming .

us when things are crazy and things great.

you'd have a lot of fun with Green screen.

Yes, it's just Sunny. Yes, Sunny .

day yet .

may. Yeah, open to shoes are so good for the season. You're fine.

You're fine. That's the weather that we need.

That is the weather. You have the weather.

if you like. I used the weather channel, but I hate the ads, but i'm also unwilling to pay. Yes OK. So it's time upgrade. I do hate with every fiver, my being the apple weather APP.

Oh, terrible what I do. Apple, anything? I don't like the maps. I like the .

weather that was made for a seven year old, like, do you know? Could be sunshine? This is not. I'll give me more here.

Give me more. Hey, do you know what apple does have in this? I sage money.

George, let me tell you this. This is some girl math. Come on.

I say money. So i'm into walking now. I want to get my steps in. I'm trying to five days a week.

I'm trying to. How many steps can you tell us? Go thousand.

And so I was like, I need to count my steps so I go and download an APP. And of course, it's like a seven day free trial and then you pay for the early subscription, which was like thirty box. And like, you know, this is my new thing.

So like i'll pay for someone use IT. So I download the sap free trial. And then I remember that apple has a health APP or health, yes.

So I had deleted IT because I wasn't in my health era back then. So I like, took IT off my phone and I went back and bounded, put IT back on. And do you know IT .

still was tracking my steps.

even if if you deleted that, which I thought, oh my god, I am going to save. I want to save money. So then I went back into the APP that I had just downloaded, went down unsubscribe. But I said, you still have six days and twelve out.

what's? what's?

yes. But when you go on, so go to your apple and a health, the hearts, you click on IT and you could to see how many steps. So it's so how when is free save money going to go that thirty dollars? I can go no neck less.

If you just asked me, I could have told you that apple health tracks your steps. But you know.

okay, here's one changing .

gears that I love is audible. Me too. I've been listening to Michael Richard to his cramer on sign field.

He has a big memory. It's like nine thousand pages. And so he reads IT. And so I always love to hear the author read IT and tell the stories. And so I need deeper in that.

And right now, and the audible, you know, you get a credit at seven ninety five per months after your first thirty days and spotify premium. Also, as audio box built into the subscription, you can listen to a certain number of audio books, including the audio book of hour books. Oh yes, that we get ourselves.

That's true. So we are there. Check IT out. If you're on spotify, you don't want to pay extra quality pain. But I love that's a great APP because i'm not a big reader. Like to listen as I handle a baby and a walking around the house.

So i'm usually a book person, but i've got unable recently, and I was into a september eleven book on this, and I had all the audio like of IT here. So yes, and IT was changed, change. IT does yes, because some books, I think are Better audio.

So you know, another subscription that I love delete me. That's a one. I mean, fantastic. If you guys don't realize how often your data is being sold on the internet, it's unbelievable.

And this is from your home address, email name, I me yeah, cell phone number, homework one number. I mean, all of IT is being sold to data brokers who then yeah are taking IT and reselling IT and making money off of your information. So getting your info off the internet is so important.

Yeah, I know a lot of people, especially with election season, they start getting so many spam emails and spam text. And all the older people in your life too, they're very acceptable to some of these camp. So is a great way to protect you and your family.

You can go check that out and join delete me, dog calm slash smart money and you'll get twenty percent off any of their plans. And this has been a great tool that makes me sleep Better at night because I know my stuff sound out there. And if IT is delete me, working hard to remove IT. So the link is in the description as well.

If you want to check IT out, you make. Are you guys the holidays are onna, be here before you know IT and you need some gift ideas .

and please just say no to the William Nelson ga pet or planters. The electric tooth brushes, the smoke summer sausage by you can do Better and we want to help you.

Yes, and we love you guys, and we want you to buy gifts to the people that you love that actually are good quality items.

stuff that are going years and this holiday season. You can tell your love ones, you really love them with gifts to help them sleep Better. Thanks to our friends at cozy earth.

kai earth is a fantastic company. You guys, I mean, the products they have are incredible. I love their sheet. They literally feel like silk, but they're not because they don't trap in the heat of like some silk sheet are known like.

help you cool and keep you.

Yes, you mean there are amazing. Their pajamas are fantastic. I have a pair of jobs from them that are so soft. And I love IT. My new .

favorite item is their giant cuttle blanket. And I think, do we have one in here?

I think through.

thank you. T oh my god. So this is the mammoths oversize throw blanket.

And let me tell you, I feel safe. I feel seen. I feel loved. I feel warm. Imagine, like the biggest flutist dog you've ever seen came up and just cuddled you without shutting, with no shouting.

And we can see, honestly, it's like, it's amazing years heavy IT feels. Waiter, blanket.

if I could go back in time and give this two N S come out, I would, they would survive. Any harsh winter was coming .

there with that, know you just think about cuddling and softness this fall in front of fireplaces and coco, and this is the blanket for you and .

they're given our listeners and amazing and discount.

Yes, they are. So if you use the code smart money at check out, you get forty percent off you guys. That's a time.

So you can go to cosier dog comm flash smart money. And also, George, that includes there are ten year warranty on all their bedding, which is pretty impressive yeah. So it's incredible because they .

are dark com flash smart money, use code smart money. And when you get the post purchase survey, because I know you're going to buy IT and love IT, you can say you heard .

about kai earth on smart money.

Happier would be fantastic.

So great. Yeah, let's do IT. Let's do con travel technology and let hygiene tech two, that's out there.

Is that a personal danger you set? IT.

like, let's do some hydrant. Think .

that would be good. Arman, mini, so you barely can see. IT, okay, in the car.

And IT goes right behind my review. Mayor, yeah. And IT records everything. And so if I were to be an accident, IT would record IT.

And I got this because I wasn't an accident a decade ago, and I had no way I was my word versus hers about what happens this fault was. And so this will help you h to avoid some very expensive insurance claims down the road that could hurt you in your premium. So dash came as A A good one that can range from thirty nine to one hundred thirty box depending on what you get.

Thanks to technology, google maps that was for us if you're needing maps because back in the day, you guys, you would have to print out map quest directions and Carry actual .

physical sheet, which up from .

the paper maps.

So do you see the map quest to good people over there?

No, they really, they walked. So google maps could run, let's be honest. But then there used to be the garmin. So then you upgrades the government.

which was four hundred books for the little GPS. I sit in public. Yeah, there we go. You don't think about that. They know where you're going.


that's a good one. This is a fun one, but also not fun. I alert, so in case of emergency alerts, this is a wild.

When I saw friends, 我 我 去。

well, it's fun because IT IT could be life saving. I think that's fun.

You know, we had a friend whose wife and her car into a reka and their apple phones in a like message .

about IT yeah it'll like color, send a text to your emergency context, letting them know, hey, this person was in a crash and IT will automatically call, I think, authorities and stop. It's pretty crazy what I can do. Yeah so look into that and make sure you have your emergency contacts set up because otherwise .

you to contact anyone. I also have travel apps because even like a southwest for an since is so greater racking up points not to the credit card. And you have to pay a hundred fifty dollars for the credit card if you have IT could just rack up points as you fly and keep track of your rapid words. But those kind of travel apps.

yes, they're great. I help john loney save two hundred and thirty dollars, no.

this last week to find the airline.

a hotel, and he said he, help me do this. I know you can save me money. And I did. So we went to a hotel s outcome, researched the right hotel he wanted. Then I went to Pricey express, yeah and using the travel arrow browse extension, along with pricing express deals, I was able to get in the same hotel, two hundred thirty.

but cheaper. That's amazing.

Two rooms for a night, two hundred thirty six cheaper overall. One from like five sixty down, like three thirty or .

something that's incredible. Well done. All right, it's going to hydrate. My favorite is the electrode oos .

brush was very proud .

of this because I don't .

go to the denis again. Don't know why you bragging about this.

think it's this game and no, fantastic. And i've had the same .

one for fifteen years that are you updating .

the upgrading the toothbrush? Toothbrush itself is that crazy?

It's amazing. Yeah, I love my toothbrush. I don't know if it's it's an old be, I think is mine. Do you know what branders is because some care or something?

Yes, one of those everyone maybe or will be hair applying, is a good hair driers worth the investment for me here? Strainer there is to be the cheese strainer. Back and like, you know, G C H. I like back and like o four. That was like, that was the og.

the harp is the people love .

that I don't. I have.

it's like hundred books. Yes, a lot.

But investing in a good hair driver for me.

I had mine for probably close to a decade.

And then another one, georgia, is the technology around nails. Can we talk about that? Well, that used to just be polish, then we went to jail, and now we will have tip. I mean, you get all the and at last for weeks and weeks and weeks.

And this is technology.

How does .

that work?

I'm not sure. As the technology people that created.

it's amazing.

alright, there's got to be some financial apps in here to be and financial products that the number .

one APP on my home screen finances is every dollar. Yes, this is our budgeting APP s that our team created over a decade ago now, and they're just improving IT every single day sense. And IT makes a super easy to number one plan.

All our expenses for month number two tracked here. And i've got the premium version where you can connect your bank. There are smart tracking now, so IT knows, hey, amazon probably going to go in your shopping category, correct? I O you one click, it's done. I know it's it's fantastic.

honestly. I mean, we check IT every day and track for transactions, and I just keeps junta. So I appreciate every dog.

We're going to put a little show notes too for our listeners and viewers if they want to check IT out. Or you can go to every dollar dog calm slash smart money IT started for free.

But we have some shopping holidays coming up, George. We have black friday, cyber monday y so again, these are apps and technologies that we've lofted in our own personal lives. They cost, you know, a range of different Price points.

But maybe there are things in your life I can help you in the convenience. Ask back. So if you're going be planning on buying some of the stuff or subscribing to IT, make sure you planned ahead, be strategic, especially about the shopping holidays coming up because there can be some great deals.

Yeah, not everything has to be like a giant surprise. So you know what's coming up. You should have a budget you should have been saving for part of the year to go.

I know what I want to spend this year. The problem is intended then spend for ourselves too, because the stuff that we want is also on major discount or so. We think, by the way, is not always a major discount just because he says seventy percent of M S R P.

And one way to avoid that is camel, camel, camel dot com with sees no relation to this camel, but it's an amazon Price front. So you know is this actually good Price or just a Normal Price that's on names on all the time? yes. Or will I go down after black .

instead of up? So good. So I think that moral, the story as you guys this episode, is there are purchases technologies out there again that can help you, but be strategic and plan and making sure not only you have the money, but you're yet doing smart things like looking at discount codes, doing a little bit more research to get the best deal. Because again, technology keeps improving and it's not always a bad thing. IT can help us in life, but just I want hearing your stuff that you enjoy.

I enjoyed hearing yours. You just us to show you different strokes for everyone. And what changes one person's life may not change someone else is, but also don't get key because Rachel been telling. So i'm like, I need that weather rap now and maybe Rachel needs something that .

I enjoy a little A, A little a camera in my I .

feel like winston is the tech guy and so you've .

larger delegated all the text is one person .

in the family is doing this for .

sure all right?

Alright, well, almost in the episode, and we close out every episode with guilty as charged. And this is our producer. Telly gives us a new guilty to charge question every week.

And if for guilty, we take a set. So Kelly, alright, have you ever pretended to talk on the phone to avoid interaction? And this comes from instagram user at haden k through, i'm not sipping because i'm guilty. I'm sipping because I like something.

but i'm sipping because i'm guilty.

But I don't think i've done the phone call thing, but i've done this thing just deep in my weather APP is .

I know just really an interact.

really just go and I don't know, but I ll like look down at my eye contact. I don't know if I have like done this and I walked around talking.

I think I do say I am on this one.

You think you really think I am?

It's most like ptsd where it's like whatever IT was was anxiety inducing enough that my .

brain shut IT out t have you like looked at your own like you're .

busy to like I forward I contact one, tell that I was in costco yeah as I am and I saw someone I did not want to see. Oh no. And so I immediately turned around, grab my phone and just walked.

Yes, that's what.

that's what I was. Well, someone that I don't think I was like, I wouldn't say I was like, major beef. This was just, this was an awkward one OK leave IT at that is a thing, is a great life to be kind, but also get out of the situation.

Yeah, if you have to, right? Fair enough. fair. You've finishing first.

Yeah this was a cinnamon spiced orange time market tail so there's no alcohol is so it's fun for the whole family and i'm going to rate this of ten out of ten.

I mean, honestly.

I could not improve on this more tail.

I would agree if I would work.

if I was feeling like if I was in a mood for a long tail restaurant. I wanted something far IT was .

honestly so good. I think all the ratio were perfect from the senate and the warned you, all of which in.

here's what's in the ice, maple time syrup, which is maple sera, fresh time and cinnamon. wow. IT also has .

fresh ginger, which I love, ginger.

orange shoes and gingery. Yeah, great.

beautiful blend. Really, really nice, nice. And here's what IT comes .

down to the cost. Break down per glass without the garnish, which this has, sentiment stick. And whatever this is, what are this?

It's time. It's clover.

Oh, it's time. time. I don t know. time.

Look like this. yeah. Good to know.

Without the garnishes of time and sentiment stick and orange slice, IT comes out two dollar seventy per glass. That's not bad for a fancy market tail could be fun to make for your next fall party, as rache loves to do of a thing. Big games going on. Tena game. Yeah.

there will be a big season. Train torch, great. We're doing IT were doing IT get the recipe .

the show notes give you to try this weekend, whether your evolves fan or not.

All right, George is closing time. If you guys enjoy this episode, make sure to leave a review. And if you have IT yet, make sure to check out our episode on harmless purchases that are draining your bank account will leave a link in the show notes and ability on podcast will leave a link as well, so you can check IT out and make sure to subscribe to so you don't miss an on new episode of starts, many happy hour, which comes out every thursday and hey, share the episode your friends and your family please spreading the world helps so much so well see you guys next thursday on all new episodes t happier.