cover of episode Episode 30: The Impact of AI in UX Design with Chenmu Wu

Episode 30: The Impact of AI in UX Design with Chenmu Wu

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Working in UX Design

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Chenmu Wu
Chenmu Wu: 我开发了一个Figma插件,利用ChatGPT生成线框图,它在设计过程中可以快速生成UI线框图,用于头脑风暴和讨论,但不能用于细节设计。目前市场上缺乏优秀的利用AI生成UI设计的工具,这是一个可以探索的领域。AI不会取代UX设计师的工作,而是会赋能他们,让他们专注于更重要的工作,例如设计系统和产品策略。AI生成的产出通常只能达到80%的满意度,设计师仍然需要进行调整和完善。与其担心AI取代工作,不如思考如何利用AI提高效率,创造更多价值。招聘UX设计师时,对技术兴趣和开放心态十分看重。设计师应该专注于批判性思维、沟通能力、协调能力和项目管理等永恒的技能。产品思维是通过实践、批判性反馈和持续反思培养出来的。他更喜欢有副业的候选人,因为副业可以激发工作灵感,反之亦然。设计师应该积极分享作品并寻求反馈,不断学习和改进。 Dalen: 就AI在UX设计中的应用,以及设计师如何应对AI带来的变化,与Chenmu Wu进行了深入探讨。讨论内容涵盖了AI工具的应用场景、局限性,以及设计师未来发展方向等多个方面。

Deep Dive

Chenmu Wu discusses his background and the creation of a viral Figma plugin that generates wireframes using ChatGPT, highlighting its development and initial reception.

Shownotes Transcript

Chenmu Wu graduated from university with a degree in Architecture and proceeded to work at Shopee for four years as a UIUX designer. In 2019, he played a pivotal role in initiating the migration of the design team from Sketch to Figma. This transition sparked his enthusiasm for Figma, leading him to embark on developing Figma plugins as side projects. During his time at Shopee, Chenmu served as the primary contributor and manager of the Shopee Design System. Additionally, he took charge of the UIUX design for Bill payments and the Shopee international platform.

In his current position as the Lead UI/UX Designer at Daraz - Alibaba, Chenmu holds the responsibility of overseeing a team of five designers from both Pakistan and Singapore. They are dedicated to driving innovation and fostering user-centric design solutions within the organization.

Join us to hear us cover:

  • How and why Chenmu’s Figma plug-in the generates wireframes using ChatGPT went viral

  • How can progressive designers work with AI

  • Implication of AI in the product development process