cover of episode RON GONEN:循环经济投资公司 Closed Loop Partners 纽约市卫生、回收和可持续发展部前副专员

RON GONEN:循环经济投资公司 Closed Loop Partners 纽约市卫生、回收和可持续发展部前副专员

logo of podcast 匠心THE CREATIVE PROCESS 艺术 ,文化, 社会 - 提升英语,扩张创意思维,探索这个日益辽阔的世界。

匠心THE CREATIVE PROCESS 艺术 ,文化, 社会 - 提升英语,扩张创意思维,探索这个日益辽阔的世界。

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Ron Gonen 是循环经济投资公司Close Loop Partners的创始人兼首席执行官,他也于 2003 年至 2010 年期间担任 Recycle Bank 的联合创始人兼首席执行官。在其充实的职业生涯中,罗恩被联合国环境规划署授予“地球卫士”称号。 他 也在过去Michael Bloomberg领导下的下纽约政府中担任卫生、回收和可持续发展项目的副专员。 他在2021年的新书《无废料的世界:循环经济如何减少消耗、创造更多资源并拯救地球》中引导公司如何使用循环经济思维来在未来市场中取得领先地位。作为一位富有远见的人,他的循环经济理念无疑将影响未来循环经济领域的发展方向。 Ron Gonen is the Founder and CEO of Closed Loop Partners, a New York Based investment firm that focuses on building the circular economy. In his fulfilling career, Ron has been recognized as the “Champion of Earth” by the United Nations Environment Program. Serving as the Deputy Commissioner of Sanitation, Recycling and Sustainability in New York City under the Bloomberg Administration, Ron Gonen is a visionary and his idea of the circular economy is certainly the way of the future. In 2021, he released his first book with Penguin Random House, The Waste Free World: How the Circular Economy Will Take Less, Make More, and Save the Planet, highlighting how companies that utilize circular economy business models will generate the most value and lead their industries.  Earlier in his career, Ron was the Co-Founder and CEO of RecycleBank from 2003-2010. He started his career at Deloitte Consulting. Ron was a Henry Catto Fellow at the Aspen Institute and past term member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He holds a number of technology and business method patents in the recycling industry.