cover of episode 25 Life-Changing Tech Purchases You Need to Try

25 Life-Changing Tech Purchases You Need to Try

logo of podcast Smart Money Happy Hour with Rachel Cruze and George Kamel

Smart Money Happy Hour with Rachel Cruze and George Kamel

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
George Kamel
Rachel Cruze
Rachel Cruze 认为科技产品可以提升生活质量,例如智能秤可以帮助人们追踪健身进度,了解身体成分变化。她还推荐了 Roomba 扫地机器人、sous vide 烹饪器、电动牙刷等产品,认为它们可以提高生活效率和品质。George Kamel 则分享了他使用 Google Home 广播功能进行家庭沟通、使用智能家居设备提升生活便利性的经验,并推荐了行车记录仪、Radarscope 天气应用等产品。他还提到了利用 PriceLine Express 等比价工具可以节省开支。

Deep Dive

Rachel and George discuss various tech purchases that have significantly improved their lives, from smart scales to Alexa devices.
  • Smart scales provide detailed health metrics beyond just weight.
  • Alexa devices offer convenience for daily tasks and entertainment.
  • Smart home devices like Ring doorbells and smart bulbs enhance home security and convenience.

Shownotes Transcript

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“Alexa, set a timer for tomorrow at 8 a.m. Alexa, turn the thermostat to 70 degrees. Alexa, can you make my budget?” Okay, maybe that last one is a stretch, but modern conveniences can be truly life changing. Find out Rachel’s and George’s take on what technology is worth the hype.

Next Steps:

·      **🎥 **Watch our video “‘Harmless’ Purchases That Drain Your Bank Account)”

·      📱Submit a Guilty as Charged question for Rachel and George! Send a DM to @rachelcruze or @georgekamel on Instagram! Be sure to type “GUILTY?” at the top of your message so we don’t miss it.

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**Today’s Happy Hour Special: 🥃 **Cinnamon-Spiced Orange and Thyme Mocktail

Recipe: Pick Up Limes)

·      1/2 cup water

·      1/4 cup maple syrup

·      4 sprigs fresh thyme

·      1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

·      2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger

·      1/2 lemon, juiced

·      2 cups ice cubes

·      2 cups orange juice

·      2 cups ginger ale

Instructions: Add water, maple syrup, thyme sprigs and cinnamon to a small pan and simmer. Reduce heat to low and let it steep for about 3 minutes. Then let it cool to room temperature. Fill a shaker or mason jar halfway with ice cubes and strain in thyme syrup. Add grated ginger and lemon juice. Shake well. Strain contents from shaker over ice cubes, and add orange juice and ginger ale. Enjoy!

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