cover of episode 138. ANALYSIS: Miriam Hess on Ramzan Kadyrov’s place in Russian politics; Chechen fighters on both sides in the war in Ukraine; and the future of the Republic of Chechnya

138. ANALYSIS: Miriam Hess on Ramzan Kadyrov’s place in Russian politics; Chechen fighters on both sides in the war in Ukraine; and the future of the Republic of Chechnya

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War in Ukraine: Update from Kyiv

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Miriam Hess
Miriam Hess: 车臣与俄罗斯的关系长期以来复杂且充满冲突,其核心在于车臣人民争取独立,而俄罗斯则试图阻止其独立。这种冲突贯穿历史,并受到车臣内部权力斗争以及俄罗斯对车臣民族认同的压制等多种因素的影响。 卡德罗夫和普京的关系是相互依赖的:卡德罗夫依赖普京维持其在车臣的权力,而普京则利用卡德罗夫维持车臣地区的稳定,避免国内政治动荡。卡德罗夫家族的权力建立在其对莫斯科的效忠之上,而普京则需要卡德罗夫来控制车臣这个长期动荡的地区。 卡德罗夫利用其穆斯林身份,将自己定位为不仅是车臣人民,也是俄罗斯穆斯林人口的代言人,以提升自身政治形象和国际影响力。他试图通过这种方式,增强自身在俄罗斯政治中的地位,并为俄罗斯与中东国家建立联系。 在乌克兰战争中,车臣人在双方都有参与。一部分是卡德罗夫的忠实支持者,另一部分是被迫参战的。在乌克兰支持乌克兰一方的车臣战士自2014年以来就一直在战斗,他们将这场战争视为对抗俄罗斯的象征性斗争,并希望国际社会关注车臣的遭遇。 如果普京下台,卡德罗夫的未来存在不确定性。他可能试图与新领导人合作以保住权力,也可能试图重新争取车臣独立,这取决于他权衡自身利益和风险后的选择。 Jessica Genauer: 引导访谈,提出问题,并对Miriam Hess的回答进行回应和总结。

Deep Dive

The relationship between the Chechen Republic and the Russian state is characterized by conflict, with the Chechen people seeking independence and the Russian state aiming to integrate Chechnya without respecting its identity.

Shownotes Transcript

Miriam Hess, Associate Fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations),

discusses Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov's place in the domestic Russian political landscape and relationship to Putin, Chechens fighting on both sides in the war in Ukraine, and the possible future of the Republic of Chechnya if Putin were to no longer be in power.

More about Miriam's work: Miriam Hess)

Miriam Hess on: background to the relationship between Chechnya and Russia for The Hundred )

Miriam Hess on Ramzan Kadyrov: The Controversial Chechen Leader who Supports Putin in Ukraine )

Miriam Hess on: how Ramzan Kadyrov leverages Islam and internal conflict )

Miriam Hess on X(Twitter): @miriamka_hess)

More about the host: Jessica Genauer)

Jessica on X(twitter): @jessicagenauer)