cover of episode Investigating China's 'historic' claims in the South China Sea

Investigating China's 'historic' claims in the South China Sea

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Chinese Whispers

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bill Hayton
Cindy Yu
Cindy Yu: 本期节目探讨中国南海九段线争议的历史背景,以及这一争议对当前南海局势的影响。节目邀请了亚洲问题专家Bill Hayton,深入分析了九段线主张的演变过程,以及其背后的政治、经济和社会因素。 Bill Hayton: 中国南海九段线主张并非源于古代帝国时期,而是20世纪初在民族主义高涨和列强侵略的背景下逐渐形成的。这一主张的形成过程混乱且缺乏明确的依据,早期对南海岛屿的认知存在诸多不确定性和误差,同时中国内部也存在不同的政治势力和观点。白眉初等地图学家对九段线主张的形成起到了重要作用,但其地图依据不足,带有主观臆断。英法等殖民国家在南海地区的扩张也影响了中国对南海岛屿的主张。解决南海争端的一个方法是尊重历史上的实际占领情况,避免进一步的领土扩张。然而,中国目前似乎并不愿接受外部仲裁,这使得南海局势更加复杂和紧张。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

The South China Sea has been an area of regular clashes and heightened tensions under the leadership of Xi Jinping. It seems that, every few months, Chinese naval or coastguard ships clash or almost clash with vessels from South East Asian nations like Vietnam and the Philippines. Only last week, a Chinese ship clashed with the Filipino coast guard in the Spratly Islands, with both sides levelling angry accusations at each other.

The region is full of disputed claims, making it fertile waters for accidental escalation. China says its claims to the region – encompassed by the ‘nine-dash line’ – are historic; that island sets such as the Spratlys and the Paracels in the South China Sea are as integral to the Chinese empire as Hong Kong or Taiwan. How sound is that claim?

This episode will be digging into the origins of the nine-dash line (roughly pictured here) – and finds them not so much in ancient imperial days. The chaotic formation of China’s claims in the South China Sea is researched and detailed in Bill Hayton’s book, The Invention of China.

To hear more about Bill's book, tune in to our previous episode: What is it to be Chinese?)