cover of episode Lazy Work, Good Work
本期节目探讨了现代工作,特别是知识型工作中生产力的本质。节目指出,与以往的体力劳动不同,现代许多工作更注重思考和决策。以洛克菲勒为例,他的成功并非源于体力劳动,而是其强大的思考和决策能力。他善于倾听和思考,并最终做出正确的决策。这与现代知识型工作者的需求相符。 节目指出,现代经济中,管理、专业和服务类工作占据大部分,这些工作更依赖思考。然而,许多工作场所仍然沿用旧的评价标准,即以可见的劳动来衡量员工的生产力。这导致知识型员工缺乏思考时间,效率低下。节目认为,知识型员工最有效的生产方式可能是看起来很“懒惰”的活动,例如思考、放松、散步等。这些活动能够激发创造力,产生有价值的想法。 许多著名思想家,例如爱因斯坦、莫扎特,都在看似不工作的状态下获得了灵感。研究表明,散步等活动可以提高创造力。因此,节目建议,在评价知识型员工时,应该关注其产出,而非其工作过程的可见性。虽然最终需要完成工作,但应该重视那些看起来“懒惰”但实际上高效的活动。随着经济向知识型工作转变,以及AI技术的兴起,我们应该重新审视对“高效工作”的定义,尊重那些看似“懒惰”但实际上能够产生高质量成果的工作方式。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did John D. Rockefeller spend so much time alone?

Rockefeller's job was to make good decisions, which required quiet time alone to think through problems. His productivity came from mental work, not physical labor.

What percentage of jobs in 1870 were in agriculture and crafts/manufacturing?

46% were in agriculture, and 35% were in crafts and manufacturing, according to economist Robert Gordon.

How has the job landscape changed since Rockefeller's time?

Today, 38% of jobs are managerial, professional, or decision-making roles, and 41% are service jobs that rely on thought processes as much as actions.

Why do many workplaces still expect visible labor from knowledge workers?

Workplaces often expect visible labor, like typing or clicking, because they are anchored in the old model where productivity was tied to physical action, not mental work.

What does a Stanford study say about walking and creativity?

A Stanford study found that walking increases creativity by 60%.

Why might productivity growth be lower today?

Productivity growth might be lower because workplaces expect knowledge workers to perform visible tasks rather than giving them time to think, which is essential for their roles.

Where do good ideas often come from?

Good ideas often come during moments of relaxation, such as in the shower, on a walk, or while commuting, rather than during formal work time.

What did Einstein and Mozart have in common regarding their work habits?

Both Einstein and Mozart found that their best ideas came during moments of leisure, such as long walks or traveling, rather than during formal work sessions.

How should knowledge workers be judged in terms of productivity?

Knowledge workers should be judged by their outcomes, not by the visibility of their process, as much of their productive work happens internally and may appear 'lazy'.

This chapter explores John D. Rockefeller's unique approach to work, emphasizing his preference for quiet contemplation and strategic decision-making over visible, hands-on labor. It contrasts this with the typical work styles of the past.
  • Rockefeller's success stemmed from thoughtful decision-making, not direct involvement in manual labor.
  • His preference for quiet contemplation and strategic thinking contrasts with the traditional view of productivity.

Shownotes Transcript

The most productive work you can do often looks like the laziest -- but it can be hard to accept that because of how the workplace has changed over the last 100 years.