cover of episode An Update on The Future of Everything

An Update on The Future of Everything

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WSJ’s The Future of Everything

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@Danny : 我想通知大家《The Future of Everything》节目即将进行一些改动。从二月开始,这个播客将会变成新的《Bold Names》系列节目的播放平台。这个系列节目将采访《华尔街日报》中那些大胆命名公司的领导者,由专栏作家Christopher Mims和Tim Higgins主持。他们拥有丰富的经验,能够挑战商业领域的传统观念。但不用担心,《The Future of Everything》节目不会消失,而是会转移到Tech News Briefing Feed播客平台,继续播出关于未来科技突破的特别节目,这些突破可能会改善我们的生活。请关注这些节目,并在2月14日《Bold Names》节目上线时收听。

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This episode is brought to you by Nerds Gummy Clusters, the sweet treat that always elevates the vibe. With a sweet gummy surrounded with tangy, crunchy nerds, every bite of Nerds Gummy Clusters brings you a whole new world of flavor. Whether it's game night, on the way to a concert, or kicking back with your crew, unleash your senses with Nerds Gummy Clusters. Hey, Future of Everything listeners. Danny here. I wanted to let you know about some changes coming to the show.

Starting in February, this feed will become the new home for Bold Names, our series where you can hear from the leaders of the bold-named companies featured in the pages of The Wall Street Journal. It's hosted by two very familiar voices, our columnists Christopher Mims and Tim Higgins. And if you read their columns or have heard them on our podcasts, you know they have extensive experience covering and challenging conventional wisdom in the business world.

But don't worry, the future of everything isn't going away. We're moving to the Tech News Briefing Feed, where we'll bring you special episodes about the scientific and technological breakthroughs on the horizon that could transform our lives for the better. Keep an ear out for those, and be sure to check out Bold Names right here when it launches on February 14th.