cover of episode [GLOBAL SOUTH] Is China Building a New Military Base in Cambodia? Maybe. Probably.

[GLOBAL SOUTH] Is China Building a New Military Base in Cambodia? Maybe. Probably.

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The China in Africa Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Christopher Woody
Eric Olander
Kobus Van Staden
Eric Olander: 我认为围绕中国海外军事基地建设的讨论主要集中在非洲西海岸和东南亚,其中柬埔寨的Ream海军基地是一个关键的关注点,其发展速度超过了世界其他地区。 美国对中国在柬埔寨Ream海军基地扩张的担忧,是该争议持续存在的主要原因之一。尽管中柬两国否认Ream海军基地将成为PLA的永久性军事基地,但中国军舰在该基地的频繁出现引发了持续的争议。 美国国防部持续声称中国在柬埔寨Ream海军基地建立军事基地,但缺乏确凿证据。美国对中国在全球各地建立军事基地的担忧与其自身在全球拥有的众多军事基地形成对比,这使得这种担忧显得有些循环往复和缺乏实际意义。 Kobus Van Staden: 我认为美国对中国建立军事基地的担忧,与其自身在全球拥有的众多军事基地形成对比,这使得这种担忧显得有些循环往复和缺乏实际意义。美国对中国军事基地扩张的担忧,忽略了中国军事基地与美国军事基地在规模和运作模式上的差异。美国对中国军事基地扩张的解读,存在夸大和缺乏证据的问题,部分美国媒体也对此表示质疑。美国不愿意为中国腾出空间,这导致了冲突的可能性增加。 美国对中国军事基地扩张的担忧,与美国对与中国潜在冲突的担忧有关,这种担忧导致了对中国军事行动的夸大和不准确的解读。 Matt Miller: 中国正在柬埔寨秘密建造一个海军设施,专供其军队使用,这可能会威胁柬埔寨的自主权并破坏地区安全。 毛宁: 中国与柬埔寨的合作是公开、透明、合法和正当的,对Ream海军基地的升级是正常的援助行为,旨在加强柬埔寨海军的防御能力。 Christopher Woody: 尽管中柬两国否认,但Ream海军基地正在建设中,其设施表明它将支持海军用途,可能会有中国军队的轮换驻扎。柬埔寨禁止外国在柬埔寨建立军事基地,但中国军舰的轮换存在表明,该基地可能成为中国军队的轮换驻扎点。尽管Ream海军基地可能并非永久性军事基地,但它很可能会成为中国军队的一个轮换驻扎点,并支持后勤和情报收集活动。中国在柬埔寨建立军事基地,是为了加强其在南海地区的军事存在,并提升其在该地区的情报收集能力。中国在Ream海军基地建立地面站,可能支持其导航能力和军事导航,这进一步加剧了美国的担忧。中国在南海地区的军事活动是其主要关注点,而Ream海军基地支持了这一战略重点。中国关注南海地区的安全,也关注保护其通过印度洋的海上运输线。美国对中国在全球范围内保护其利益和海上运输线的行动表示担忧,这与中国作为世界第二大经济体拥有全球利益的现实相矛盾。美国对中国军事扩张的担忧,反映了一种零和博弈的心态,认为中国的任何进步都是对美国的挫折。中国正在寻求在全球范围内建立规模适中的军事设施,其中一些是兼用设施,以支持其海上运输线和海外利益。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the Ream Naval Base in Cambodia causing controversy?

The Ream Naval Base, undergoing renovations by Chinese contractors, has sparked controversy due to suspicions that it could become a Chinese military outpost. Although both governments deny these claims, the base's upgraded pier, capable of docking an aircraft carrier, and the presence of Chinese frigates fuel these concerns.

What is the official stance of the US and China regarding the Ream Naval Base?

The U.S. expresses concern over the lack of transparency surrounding the Ream base project and the potential threat to Cambodia's autonomy and regional security. China maintains that the renovations are part of normal assistance to Cambodia, aimed at strengthening its maritime defense capabilities and not targeting any third party.

What evidence supports the claim of a Chinese military presence at the Ream base?

Satellite imagery reveals a lengthened pier suitable for warships, storage facilities, and possible fuel tanks and dry docks. Reports indicate restricted access for Chinese military personnel, and two Chinese frigates were stationed there for much of 2024, later donated to Cambodia.

Why would China be interested in a base in Cambodia?

While not significantly expanding China's power projection capabilities, the Ream base offers an additional route to the South China Sea, potential for intelligence gathering on activities in the eastern Indian Ocean and the Straits of Malacca, and improved situational awareness.

How does the Ream base fit into China's broader security strategy?

The Ream base aligns with China's focus on the Western Pacific, where it has numerous ongoing disputes, particularly with Taiwan. It also serves to protect vital sea lines of communication through the Indian Ocean, crucial for transporting resources like oil and gas to China.

Are regional governments as concerned about the Ream base as the United States?

While official commentary is muted due to political sensitivities, experts and conversations suggest regional concerns exist. Vietnam worries about Chinese encirclement, Thailand is wary of the changing security balance with Cambodia, and other Southeast Asian nations are apprehensive about growing Chinese presence in the region.

What has been learned from China's base in Djibouti?

The Djibouti base primarily supports anti-piracy patrols, evacuation operations, and training activities, similar to pre-base operations. Although capable of hosting larger vessels, no aircraft carriers have been deployed there. The base also exemplifies coexistence with other military presences, such as joint firefighting efforts with U.S. personnel.

What is the likely future of Chinese overseas military presence?

Experts anticipate modest facilities along crucial sea lines of communication, rather than large-scale bases. These facilities will likely include rotational presences like Ream, dual-use commercial ports, and primarily commercial ports with limited military support capabilities.

Why does the US narrative on Chinese basing seem overblown?

Analysis from organizations like the Rand Corporation suggests that Chinese overseas bases, lacking sufficient protection and reliant on vulnerable supply lines, pose a limited threat to U.S. operations, at least in the near term. This contradicts the more alarmist rhetoric coming from Washington.

The podcast discusses the Ream Naval Base in Cambodia, which has been undergoing renovations by Chinese contractors. Suspicions exist that it could become a PLA Navy base, despite denials from both Chinese and Cambodian governments. The discussion analyzes the rhetoric surrounding the base from Washington and Beijing.
  • Renovations at Ream Naval Base raise suspicions of a future PLA Navy outpost.
  • Both Chinese and Cambodian governments deny military intentions.
  • US expresses concerns about lack of transparency and potential threat to regional security.
  • China denies allegations and highlights assistance to Cambodia's maritime defense.

Shownotes Transcript

Chinese contractors have been renovating the Ream Naval Base in Cambodia for the past two years, leading to widespread suspicion that the upgraded facility could eventually serve as a future outpost for the PLA Navy in Southeast Asia.

Despite compelling evidence that Chinese naval forces have been stationed at the base for much of the year, both the Chinese and Cambodian governments deny these claims.

Christopher Woody, an independent defense journalist based in Bangkok, argues that while it seems the Chinese military is set to maintain a presence at the base, it may not resemble a traditional military installation.

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