We’ve dueled to save the world. We’ve dueled to graduate high school. But that was the past. And this is the era of Turbo Duels!
This week we cover episodes 56-59, talk about spending too much on trading cards, and lose our minds over some of THE SADDEST SHIT THIS SERIES HAS THROWN AT US YET!
Join our five hosts: ShibuyaKessler, Carl Atlas, Shorah Halldor, Bio Ohdo, and KZ Bruno as they get up to speed with Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's!
If you want to watch the video version of the podcast, you can find the YouTube playlist over here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIy_dS4sInE&list=PLn_Ey4ZwoCjmARajEEx-3jNECwPHf-J_P)
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DipShips, The "Legitimate" Boating Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnzGNzgAaFA&list=PLLRryKl2NetgplR557wv7r_HcEq9YPfQU)
Thank you to our Blue-Eyes White Dragons: Lisa Slack, Steffany Christianson, and ParadoxUmbreon
Our Forbidden Ones: Zomb1eslayer051
And our God Cards: ShinyMew
If you'd like a shout out, or just want to support us, consider checking out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/millenniummic)
Where To Find Us: ShibuyaGato: Twitter) | Twitch) CalamityCarl: Twitter) | Twitch) Shorah: Twitter) | Twitch) BioRoxas: Twitter) | YouTube) KZXcellent: Twitter) | YouTube) | Twitch)