cover of episode #2 - How I Got Paid to go to College, Military Service, Post 9/11 GI Bill, Vocational Rehab

#2 - How I Got Paid to go to College, Military Service, Post 9/11 GI Bill, Vocational Rehab

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FIRE the Family Podcast (Financial Independence Retire Early)

Shownotes Transcript

 Wow, that sounds like the ultimate clickbait title. It’s not. I got paid an average of $1200 a month to go to college for 5 years. Not only that, but I still received financial aid, grants, scholarships, and my tuition and books were completely covered. How did I do this? 

The reason I had this amazing benefit was because of my military service and the crazy generous benefits that exist today. This post is largely for those influential youngsters out there. Unfortunately, the older you are the harder it may be to join a branch of the military.

 The Post 9/11 GI Bill is an education benefit service members may be eligible for from serving in the United States Armed Forces. If you meet the criteria (time in service, honorable discharge) then you likely have access to this benefit. Here are the basics: 

 Doing rough math (because math is hard) my undergraduate was at an in-state branch campus university. The tuition was about $5,000 a semester. I attended for 9 semesters. Tuition alone would have cost me upwards of $40,000. I also received about $1400 a month in basic allowance for housing (BAH) to total about $55,000. It’s safe to assume that I received over $100,000 in value from my Post 9/11 GI Bill benefit.  

**Full Article: **How I got Paid to go to College)

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