Episode 331 - The Two Fit Crazies on the Run!
“Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” If you remember watching this show, you just dated yourself! And you may or may not remember where all of the countries in Africa and South America are located.
Why do I mention this, you ask? On any given day, you never know where the Two Fit Crazies will show up around the globe! You’ve waited long enough, and Christine and Brian are ready to fill you in on all their latest travels, coaching and speaking adventures! Listen up as Christine shares what she learned on her trip to Golden, Colorado to see her wicked smart and athletic niece, Allison. Not only did she graduate with a 4.0 but did it in only 3-years from one of the most highly ranked schools in the country. Apparently, the Colorado School of Mines is “where it’s at!” On top of that, Brian opens up about his ridiculously successful coaching endeavors as the driving force behind some of the best runners in the state of New Jersey, the east coast, and beyond! It must be the coaching, right? To hear more, listen to the episode and be ready for more tales of chaos and craziness as the two “fit crazies” continue to inspire the world to be just a little healthier and happier by the day!
Stay Fit! Stay Crazie! Christine and Brian www.TwoFitCrazies.com [email protected] [email protected] #twofitcrazies #podcast #wellness #IDEA #fitnessprofessional #personaltrainer #fitnessinstructor #fitpro #fitspo #conference #fitness #business #IHRSA #canfitpro #ACSM #womenshealth #marathon #onepercentbetter #run # #ICAA #Rollga #Burnalong #njshore #tfcproductions #brick #track #USTAF #orediggers #coloradoschoolofmines #miners #ManasquanHighSchool #runner #hurdles #coach #inspire #educate #travel #UnitedAirlines #MariottHotels #Planes #trains #automobiles #breathe #laugh #nike #hoka #adidas #brooks #SpecialOlympics #autismawareness #downsyndromeawareness #NJ #CarmenSanDiego