The hair salon is a sacred place where people find their hidden beauty through an intense session.
However many people rush into establishing the business without having the sense of managing it. In today’s episode of Hair Biz Radio, Zakiyrah, and Mikey are hosting the famous Cherelle Renee to spill the tea about the craftmanship of running a hair salon.
From timing the sessions to picking and testing your products. Cherelle shares more than 16 years of experience in the beauty industry. New clients are always welcome!
This podcast was recorded in the Private Label Studio for Hair Biz Radio.
Learn more about Private Label here:
Visit Cherelle’s website here:
Visit one of Private Label's locations in Atlanta, Lithonia, Tucker, Smyrna, Greenville, Charlotte, and Detroit.
Say hi to your hosts! @Zakiyrah @MoranMikey
And our beautiful guest! @CherelleReneeHair
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