cover of episode #077 The only new year’s resolution parents / caregivers need this year

#077 The only new year’s resolution parents / caregivers need this year

logo of podcast How to Parent Peacefully. With the Hand in Hand Parenting approach.

How to Parent Peacefully. With the Hand in Hand Parenting approach.

Shownotes Transcript

Happy new year!

Today I want to talk about the only new year’s resolution you need to make to get your parenting back on track. 

It is one of my favourite practices and it is probably the most effective and most important parenting strategy that you can start using straight away. 

January is a great time of year to reassess your parenting, to notice what needs to go and what you need to get back on track. 

Over Christmas we often drop the normal routines and bad habits can creep in so it is almost a relief when January comes around and we can get back on track again. 

But with that often comes self-judgement and self-criticism, especially when those good intentions don’t get off the ground or get quickly forgotten about. 

I’m here to show you a simple way to bring some self-love and kindness into your parenting - so you can be your own biggest cheerleader instead of your own worst enemy. 

I explain why being kind to yourself can be a total game changer in your parenting and I take you through 4 quick and easy steps to calm the inner critic and replace it with self-kindness. 

I also talk about the wider reasons that parenting is so hard and why we tend to blame ourselves for wider societal problems. 

It is so good to be back talking to you - wishing you a very happy and peaceful new year. 

If you are ready to put these ideas into practice in your own parenting, come and work with me over in the Peaceful Parent School.  Click here to find out more and book your place.)If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend and consider leaving an iTunes review. It will help this conversation reach even more parents.I would love to stay in touch! You can follow me on Facebook) and Instagram) @PamParentCoach. I always love to hear from my listeners.