cover of episode 131. UPDATE: Maksym Yali on expected Ukrainian counteroffensive - when, where and what’s at stake

131. UPDATE: Maksym Yali on expected Ukrainian counteroffensive - when, where and what’s at stake

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War in Ukraine: Update from Kyiv

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Maksym Yali
Maksym Yali: 乌克兰近期空袭增多与即将到来的反攻和前线局势有关。雨季结束后,五月初天气条件利于反攻。俄军利用时间准备防御,修建了大量雷区,而乌军获得的坦克数量和种类不足以有效突破雷区,空军力量的不足也对反攻构成威胁。如果反攻失败,将影响西方国家继续提供军事援助的意愿,因为许多国家即将举行选举。乌克兰需要F-16战斗机来控制领空和防御关键基础设施,同时也面临国内的政治压力,民众期待反攻取得成果。摧毁敌方后勤线对反攻至关重要,但现在比去年更难做到。乌克兰缺乏足够的远程导弹来摧毁俄军弹药库和后勤线,这将影响反攻的成功率。美国夏季的政治因素和公众舆论将影响对乌克兰的持续支持,完全收复包括克里米亚在内的所有失地难度很大。俄军也在积极准备反击,持续进行动员,这可能导致乌军反攻被推迟。乌克兰的反攻可能采取小规模行动来试探敌情,马里乌波尔可能是可能的攻击目标之一,但需要谨慎,确保反攻成功。 Jessica Genauer: 作为访谈主持人,Jessica Genauer主要负责引导话题,提出问题,并总结Maksym Yali的观点,并没有提出自己独立的观点。

Deep Dive

Maxim Yali discusses the current situation in Kyiv, noting the increased frequency of air attacks and the effectiveness of the air defense system, which has led to a certain level of adaptation among the residents.

Shownotes Transcript

Maksym Yali, Head of a Center for New World Order and Professor of International Relations at the National Aviation University in Kyiv, comments on when we are likely to see the Ukrainian counteroffensive commence, what's at stake and where it might take place.  

Maksym Yali on twitter: @maksymyali )

Jessica Genauer on twitter: @jessicagenauer)

More about the host: Jessica Genauer )