cover of episode Could Making a New Woolly Mammoth Help Human Health?

Could Making a New Woolly Mammoth Help Human Health?

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WSJ’s The Future of Everything

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Ben Lamm
@Ben Lamm : 我们正处于一个临界点,如果不采取任何措施,到2050年将损失高达50%的生物多样性。因此,我们创建了一个"去灭绝"工具包公司,从标志性大型动物猛犸象开始,研究如何将这些技术应用于保护工作。选择猛犸象是因为它对生态系统很重要,而且人们普遍对它持正面态度,易于开展相关技术研发。"去灭绝"技术可以用于防止物种灭绝,例如,通过基因工程技术增加北部白犀牛的基因多样性,防止其灭绝。复活猛犸象的过程不仅仅是像《侏罗纪公园》那样简单,也需要实地考察和寻找猛犸象化石,利用亚洲象的基因组作为参考,并结合古代猛犸象的DNA片段。复活猛犸象的过程包括培养亚洲象细胞、构建干细胞,然后利用CRISPR等基因编辑技术对细胞基因组进行编辑,最终得到胚胎。目前复活的物种都将通过代孕动物生育,未来希望能够通过人工子宫进行生育。随着科技的进步,未来有可能通过合成生物学技术创造任何类型的生命,但伦理问题需要考虑。合成生物学技术可以用于创造对人类有益的生物,例如不传播疟疾的蚊子。Colossal 公司的商业模式包括将合成生物学技术应用于人类医疗保健或环境保护,并将其商业化。Colossal公司虽然不直接从事医疗保健,但会将有益于人类的技术进行商业化,例如FormBio公司,一个应用于药物研发和癌症研究的计算生物学平台。大象患癌的概率远低于预期,这可能与P53蛋白有关。在编辑象细胞的过程中,需要调节P53蛋白的活性,以避免产生更多癌症。公司将与人类保护相关的技术开源,而与人类医疗保健相关的技术则会进行商业化。复活的动物目标是群体而非个体,并且需要与当地社区、政府等利益相关者合作。"重返野外"项目需要与多个利益相关者合作,包括当地社区、政府和私人土地所有者等。重返野外的动物需要得到保护,避免偷猎等问题。重返野外的转基因动物需要考虑相关的政府法规。人类一直在改变自然,复活灭绝物种是弥补过去错误的一种方式。公司不会复活灵长类动物、尼安德特人等,也不会复活泰坦巨蟒。 @Stephanie Ilgenfritz : 提问并引导Ben Lamm 阐述观点。

Deep Dive

Colossal Biosciences aims to create new hybrid species resembling extinct animals using genetic engineering. The company's work on de-extinction could aid in addressing biodiversity loss and help ecosystems. Their project with the Northern White Rhino demonstrates the potential of this technology for genetic rescue and species repopulation.
  • Colossal Biosciences is working on de-extinction of species like the woolly mammoth, Tasmanian tiger, and dodo.
  • The company utilizes genome engineering, synthetic biology, embryology, and animal husbandry.
  • Their work with the Northern White Rhino aims to increase genetic diversity and repopulate the species.

Shownotes Transcript

Colossal Biosciences wants to create new animals that resemble extinct creatures like the woolly mammoth, thanks to advancements in genetic engineering and synthetic biology. In this conversation from the WSJ’s Future of Everything Festival in May 2024, Colossal Biosciences co-founder and CEO Ben Lamm discusses how the de-extinction of species could help address the loss of biodiversity and benefit ecosystems. He tells Future of Everything editorial director Stefanie Ilgenfritz about his plans for monetizing the technology, and how it could be used for human health.

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Further reading:

Return of the Woolly Mammoth? 

Doctors Can Now Edit the Genes Inside Your Body 

How Ancient Hunters Felled Massive Mammoths and Hungry Predators 

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