cover of episode Acquired Episode 16: Midroll + Stitcher (acquired by Scripps)

Acquired Episode 16: Midroll + Stitcher (acquired by Scripps)

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ben Gilbert
David Rosenthal
David Rosenthal认为Scripps收购Midroll和Stitcher的目的是整合播客行业的碎片化生态系统,弥合用户参与度和广告收入之间的差距。他详细分析了Midroll的发展历程、商业模式以及Scripps收购的战略意义,并指出播客行业面临的结构性挑战在于其各个组成部分(收听客户端、内容托管、广告模式)相互独立且脱节。他还分析了Acquired播客自身的收听数据,说明了播客广告效果难以衡量的现状。Rosenthal认为Scripps收购Stitcher的策略在于整合播客生态系统,从而弥合用户参与度和广告收入之间的差距,并指出Stitcher的用户体验和广告模式存在不足。他认为,如果Scripps能够成功整合Midroll和Stitcher,并提升Stitcher的产品质量,那么他们将有机会解锁播客市场的总可寻址市场,并获得丰厚的回报。但他也指出,这项任务的难度很大,因为需要克服技术挑战、用户习惯以及与Apple等巨头的竞争。 Ben Gilbert则对Stitcher的产品质量提出了批评,认为其用户体验差,并指出播客行业整合的机遇将吸引新的创业公司进入该领域。他认为,尽管Stitcher产品质量差,但整合播客生态系统仍具有巨大商业价值,并与Facebook Instant Articles的案例进行对比,突显了用户体验在整合播客生态系统中的重要性。Gilbert还分析了Pioneer Square Labs尝试进入播客领域,但由于市场规模小和技术挑战而放弃的经历,并指出播客行业面临的挑战,包括与平台默认应用竞争的困难以及对Apple等巨头依赖性过高的问题。他认为,要赢得播客市场,需要吸引头部播客加入平台,并通过整合平台来解锁播客市场的总可寻址市场。

Deep Dive

The podcasting industry is fragmented with high audience engagement but low advertising revenue. Midroll Media, a pioneer in podcast advertising, was acquired by Scripps for $50 million, highlighting the potential in the space despite its current limitations.
  • Podcasting industry is fragmented with high audience engagement but low advertising revenue.
  • Midroll Media, a pioneer in podcast advertising, was acquired by Scripps for $50 million.
  • The industry lacks a unified platform for hosting, analytics, and advertising.

Shownotes Transcript

The meta show: Ben and David turn their gaze inward and examine the podcasting industry through E. W. Scripps’ recent acquisitions of the Midroll podcast advertising network and Stitcher podcast client. Featuring discussion of our own product process and metrics at Acquired. 

**Sponsors:**Statsig: Announcements: 

  • We’re pivoting! (not really) Our new show description: A Podcast About Technology Acquisitions) That Actually Went Well
  • But we are launching a new feature! Since so many of you, our listeners, are also tech and startup folks and/or other builders, we wanted to create a space to feature cool products, companies and side projects you’re working on. Thus we’re adding a "Community Showcase” section to the show. If you’d like to be included just send us a Slack message or email, and we’ll choose one submission to feature on each show. This episode we’re highlighting BESTR), from community member David Resnick (aka @the_rezonator in Slack), which is an online platform to share lists of great things. Check it out and let David know what you think.


  Topics covered include: 

  • Top Google search results for “acquired podcast)"
  • Midroll’s origins in the comedy podcast Comedy Bang Bang) (now an tv show on IFC)) and exit last year to Scripps 
  • The structural challenges inherent to podcasting as a medium and the gap between audience size/engagement and industry revenues
  • Opportunities for independent podcasters and our own audience and business metrics at Acquired 
  • Stitcher’s long corporate history as a venture backed company, first acquisition by French music company Deezer, and now second acquisition from Deezer by Scripps
  • Problems with Stitcher as a product and industry reaction to the acquisition including John Gruber's response), Ben Thompson’s article on Stratechery), and Ben & James Allworth's discussion on their excellent podcast Exponent)
  • Handicapping Stitcher+Midroll’s chances for success within Scripps, and opportunities for new startups & innovation in the podcasting space
  • Pioneer Square Labs’ own past efforts in the podcasting space and their process for evaluating potential new company ideas 
  • Shoutout to Pocket Casts and our listeners down under



  The Carve Out: