cover of episode Keep on truckin’: Will the US continue to outperform other markets?

Keep on truckin’: Will the US continue to outperform other markets?

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Goldman Sachs Exchanges

AI Deep Dive AI Insights Transcript
Sharmeen Mosavaramani
@Sharmeen Mosavaramani : 我认为美国经济将继续保持领先地位,这应成为投资策略的核心。尽管美国股市估值较高,但强劲的经济增长和盈利预期将抵消估值风险。我们预计美国GDP将高于趋势水平,这将带来良好的盈利增长。长期来看,估值可能会下降,但这并不意味着股市回报会降低。我们预计2025年美国股票的回报率为8%,这与去年的6%相比略高,但考虑到2024年下半年股市的下跌,这个数字是合理的。我们认为,高估值并不一定意味着未来回报会降低,在良好的经济环境下,盈利增长将会抵消估值风险。我们建议投资者继续投资美国股票。 至于利率,我们的基本预期是利率将会下降。虽然市场对关税和贸易战等因素感到担忧,但我们认为这些因素对通货膨胀的影响将是有限的。通货膨胀将稳步下降,这将导致利率下降。此外,美国公司的大部分债务是固定利率的,因此利率上升对它们的影响微乎其微。 关于资产配置,我们长期以来一直超配美国股票。虽然美国股票在指数中的权重有所上升,但我们认为,鉴于我们对美国经济领先地位的看法,超配美国股票仍然是合理的策略。我们将略微降低对非美国股票的配置,并将资金投入美国私募资产,特别是私募股权投资。我们认为,未来十年,美国私募股权投资将跑赢非美国发达市场和新兴市场股票。 至于非美国市场,虽然这些市场看起来很便宜,但需要更深入地分析。不同市场的行业构成差异很大,这会影响估值比较。例如,科技行业在美国股市中占很大比例,但在英国股市中占比很小。因此,需要对不同市场的行业结构进行调整,才能更准确地评估其估值。此外,许多非美国市场都面临着中国经济放缓的影响。 关于中国,我们认为中国经济将不可避免地放缓,其轨迹可能类似于日本。虽然中国可能会采取刺激措施,导致股市出现短暂的反弹,但这并不具有可持续性。因此,我们不建议投资中国股市。 关于黄金,我们认为黄金并非良好的通胀对冲工具,其价格主要受央行购买行为驱动,特别是中国央行的购买行为。因此,我们对黄金价格的预测较为谨慎,不建议进行战术性投资。 至于比特币,我们认为比特币并非投资资产,而是一种投机性资产。它不产生现金流,也不产生盈利,因此我们不建议投资比特币。 总而言之,我们建议投资者保持合理的战略资产配置,以应对市场波动。高品质的长期固定收益资产是最好的对冲工具,可以帮助投资者抵御市场波动。通过对冲策略来应对市场波动成本很高,而且效果不一定好,因此我们不建议使用这种策略。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Investment Strategy Group (ISG) choose "Keep on Truckin’" as the title for their 2025 outlook?

The title reinforces the ISG's long-held conviction in U.S. preeminence as an investment theme, signifying their belief that the U.S. economy will continue to outperform other markets.

Why does the ISG maintain its recommendation to stay invested in U.S. equities despite stretched valuations?

While acknowledging expensive valuations, the ISG believes that strong U.S. GDP growth (around 2.3%) will likely generate robust earnings, making current valuations manageable. They also dismiss the idea of equity valuations reverting to a long-term post-World War II mean.

What is the ISG's outlook for U.S. equity returns in 2025?

The base case is an 8% return, slightly up from the previous year's 6% due to a recent market downdraft. They see a reasonable probability of returns exceeding this, suggesting attractive returns are likely despite the high valuations.

How does the ISG view the potential impact of rising interest rates on U.S. equities?

Their base case anticipates interest rates coming down. They believe the impact on U.S. companies will be negligible due to the low interest burden from previously low rates. While higher rates could affect the discount rate for forward earnings, this is not their primary scenario. They also downplay concerns about the U.S. debt trajectory as a near-term risk.

How has the ISG adjusted its asset allocation strategy for 2025?

To maintain a sufficient overweight position in U.S. equities, they slightly reduced allocations to non-U.S. equities and shifted those funds into private assets, specifically buyout and growth equity, anticipating better returns from these primarily U.S.-oriented investments over the next 10 years.

Why doesn't the ISG consider seemingly cheap valuations in non-U.S. developed markets a compelling buying opportunity?

They argue that superficial comparisons are misleading due to sectoral differences. The U.S. market's heavy weighting in high-valuation technology stocks skews the comparison. After adjusting for sector composition, these markets appear less cheap. Furthermore, the ISG highlights the U.S. economy's faster growth, diversity, and limited exposure to China's slowdown as factors justifying a valuation premium.

Why is the ISG pessimistic about investing in China despite recent stimulus efforts and low valuations?

They believe China will, at best, experience a Japan-style slowdown due to demographics and other headwinds. While short-term rallies are possible due to stimulus, they are not considered sustainable, making China a trading environment rather than an investment one.

Does the ISG recommend gold as an inflation hedge in 2025?

No, they do not. They argue that gold has not historically been an effective inflation hedge, with U.S. equities performing better in inflationary periods. Current gold price movements are attributed to central bank and Chinese purchases, not inflation concerns. They remain agnostic on gold's future price and advise against tactical allocation.

What is the ISG's view on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies?

They maintain that cryptocurrencies are not investment assets but rather speculative trading instruments. They lack fundamental characteristics like cash flows, earnings, and diversification benefits. The recent price rally is dismissed as self-fulfilling speculation, and they see no reliable way to determine value.

What is the ISG's recommended approach to hedging portfolios in the current environment?

Instead of expensive hedging strategies like put options, they recommend a robust strategic asset allocation with sufficient high-quality fixed income. This approach provides downside protection while avoiding the costs and potential upside sacrifices of active hedging.

Shownotes Transcript

Goldman Sachs’ Sharmin Mossavar-Rahmani, head of the Investment Strategy Group (ISG) and chief investment officer of Goldman Sachs Wealth Management, shares ISG’s 2025 outlook, Keep on Truckin’, and why the team’s long-held investment recommendations—US preeminence and staying invested—remain intact.