cover of episode Science of Success: Who’s Winning the EV Market in 2025?

Science of Success: Who’s Winning the EV Market in 2025?

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WSJ’s The Future of Everything

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Ben Cohen
Sean McLean
@Sean McLean : 2023年及今年初,电动汽车销量增速放缓,行业曾盲目乐观,高估了消费者需求。洛杉矶地区电动汽车经销商库存过剩,预示着行业问题。电动汽车价格高昂,与燃油车相比缺乏价格竞争力,充电不便和充电成本高也是障碍。除非价格下降1.5万美元,否则销售将持续低迷。更实惠的车型将在2026年或2027年上市,这可能改变市场格局。即使有税收抵免,大多数电动汽车制造商仍然亏损,只有少数公司盈利。特斯拉在美国电动汽车市场份额下降,其核心业务面临盈利能力、营收和单车价格的压力,其估值很大程度上取决于其在机器人和人工智能领域的押注。埃隆·马斯克表示,未来特斯拉将销售价格低廉的无人驾驶汽车,不再配备方向盘。 中国在电动汽车的软件定义、价格和生产效率方面领先全球,小米等中国公司快速进入电动汽车市场,令其他汽车制造商感到担忧。比亚迪从电池制造商发展成为全球电动汽车行业的竞争者,对特斯拉构成挑战。Rivian汽车具有强大的越野性能和公路性能,但价格昂贵,销量不足导致亏损,与大众汽车合作以提高生产规模和降低成本。未来将出现更多续航里程更长的插电式混合动力电动汽车。 我密切关注Rivian和特斯拉的发展,前者关注其产品和市场策略,后者关注其在自动驾驶领域的押注。特斯拉押注自动驾驶汽车的未来,但其成功与否存在疑问。 @Ben Cohen : 电动汽车价格高昂,与燃油车相比缺乏价格竞争力,充电不便和充电成本高也是障碍。特斯拉的市值上涨更多地与其CEO埃隆·马斯克与当选总统的关系有关,而非其自身业务表现。

Deep Dive

Despite a recent slowdown, EV sales are expected to grow in 2025. High prices, charging infrastructure limitations, and waning initial consumer demand present challenges. However, significant investments continue, with various automakers and startups vying for market dominance.
  • EV sales up 11% in Q3 year over year
  • Cox Automotive predicts similar growth in 2025 due to new products
  • High EV prices ($56,000 average), charging inconvenience, and saturated initial demand are challenges

Shownotes Transcript

Electric vehicle sales growthexperienced a slow down in 2 023 that continued into this year. Despite EV makers’ big bets on batteries, buyers seemed more hesitant to take the all-electric route. But EV sales are exp ected to keep growing in 2025, according to Cox Automotive. On the Science of Success, WSJ’s Ben Cohen speaks with Journal reporter Sean McLain about the companies he’s watching and his predictions for the EV race in 2025. 

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