cover of episode Discover 2 great AI tools for turning text into speech and text in video

Discover 2 great AI tools for turning text into speech and text in video

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I am GPTed - what you need to know about Chat GPT, Bard, Llama, and Artificial Intelligence

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Sites mentioned and www.lumen5.comI feel like almost everyday I am being bombarded by suggestion or ads for a new tool that leverages AI and promises to cure all my ills. Any many of these tools are truly great and help create efficiencies or add expertise to a variety of projects, they are not often the cure all or live up to the promise of the pitch. So today i am going to talk about 3 new AI tools that I use on a regular basis and have found to be everything that they promised and more.Lets leave our copilots, CHatGPT and Bard behind and venturing into the world of AI tools to shed some light on a  couple great ones.Up first is actually an app based website, called Now I know you have probably heard about all the amazing tools out there that can take any text and covert into speech. You may have even heard of a tool that can clone your or any voice and then take a any text and used that cloned voice to create an audio or natural sounding read version of the text. If you have played with any of these, they are pretty amazing. We having personally tried a bunch of these, I finally settled on Eleven labs for both an amazing cloning tools and remarkable text to speech AI.SO let go there and check it out.The second tools, and sort of spinning off of our last episode on powerpoints is called Lumnen 5 Also in a crowded field of tools that claim to take text and make videos, but this one is more focused on business and how they might need or use videos. Specifically I use this one to take a text and create video powerpoint.