The two main tasks are to eliminate the afflictions of the 'view' (见惑) and the afflictions of 'cultivation' (修惑). These afflictions together are called the 'obstacle of afflictions' (烦恼障).
There are 88 afflictions associated with the 'view' stage and 81 afflictions associated with the 'cultivation' stage, totaling 169 afflictions.
The 81 cultivation afflictions require repeated practice and gradual elimination during the cultivation process, making it a painful and arduous task compared to the relatively straightforward elimination of the 88 view afflictions.
The ultimate goal is to achieve liberation from the three realms (三界) and attain the stage of 'no more learning' (无学道), which signifies the end of the cycle of birth and death and the attainment of Arhatship (阿罗汉果).
Vasubandhu defined the four paths of liberation as the path of preparation (加行道), the path of uninterrupted progress (无间道), the path of liberation (解脱道), and the path of the holy advance (圣进道). These paths correspond to different stages of the Buddhist practice.
The five stages of the Buddhist path (三贤位, 四善根, 见道, 修道, 无学道) align with the four paths of liberation. The stages of 'three virtuous positions' (三贤位) and 'four roots of goodness' (四善根) correspond to the path of preparation (加行道). The transition from worldly to supramundane practice is the path of uninterrupted progress (无间道), while the stages of 'seeing the path' (见道) and 'cultivation' (修道) correspond to the path of liberation (解脱道). The final stage of 'no more learning' (无学道) is the path of the holy advance (圣进道).