Feeling stressed or worried about the 2024 US presidential election? You’re not alone.
That’s why I created a special mindfulness and compassion guided meditation practice back during the 2020 election. I thought it would be good to share again with only 2 weeks from election day.
No matter who you support in this election, Kamala or Trump, blue or red, I made this meditation for you and you’re welcome here. I hope you find it supportive during this stressful time.**Make sure to make a plan to vote and get it done. It's too important to sit out and wish you did more. Go to IWillVote.com) to get information on how to register and where to vote. **
**About the practice:**It starts with a simple mindfulness practice of checking in with yourself and noticing how you’re feeling. Then I invite you to relax into peace and ease with each exhale. Finally I guide you through a simple compassion practice where you’ll practice sending compassion to yourself, people who agree with you, people who don’t and finally all beings.
I hope you enjoy this practice and would love to hear what you think. Connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a DM.)
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**PS: **I am considering hosting my Life Envisioning Workshop) publicly for the first time but I'm only going to do it if enough people are interested. Join Waitlist)
The Life Envisioning Workshop is all about
If this sounds cool, JOIN THE WAITLIST) to let me know you're interested.