cover of episode 精选片段: ERLAND COOPER: 大自然的歌曲作者 - 作曲家 “Folded Landscapes”

精选片段: ERLAND COOPER: 大自然的歌曲作者 - 作曲家 “Folded Landscapes”

logo of podcast 匠心THE CREATIVE PROCESS 艺术 ,文化, 社会 - 提升英语,扩张创意思维,探索这个日益辽阔的世界。

匠心THE CREATIVE PROCESS 艺术 ,文化, 社会 - 提升英语,扩张创意思维,探索这个日益辽阔的世界。

Shownotes Transcript

在你的生活中,音乐是如何影响你的? 您从哪里寻找自然世界的灵感? 您在日常琐碎生活中是如何寻找有魔力的时刻? 厄兰·库珀 (Erland Cooper) 是一位来自奥克尼群岛stromness的苏格兰作曲家、制作人和多乐器演奏家。 他发行了三张广受好评的录音室专辑、四张姊妹专辑和多张 EP,其中包括受他童年故乡启发而创作的三部曲。 他的作品将现场录音与传统管弦乐和当代电子元素结合起来。 通过音乐文字和电影摄影,他探索风景、记忆和身份的主题。 Cooper还从事混合媒体项目,包括装置、艺术、戏剧和电影。 他因在苏格兰埋葬了他第一张古典专辑的唯一现存母带副本、删除了所有数字文件、只留下了一系列寻宝线索供歌迷和他的唱片公司寻找而闻名。 该磁带最近被发现。 "Music has the ability to transport you to a place and create a sort of internal landscape. And we all have life-changing things that happened to us. And I remember I made it as a way to kind of ease a busy mind. And perhaps I was missing home. I still call Orkney home, even though I'm not there every day. I'm a thousand miles away today, and I still call Orkney home. For example, when I hear the voice of the curlew, it transports me back to Orkney with such a jolt. In a heartbeat. And music can do that too. It's very transformative. Visual arts have the ability to do that too. And you could stare at a Rothko painting and cry and not quite know why. It can take days to figure out perhaps certain meanings from it. But music I think is quite instant. It can really do that." How has music transported you? Where do you find inspiration from the natural world? Where do you find moments of every day magic? Erland Cooper is a Scottish composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist from Stromness, Orkney. He has released three acclaimed studio albums, four additional companion albums, and multiple EPs, including a trilogy of work inspired by his childhood home. His work combines field recordings with traditional orchestration and contemporary electronic elements. Through music words and cinematography, he explores landscape, memory, and identity. Cooper also works across mixed media projects, including installation, art, theater, and film. He is widely known for burying the only existing copy of the master tape of his first classical album in Scotland, deleting all digital files, and leaving only a treasure hunt of clues for fans and his record label alike to search for it. The tape has recently been found. Photo by Alex Kozobolis