cover of episode Designing the EV Soundscape of the Future

Designing the EV Soundscape of the Future

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WSJ’s The Future of Everything

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Jasper de Kruiff
@Jasper de Kruiff : 电动汽车的声音设计应该是一个全面的体验,从用户接近车辆开始,到驾驶过程中的不同场景,以及最终离开车辆,都应该有精心设计的音效。这不仅是为了提升驾驶体验,也是为了体现汽车的品牌个性。在设计过程中,需要考虑技术因素、品牌定位、目标受众以及相关的法规。声音设计软件需要能够实时响应车辆信息,并根据需要生成不同的声音效果,例如根据驾驶模式和驾驶员的心情调整声音。自动驾驶技术的出现将彻底改变汽车声音设计,因为驾驶行为不再是声音设计的核心因素,这将为声音设计师提供一个全新的创作空间。此外,他还谈到了城市声景的协调问题,提出可以通过算法和技术手段来协调不同电动汽车的声音,以避免城市噪音污染。这需要汽车之间能够进行某种程度上的“沟通”,协调各自的声音输出,创造一个和谐的城市声景。 @主持人 :节目的主要内容是关于电动汽车的声音设计,探讨了电动汽车声音设计的重要性、设计流程、技术要求以及未来发展趋势。电动汽车由于没有内燃机的噪音,因此需要通过声音设计来提升驾驶体验,并满足安全和品牌宣传的需求。声音设计不仅体现在车内,也体现在车外,车外的声音设计需要考虑法规要求以及与周围环境的协调。未来,随着自动驾驶技术的普及,电动汽车的声音设计将面临新的挑战和机遇。 主持人: 本节目讨论了电动汽车声音设计,从车外声音到车内声音,以及未来城市声景的可能性。电动汽车的声音设计不再局限于发动机的声音,而是可以根据品牌、驾驶体验和安全需求进行创造性的设计。Jasper de Kruiff 详细介绍了声音设计的技术流程,包括软件的选择、与车辆信息的互动以及不同声音效果的生成。他特别提到了自动驾驶技术对声音设计的影响,认为这将带来全新的可能性。此外,他还探讨了如何通过技术手段协调不同电动汽车的声音,以避免城市噪音污染,并展望了未来城市声景的多样化和丰富性。

Deep Dive

Electric vehicles lack the naturally loud engine sounds of traditional cars. The challenge is to create an engaging soundscape despite the inherent quietness of EVs, making them not just a means of transport but an exciting experience. Jasper de Kruiff, a sound design expert, discusses how this is done.
  • EVs don't have combustion engines, requiring artificial sound design.
  • Sound design is crucial for selling the EV experience.
  • Jasper de Kruiff's company works with major car brands on EV sound design.

Shownotes Transcript

Electric motors are silent but electric vehicles are not. They make noise for safety, branding and to enhance the driving experience. And since they are no longer limited by the sound of the motor, these cars provide an acoustic blank slate. Jasper de Kruiff, co-founder and creative director of Impulse Audio Lab, has been working in interactive sound design for over a decade. He explains the tech and creative approaches that go into each vehicle’s sonic picture and why the roads of the future could sound like an electric symphony.

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Further Reading:

Designing the Sensory Experience of an Electric Vehicle 

How New Motors Could Transform the EV Industry 

With an EV, I Had to Learn to Drive All Over Again 

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