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Will China’s policy stimulus be enough?

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Goldman Sachs Exchanges

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Hui Shan
Michael Pettis
@Hui Shan : 中国经济在过去几年经历了诸多意外,2023年增长低于预期,2024年出口强劲但国内需求疲软。地方政府债务置换计划是目前最重要的政策,旨在解决经济中最紧迫的风险,虽然效果有待观察,但它避免了地方政府将资金用于还债而非民生支出。刺激计划中对股市和消费的关注值得注意,政策制定者正在逐渐认识到需要重视消费,而房地产和基础设施投资不再是主要的刺激手段。特朗普的关税威胁对中国经济的影响有限,但由此产生的不确定性将带来更大的影响。中国从出口导向型增长转向消费导向型增长的转变尚未成功,政策制定者正在转向刺激消费,但其效果和速度仍有待观察。 @Michael Pettis : 中国的债务与GDP比率远高于预期,最终的调整将更加困难。中央政府最终对所有债务负有责任,因为这些债务大多由商业银行发放,而商业银行需要中央政府进行资本再补充。中央政府面临两难境地:一方面要保持中央政府资产负债表清洁,另一方面又要实现高GDP增长目标,这导致地方政府只能通过举债投资来实现目标。地方政府债务问题反映了中央政府和地方政府之间在损失分配上的政治斗争,中央政府可能试图通过迫使地方政府处置资产来偿还债务,从而削弱地方政府的经济和政治权力。增加地方政府债务上限的政策无效,因为它只是将债务从一个账户转移到另一个账户,并没有改变系统的根本问题。中国政府的其他政策,如继续补贴制造业、稳定房地产市场和刺激股市,都存在问题,因为它们未能解决消费不足与生产过剩之间的根本性失衡。稳定房地产市场和刺激股市以提振消费者信心的策略效果存疑,因为中国房地产市场面临供过于求的问题,股市规模有限且波动性大。通过直接转移支付刺激消费的策略效果有限,因为这些支出规模很小,并且主要由地方政府负责,而地方政府面临现金流约束。特朗普当选和可能加征的关税对中国和世界经济都构成严重问题,因为这将加剧中美两国在全球制造业份额争夺中的冲突,并损害其他国家的制造业。短期内财政支持将扩大,但长期来看,只有增加家庭部门的GDP份额才能可持续地再平衡经济。 @Alison Nathan : 中国面临国内经济挑战和来自美国贸易威胁的外部风险,中国政府已宣布一系列刺激措施,但这些措施是否足够?短期内财政支持将扩大,刺激经济需求,但最终只是短期解决方案。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What were the key surprises in China's economy in 2023?

China's 2023 growth was 5.2%, a disappointment after reopening, and domestic demand weakened despite strong exports. GDP growth decelerated quarter after quarter.

Why did Chinese policymakers announce a stimulus package in late 2023?

The stimulus was announced in response to weakening domestic demand and decelerating GDP growth, particularly in the third quarter.

What is the significance of the 10 trillion RMB local government debt swap plan?

The plan aims to address urgent economic risks by allowing local governments to issue new debt, preventing cuts to essential services like schools and hospitals.

How does the local government debt swap plan impact local governments?

It provides local governments with additional debt quotas, preventing them from using tax revenue to pay off existing debt and instead allowing them to focus on public services.

Why is the focus on consumption in China's stimulus package notable?

Policymakers are shifting focus from traditional drivers like property and infrastructure to consumption, recognizing their diminishing effectiveness.

What is the potential impact of U.S. tariffs under a Trump re-election on China's economy?

While direct impact is limited (3% of GDP), uncertainty could deter investment and have a broader second-round effect on the economy.

Why has China's debt-to-GDP ratio risen significantly?

The rise is due to high GDP growth targets requiring increased investment, particularly in non-productive sectors like property and infrastructure.

Who ultimately bears the responsibility for China's debt?

The central government, as local and corporate debt is often backed by implicit guarantees, making the central government indirectly responsible.

Why is the local government debt swap plan considered ineffective by some analysts?

It merely shifts debt from off-balance sheet to on-balance sheet, without addressing the fundamental issue of excessive debt or improving cash flow significantly.

What are the challenges in boosting consumption in China?

China needs to increase household income relative to production, which requires reducing government and business income shares, a politically difficult task.

This chapter analyzes China's recent economic performance, highlighting surprising aspects like the weak rebound post-reopening and the delayed policy response to the weakening domestic demand. It examines the details of the stimulus package, focusing on the local government debt swap plan and its potential effectiveness, as well as the shift in policy focus towards consumption.
  • Weak post-reopening economic rebound in China (5.2% growth in 2023 after 3% in 2022)
  • Delayed stimulus package announcement despite economic challenges
  • Local government debt swap plan as the most significant policy change (10 trillion RMB package)
  • Shift in policy focus from property and infrastructure investment to consumption

Shownotes Transcript

Goldman Sachs Research’s Hui Shan, chief China economist, and Peking University Guanghua School of Management’s Michael Pettis discuss just how effective China’s domestic policy stimulus will be in addressing the country’s internal and external economic challenges. This episode explores the latest Top of Mind report, “Will China’s policy stimulus be enough?”