cover of episode How New Wearable Tech Targets Brain Waves for Better Sleep

How New Wearable Tech Targets Brain Waves for Better Sleep

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WSJ’s The Future of Everything

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Charlotte Gartenberg
Joe Craven-McGinty
@Charlotte Gartenberg : 我今天采访了华尔街日报科学部门主管@Joe Craven-McGinty ,讨论了新型可穿戴睡眠设备。这些设备利用声音和光线来改善睡眠,通过干扰脑电波模式,帮助人们更快入睡,睡得更香,睡得更久。我了解了Ellamind、Somni和Lumos三家公司开发的设备,它们分别使用声音脉冲、电脉冲和光线来调节脑电波。这些设备的价格在250美元到400美元之间,有些还提供可选的订阅服务。此外,我还了解到一些免费的改善睡眠方法,例如在黑暗安静的房间睡觉,以及处理好一天中的压力事件。 Joe Craven-McGinty: 脑电波在不同睡眠阶段的频率不同。清醒时脑电波频率为8-12赫兹,深睡时为0.5-2赫兹。Ellamind公司研发的头带式设备通过声音脉冲来调节脑电波,在30分钟内发出约15000个声音脉冲,这些脉冲的时机非常精确,以改变脑电波震荡模式。虽然声音脉冲听起来像洒水器的声音,但为了舒适性,设备还会播放舒缓的雨声。Somni设备则使用电脉冲而非声音脉冲来调节脑电波,用户可能会感到轻微的刺痛和温暖感。Lumos睡眠眼罩则通过光线来调节人体生物钟,帮助人们适应时差或调整睡眠作息。这些设备的有效性已在同行评审期刊上发表,例如Somni设备平均能让使用者多睡22分钟,Ellamind设备平均能让使用者提前10分钟入睡。 Joe Craven-McGinty: 除了这些科技产品,我还采访了荷兰睡眠研究员Martin Dressler,他指出一些免费的改善睡眠方法,例如在黑暗安静的房间睡觉,以及处理好一天中的压力事件。这些方法同样有效,并且不需要任何成本。

Deep Dive

Many people have trouble sleeping, and while various methods like breathing exercises and temperature adjustments exist, technological solutions like sleep tech are also emerging to address this issue. These range from meditation apps to sleep trackers and more advanced devices.
  • 46 million Americans report sleep difficulties.
  • Existing sleep tech includes meditation apps, trackers, and specialized mattresses.

Shownotes Transcript

Do you have trouble falling asleep? If meditation apps and sleep trackers aren’t cutting it, now there’s technology designed to help users not only nod off more quickly but improve their slumber. WSJ’s Charlotte Gartenberg speaks with Science Bureau Chief Jo Craven McGinty about the latest wearable sleep tech that targets brain waves with sound and light to help you get a good night’s rest.

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Further reading: 

New Wearable Devices Target the Brain to Bring Better Sleep 

To Get a Better Night’s Sleep, First Fix Your Day 

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