cover of episode Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and the AI ‘Fantasy Land’

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and the AI ‘Fantasy Land’

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WSJ’s The Future of Everything

AI Deep Dive Transcript
@Marc Benioff : 我认为AI代理是未来的趋势,它们能够不知疲倦地工作,无需休息,并且比现有的AI聊天机器人更加自主。Salesforce作为全球领先的企业AI供应商,我们一直致力于AI的研究和发展。然而,我对当前市场上关于AI的一些虚假宣传表示担忧。例如,微软声称其Copilot能够彻底改变企业的运作方式,但我认为这是一种误导。我认为微软的Copilot就像是新版的Microsoft Clippy,它并没有真正解决企业在AI应用中面临的实际问题。我们不应该盲目地相信AI能够解决所有问题,而是应该保持理性的态度,了解AI的局限性,并将其应用于实际的业务场景中。我们已经为客户提供了更有效的方法,可以立即使用,并从中获得巨大的影响。例如,通过我们的AI代理,企业可以更好地管理客户关系,提高利润,并增强员工的能力。我们不应该沉迷于电影中描绘的未来世界,而是应该脚踏实地,利用AI来改善我们的业务和生活。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Marc Benioff is one of the most outspoken names in tech. The billionaire co-founder of customer relationship software company Salesforce has been pivoting the company’s focus to artificial intelligence agents to help its clients manage customer service and other needs. But he has some strong opinions about how others are promoting AI, from how Microsoft is selling its Copilot feature to companies like Amazon buying up nuclear power contracts for their data centers. And yet he says he’s as excited about AI as he was the day that Apple’s Steve Jobs sent him one of the first iPhones. So what can AI actually do, and what’s a ‘fantasy’? Benioff speaks to WSJ’s Christopher Mims and Tim Higgins in episode two of our interview series Bold Names.

Further Reading

The Secret Weapon Helping Businesses Get Results From AI: Humans

Salesforce Darkens the Skies for Cloud Software as AI Threat Looms 

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff Makes $150 Million Donation to Hawaii Hospitals 

At Marc Benioff’s Salesforce, It’s One Big Family—Until Trouble Hits 

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