Ari Taublieb
认证金融规划师和 Root Financial Partners 副总裁,专注于早退休财务规划和教育。
Ari Taublieb: 本期节目探讨了退休生活中常被忽视的五项趣味活动,这些活动并非单纯的休闲娱乐,而是与个人目标和意义相结合,帮助退休人员获得更充实的晚年生活。首先,在美国境内旅行是许多人容易忽视的选择,相比国际旅行,它更经济实惠,也更方便安排。其次,与朋友一起参与志愿者活动,不仅能帮助他人,也能增进友谊,获得目标感和归属感。再次,学习新技能,例如烹饪或其他手艺,能挑战自我,提升技能,并带来成就感。此外,将阅读与锻炼相结合,例如在健身器材上阅读,能有效利用时间,并使身心得到放松。最后,选择低冲击运动,例如游泳,能保护身体健康,并提高睡眠质量。这些活动并非相互排斥,可以根据个人喜好和实际情况灵活组合,从而打造一个丰富多彩、充满意义的退休生活。 Ari Taublieb: 在财务规划方面,退休人员的支出模式并非一成不变,需要根据个人目标和生活阶段进行调整。在退休初期,支出可能会较高,之后可能会降低,然后又可能随着参与更多社会活动或公益事业而再次增加。因此,合理的财务规划需要与人生目标相结合,确保退休生活既有财务保障,又有精神上的满足。在规划旅行时,建议更细致地规划预算和时间,避免冲动消费和不必要的财务损失。在选择活动时,应考虑自身的兴趣爱好和身体状况,并根据实际情况进行调整。重要的是,要积极尝试不同的活动,找到真正适合自己的方式,从而获得最大的满足感和成就感。

Deep Dive

This chapter introduces the concept of meaningful retirement activities beyond financial planning, emphasizing the importance of purpose and fulfillment.
  • Retirement is not just about financial stability but also personal fulfillment.
  • Many retirees struggle with finding purpose and activities that bring joy.
  • Financial planning should align with personal goals and activities.

Shownotes Transcript


Many of you are just waiting for the financial Green light to retire. And you're like, i'm good to go. I've got my list.

I'm gna travel. I'm going to exercise. I'm going to spend time with friends.

Others of you are like, look, I think I know what I want to do a little bit. Maybe I volunteer, maybe travel. I don't really know what i'm going to do for purpose and fulfilment.

And that is something we take very seriously here. And the reason for that is because too many people come to me and go like this. You know, I think I could get away with spending six thousand a months in retirement or even five thousand a months. And I go, I know, but retirements not about getting away with something.

It's about going how much would you love to spend and when are you position to do that for the rest of your life? And how are you going to have purpose fulfilment? Because the first five years are very different in the next ten years and fifteen and twenty.

So we have exercises and resources to help clients optimize their purpose side because the purpose needs to connect to the taxes and the with raw and the investments and the insurance because you're probably going to spend way more the first few years in your retirement, then maybe you spend a little less, then maybe you spend more when you want to do more shared for giving or help a legacy. You know, whatever is IT doesn't tend to be a liniers thing where you're going to spend eight thousand month every month and retirement, no, you're going to spend more than less than more and less. And that needs to be connected to your whole financial strategy.

So today is just a fun episode. I'm going to give you five often overlooked activities in retirement. These are given by my clients who have retired early. And so I might give you one new idea to think about, might give you two, might not give you any, but might be fun to hear about. So if you're the type of person that's like, look, i've got my long list of things.

I just need to financially make sure if I convert the right of mount and withdraw from the right account, i'm in a good spot to make IT all happened that this might not be the episode for you if you're like, no, I want to hear how do people think about purpose, the filming if i've worked a job for thirty years and now I just don't know exactly what i'm going to want to do. Is my spouse going to want me around? I've kind of been gone for twenty years.

I mean, i've been around, but not all day, every day. And so I want to think through your clients, think about that. That's what i'm going to be sharing today.

So if you don't already know my name is retail blip, i'm a certified financial planner, host of this podcast, the earlier retirement podcast and on the vice president at root financial partners. Now I am making this content forever on the podcast apps. So if you're listening while working out or doing something else fun, it's fun for me to here.

So of course, shoot me a note on my website, earlier retirement podcast dot com. Or if you're watching on youtube, please drop a comment if you find any of these videos or types of resources are helpful. This is your channel.

This is your podcast. It's really not mine. I get to make the videos and do the podcast. It's fun for me, but I want to make the most helpful content. I don't believe in fluff content.

In my example of this is has followed so I went to a doctor and if you know the story, but he was a few months back and a dog that sound great, I think you think that sound great. I don't know what you just said. So could you just try again and he's like, okay, so he starts explaining to me the lab that the pills are made in, that he's going to give to me.

I said, doc, that that's too much. I don't need to know. I don't care what lab who is made in.

Just explain to me why I need the spill or why I don't and that's how I try to convey my information where they want to go too much into the weeds or i'm telling you what lab the pill was made in. I want you to know why you might, anna, take this pillar or not. But I want to make sure also, not just like luck, trust me, take IT.

So there's levels to this. And my Fiona is an educator who is critically me consistently in a kind way on the way I deliver information. So always trying to improve for you guys.

So here are the five activities that are often overlooked once again, by my clients. Number one is seeing the us. To trying to think maybe three clients last week were like, I can wait to travel and working to this big international travel.

And I said, hey, if that's what you're excited to do, be my guest as long as financially you're a spot to do IT. But tell me what that looks like and some of them were like, oh, we have just haven't travelled because we've been living in ohio for the last thirty years. And sometimes we go down to mexico de when it's warm.

But you know, outside of that, really not big travel people. So we just cannot wait to see the world. I like, awesome.

Go do IT. Other people are like, I think I want to do big international travel. And then the spouse will say something like, hey, we have traveled around everywhere. I think we have even explored our backyard. And sometimes I feel like there's tons of awesome stuff around us we haven't even looked at.

So whether it's getting in an R V or some sort of camper or just truly driving around and staying at different hotels or motels or whatever that travel experience looks like to you IT certainly worth seen in the U. S. So i'm going to encourage you if you have thought through travel and retirement.

Yes, selfishly, I want someone to never run the risk of running at a money, but I also want to make sure they are enjoying the whole retirement. And so I encourage you rather than kind of go, yeah, I think i'm going to travel in retirement in putting a budget of twenty five thousand years for that. I encourage you to really think IT throw IT more intentionally.

Hey, maybe we're going to do two international trips this year and that's going to be five thousand each. And then we're going to do domestic trips, but more often so ably looking at fifteen thousand, the difference of fifteen versus twenty five is significant. And I want you to ask yourself, how long might you wanted do that? I don't need you to have the exact answers.

And you couldn't if you tried, because you might find your love traveling for six weeks, not forever. And now travels is not a big part of your retirement. I have someone that could not wait to go to hawaii.

They actually put the down payment before they started working with me on a investment property in hawaii. They loved IT for two months, not forever. They saw a big financial hit.

So just want to make sure we're not making any big drastic moves and buying properties and countries that we might not end up being in for a while. And I want to make sure you're thinking through retirement in an intentional way. So if you want to consider looking at the us.

And the beautiful traveling here, that is something I would encourage because my clients have told me, hey, I was all set for this big fancy international travel. And i'd like IT, but I also feel like I haven't explorer with in our backyard. That's number one.

Number two, this is a client that was a teacher for twenty five years and then ended up moving to a different line of work and now is volunteering and healthy back to me. And he knows who he is because she's listen to this, i'm sure. And you'll send me a note later going, yeah, you use my example.

SHE volunteers with a friend, and he does not like volunteering if she's not with her friend. Now the reason for that is when they do the type of volunteering that they do, which is working children who have disabilities, they like learning from each other. They go to lunch afterwards.

It's a whole day. So I used to be an activity that she's like, I feel I should do IT. I want more purpose and retirement.

Now it's got purpose and it's got fun. And she's like, look, I need my friends to be able to retire so I can hang with them into activities. So talking to friends about volunteering is something worth considering.

Number three, I have an engineer, a client who is an engineer for twenty five years, focusing specifically on how do I ensure roads are built properly and i'm like, okay, that is a job I could never deal and i'm very grateful for because every time i'm driving and i'm in L. A, the freeways are wild here. And i'm like, kate, are you the one that like makes us all happen to like, not L A, but that's what we do.

I, well, good to steal. So this person is going to colony school now. Yes, they are in colonies school. They are average age of this column is twenty three, and they are fifty seven. And they love IT.

They're like, to be honest, story if everyone was my aid and I think I would love IT because I just think quickly and nothing. Other people that are older don't think quickly, but they told me once again, not coming from me, coming from them. They said all i'd like being around Younger people, more energetic, more thoughts.

They just think differently and it's honestly just it's stimulating and that's what I like about IT. So this person chose to go to a colony school as if they're literally going to do that for their career. But they specifically want to do barbecueing.

And even the way I said that clearly, you can tell I don't eat a lot of barbicane. So they just want to get really good at making their family and friends know that they're the best and they're competing with a neighbor and they're two different colonies schools. So this person retired and they're like, I need a new difficult task because i'm not into wood work again like some of my friends, and I don't really want to guard in.

So is like, I just need some other task that's gonna be difficult. But there's also an art to IT in so calonge school with something we had discussed and he's like they want to do IT so some to think about going back in learning a new skill and IT can be taking one cooking class or IT can be enrolling in colony school in paying full tuition like this person is doing. So different ways to enjoy your retirement.

But hopefully you interesting in new thoughts. Number four, this is a common one, was going to mention that anyway, which is reading. Reading and exercising.

I have a client that goes to the gym and they're reading on the exercise bike. I couldn't do that personally. I get busy and it's just like i've tried. It's not my thing but they love doing IT. So they like, look, I love reading and they read for, like four hours, going really slow on the exercise bike.

And I know that because they tell me they go slow, not being mean here, and they want to read and they like, but I can't like move in a little bit. So I asked them, hate, what am I like? A rocking change there, something like that.

They go, all right, I like the exercise bike. That is my thing. I'm in the gym for hours. I get to my little zone.

They move their exercise bike into a different part of the gym, and they've made a deal with the front desk. So getting creative with the retirement is why I wanted to bring this up read in exercising. For some people like me, I go on airplane mode and I exercise hard for forty five minutes.

That's what I like to do. Other people they want to do IT in allega ally fashion where it's four hours, maybe there's music or a podcast. And I just want you to really think about, okay, what my true relaxation or exercise look like.

Some of you are like, no, I want exercise the way you are doing and others of you go, no, I kind of like this approach. I never considered going slow, but just for a longer period of time and kind of find in the zone. So everyone gets to do what they want to do.

I'm just trying to give you new ideas. So if reading is something that you haven't been able to spend a lot of time on and there's so many books you can't wait to get to be my guest, you can also do audio book. I've won't.

Client, that doesn't do ultramarathon es, but it's like one tear below that. They're gona make fun of me after this because they're I do not remember the name of what I do. But trust me, I just I don't remember and i'll be the first to tell you I don't remember.

So i'm sure it's awesome. So with this person, that's what they like to do and they're running, they're an audio books and that their style. So find your style is what i'm trying to say.

There is not a perfect way. It's not you read or you exercise, are you travel because those are all things. I just I just said travel number one, volunteer, a new skill in reading.

But within those, I just gave two or three examples in the side of each. And that's what this is about. It's about finding what is that really meaningful and purpose version look like for you. I want client that is about to travel around the world for six months in a boat and they're like, we think we want to do this, but we don't really know.

So what I were out there and after a month where sea sick or we don't like IT or we have more anxiety because we're not even near our children, we want to see them more often, like then do we even know it's going to come, but they're trying IT. And so I want you to be trying lots of things that earlier in your retirement, so you can find out when do you want, what do you want, excuse me, to do for the rest of your retirement that will make you very fulfilled in the same way. I'm really lucky, took me a few years, but then I found a career I really love doing.

I was always in the financial industry, but not this specific sector. So at the beginning I was like, I don't really know if I would want to be in finances and good with numbers, like like numbers, but I don't really feel fulfillment in the way i'm doing IT. Then I got very fortunate, and I found a way of doing so.

And some people find that at forty, some people find that right when they get at a school, to me, was a little bit of time. But I still found IT earlier than most, and i'm grateful for that. So the earlier you can find what you love doing in retirement, the Better.

And the number five, this was kind of combinations. So IT is exercising, but specifically low impact exercises. I've a client that does swimming more than anything else, and there are a big hike, so I don't hear that often.

And Normally here, someone loves hiking or they love swimming and they're like, I love hiking, but swimming has low impact on my body and IT feels really good and I sleep really well. So I personally use a sona before I go to sleep, not every night, but pride two or three nights a week. And I love doing IT.

This person is like, look, I love swimming, not because the activity is so fun, but IT allows me to hike and I sleep really well at night. So if swimming is something you haven't considered just a thought there. Now lots of different activities. I'm just given a five overlooked things are new ones, if you will, when IT comes to activities in a retirement. So just trying to give you some new things that you might have not considered.

My hope is you take one nugget or two nugget gets away from each of these episodes that for this episode and if this has been helpful, once again, I hope that you leave review or drop a comment on youtube if you find that you are looking for specific topics, meaning help me save on taxes, should I do check table giving, what should I withdraw strategy, be plenty of different videos in case studies on those topics. Make sure to check those out on youtube or on the podcast APP, if you're looking for one on one guidance, I have that option after you go through the academy. If you want to speak to me about your financial goals, I also have an option of truly just doing IT on your own and then all the way up to working with, excuse me, one of my advisers long term, that was an unfortunate timing of a burp.

Apologies for that. You're get the raw, authentic content here. So that is IT for this episode. See you guys next time. Thank you for listening another episode, the early retirement show.

If you have a question that you want answered in a future episode, you can always go to my website, early podcast dot com, that's early retirement podcast dot com, and you can go head in the mena question that i'll look to answer in a future episode. Thank you listening. Please do read a review and share with someone who you think I would benefit from this information.

If there's anyone out there that you know, I certainly appreciate you and I will see you all each week. Hey, guys at me again, please be smart about this. Nothing in this podcast should be construed as financial, tax or legal advice. Consult with your tax prepare or financial advisor before taking any action. This podcasts for informational purposes only.