Welcome to this show! to whoever learning English, this is the podcast reading an news digest from Quartz Daily Brief!
I am happy to share every episode to you guys who aim to improve your English and catch up with current movement in the world.
Please open a link of today's digest, and use as a text! https://qz.com/latest/)
you can subscribe this Quartz Daily Brief for free. Let's study English and get the foresight of where we go to . hope you enjoy this show! Thanks for listening!
More details about above the news :
about Paragraph 2 https://uk.reuters.com/article/twitter-trump-executive-order/trumps-executive-order-targets-political-bias-at-twitter-and-facebook-draft-idUKL1N2DA09S)
Paragraph 4 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/office-buildings.htm)