Tarot cards have been representative of the metaphysical for a very long time. These mysterious cards have been the focus of most psychic readings that I've ever been involved with. On this episode, we take a look at just what the Tarot is, how it works and even answer some questions from the audience, thanks to the talents of Daniel Maday!Questions tackled: Are the cards really a connection with spirits or are they just random?Will I get a promotion at work?Should Jamin from Fairfax continue with her current contract or look some something else?Will Leslie's husband be more faithful in the future?Will Karen be moving back home an time soon?Will Chris' family have to deal with health problems?Should Jamin buy a house this year or wait till next year?Apologies to Nina, who's question was to general in nature to be included. Promise to have you on to answer your question specifically on a later show.Daniel Maday is a part time tarot reader out of Chicago. In his day jobs, he teaches organizational psychology, specializing in training and development, strategy, and personnel psychology. He also delivers pizza part time on his moped, runs the business side of The Ozymandias Project LLC. His tarot practice comes from a place of discovery, having started back in 2019 after learning how to do readings from a friend. While he mostly lives in the world of science and business, he uses tarot as a tool for personal exploration with others and approaches readings as a fun exercise that allows for us to reflect and connect in a dynamically different way than we often do in our day to day lives. Readings can be entertaining and comedic in nature, as well as deep and emotional, and often end up being a combination of the two.He does offer tarot readings by request, and anyone interested can reach out to him via social media or email him. All of his information can be found below.Pricing is flexible and usually operates on a sliding scale. Virtual readings are customizable and encompass both the drawing and analysis, and I can offer more broad guidance and conversation expanding from the reading.He also produces a podcast called The Ozymandias Project where they speak with thought leaders from academia and the entertainment industry and facilitate thoughtful discussions focused on exploring the ancient world through the lens of contemporary storytelling and examine the practical applicability of a degree in ancient studies in modern society. Want to learn more about Tarot cards? Check out this book:Tarot for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Tarot Reading and Tarot Spreads Using Tarot CardsLooking for an introductory book on all things metaphysical? Check this one out:Metaphysics: An IntroductionGuest Info:Email: [email protected]) Facebook: @InThisTarotIWillInstagram: @inthistarotiwill The Ozymandias Project: theozymandiasproject.com Skeptic Metaphysician Info:skepticmetaphysician.comFacebook: @TheSkepticMetaphysicianIG: SkepticMetaphysician_Podcast