cover of episode SE01 EP03 “Bay of Married Pigs”

SE01 EP03 “Bay of Married Pigs”

logo of podcast Carried Away... The Sex and the City Rewatch Podcast

Carried Away... The Sex and the City Rewatch Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

WELCOME TO CARRIED AWAY... THE SATC REWATCH PODCAST where two twenty something women rewatch the iconic 90s series... twenty something years later. In episode 3 we walk you through the 3rd episode of season 1 “Bay of Married Pigs” scene by scene as the ladies navigate the secret war between married and singles. We get Carried Away... discussing single bashing, showing it off like a money, Carrie’s egg farm, a sudo lesbian couple, cheese graters, RESPECT and abso-fucking-lutely everything in-between. Find out our take on the episode and our hilarious quotes of the episode!

Trigger warning - very brief discussion of rape. Time stamp: 1:21 - 1:28:30