cover of episode Investing in Sports: Building A Better Fan Experience

Investing in Sports: Building A Better Fan Experience

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Goldman Sachs Exchanges

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#sports#professional sports#real estate#investment banking#personal finance and investment#entertainment and media#travel and hospitality#consulting and professional services#venture capital and angel investing Topics
@吉莲·祖克 :拥有独立的体育场馆对球队至关重要,它能改善比赛时间安排,提升球队竞争力和财务状况,并为球迷提供更好的观赛体验。Intuit Dome的设计理念是为每一位球迷提供VIP级别的体验,通过增加洗手间和餐饮设施、改进餐饮服务等方式,提升球迷的终身价值。球馆的设计不仅要考虑比赛本身,还要兼顾球迷对舒适性和现代化设施的需求,创造一个便捷、舒适、令人兴奋的观赛环境。 @格雷格·凯里 :体育场馆融资模式的创新,例如新英格兰爱国者队球场的完全私人融资,是体育场馆发展的重要里程碑。现代体育场馆的多功能性,例如举办演唱会等活动,以及对场馆运营的控制权,是推动其发展的重要因素。 @斯泰西·索嫩伯格 :体育场馆的设计和功能已发生显著变化,旨在提供更全面的娱乐体验,吸引更多人群并增加收入。现代体育场馆在促进社区经济发展和创造就业机会方面发挥着重要作用。体育场馆的建设通常需要政府和私人资本的合作,但在不同国家和地区,政府参与的程度差异很大。体育场馆融资方式多种多样,包括抵押贷款、租赁抵押贷款等,其具体方式会根据不同地区的市场情况和监管环境而有所调整。 @尼科尔·普伦·罗斯 :洛杉矶快船队新球馆Intuit Dome的落成,是体育娱乐综合体发展趋势的一部分,旨在为球迷提供超越观看比赛的更多体验。建造新的体育场馆成本高昂,但对球队老板来说,这代表着增加收入的机会。

Deep Dive

The LA Clippers faced numerous challenges in their previous arena, including unfavorable playing dates, competitive and financial disadvantages, and limited revenue control.
  • The Clippers were the third tenant in a building shared with the LA Lakers and LA Kings.
  • They played many day games, Monday nights, and holidays, leading to a competitive disadvantage.
  • Being in someone else's building meant paying rent, losing sweet revenue, and competing with other sponsors.

Shownotes Transcript

In the third episode of a four-part series on the changing dynamics in the business of sports, host Nicole Pullen Ross discusses the physical fan experience with Greg Carey, Global Co-Head of Sports Investment Banking, and Stacy Sonnenberg, Head of Global Sports Finance. They discuss what’s driving interest in the new sports-entertainment complexes, the creative ways of financing these infrastructure projects, and what it all means for teams and their fans. Nicole is also joined by Gillian Zucker, CEO of Halo Sports and Entertainment and President of Business Operations for the LA Clippers, to discuss how the team intends to make its new home — the Intuit Dome — a “basketball mecca.” Nicole Pullen Ross is Head of Sports and Entertainment for Goldman Sachs Private Wealth Management. She is also Head of the Private Wealth Management business for the New York region at Goldman Sachs.