cover of episode Humanoid Robot Startups Are Hot. This AI Expert Cuts Through the Hype.

Humanoid Robot Startups Are Hot. This AI Expert Cuts Through the Hype.

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WSJ’s The Future of Everything

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ayanna Howard
@Ayanna Howard : 我认为人形机器人是科技界和风投的下一个热门投资领域。这对于非机器人领域的人来说似乎是人工智能和生成式AI的下一步:赋予生成式AI以物理形态。因为生成式AI是关于人类知识的,所以将人类知识置于人体中必然是人形机器人。这对于非机器人专家来说是一种自然的逻辑发展。 当前人形机器人的能力有限,主要局限于特定环境和任务。它们在有限的环境、有限的任务中,在没有人类的情况下可以非常有效。但这并不能给公司带来数十亿美元的估值。我认为它们处于大约10年前自动驾驶汽车所处的阶段,当时初创公司层出不穷,宣称自动驾驶汽车将在未来24个月内普及。 我认为最大的问题是杀手级应用是什么。我认为仓库和医疗保健是人形机器人最具潜力的应用领域。在仓库中,它们可以进行打包、分拣、装箱和运输等工作,提高效率。在医疗保健领域,它们可以帮助老年人在家养老,解决护理人员短缺的问题。 新的AI软件架构将为人形机器人提供更多能力,但仍存在局限性。例如,在机器人领域,信息延迟可能导致机器人摔倒或伤害他人,这一问题尚未解决。 关于AI偏见,我认为它涉及多种类型,可能对美国社会产生负面影响。如果设计得当,AI可以比人类更少偏见,尤其是在医疗领域。AI无法区分不同人的现实,这可能导致错误的输出被误认为是事实。尽管AI存在错误,但人们的行为表明他们仍然愿意接受AI技术。 美国在AI领域的竞争力受到计算资源不足的限制。缺乏足够的资源让学生和工程师们进行实验和创新。虽然在资源匮乏的情况下,人们会更有创造力,但这并不意味着美国应该忽视对AI研发的投资。 我认为,当我们在多个场景中看到机器人并习以为常时,机器人时代才真正到来。

Deep Dive

The recent surge in humanoid robot development is fueled by venture capital investment and the perception that it's the next logical step in AI, combining generative AI with a physical body. However, the technology is still in its early stages, comparable to the state of self-driving cars decades ago. Despite significant investment, the capabilities of these robots are currently limited.
  • Humanoid robots are seen as the logical next step in AI development.
  • Current technology is comparable to the early days of self-driving cars.
  • Significant investment has been made, but capabilities are still limited.

Shownotes Transcript

Ayanna Howard is dean of The Ohio State University’s College of Engineering, an IEEE Senior Member, and a top expert on two of the most hyped fields in tech: humanoid robots and artificial intelligence. Combining these technologies could allow advanced bots to take on all sorts of tasks, from helping pack boxes at warehouses, to taking care of the elderly, or even doing the dishes. But what will it take to get there, and how close are we to getting everyday robot helpers? Howard speaks to WSJ’s Christopher Mims and Tim Higgins on the Bold Names podcast.

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