cover of episode Episode 25: Scaling a Product Team in a High Growth Startup with Jared Chan

Episode 25: Scaling a Product Team in a High Growth Startup with Jared Chan

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Working in UX Design

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Jared Chan
Jared Chan: 在 Carro 工作的四年里,我经历了从精简团队到大型团队的扩张过程。起初团队只有两名产品经理和一名设计师,通过不断调整策略,团队规模逐步扩大,最终在六个国家开展业务。Carro 从新加坡初创公司发展成为东南亚首家汽车独角兽企业,这与团队的快速发展和稳定密不可分。在品牌设计方面,我们与市场团队紧密合作,在保持品牌特色的同时,针对不同产品和用户群体进行调整。在设计语言方面,我们从最初的简约线型图标转变为更具叙事性的定制插图,以更好地与用户产生共鸣。我们也注重微文案和用户体验的细节,不断尝试和调整,以确保与目标用户群体产生最佳的沟通效果。在团队管理方面,我同时管理产品和设计团队,这需要在产品思维和设计师的感受之间取得平衡,并有效地识别和解决团队中的差距。在资源有限的情况下,我们通过展示团队的价值和产出,来向管理层争取更多资源和人员。在招聘方面,我更注重候选人的态度和学习能力,而不是单纯的技能。我首先招聘了一位 UX 策略师,以提升团队的战略思维能力,改进设计流程,并建立设计系统,以应对多国家业务的标准化和本地化需求。之后,我们也招聘了更多设计师,但仍然保持团队精简,并注重培养团队成员的综合能力。对于新晋设计经理,我的建议是理解业务目标,与其他部门紧密合作,保持与团队成员清晰的沟通,并平衡大大小小的胜利。 Dalen: 访谈中,我与 Jared Chan 探讨了他在高增长初创公司 Carro 扩展产品和 UX 设计团队的经验。我们涵盖了团队扩张、UX 策略、品牌设计、以及对新晋设计领导者的建议等多个方面。Jared 分享了他在资源受限的情况下如何扩展团队,如何平衡产品和设计团队的需求,以及如何与市场团队合作,保持 Carro 的品牌特色。他还谈到了招聘策略,他更注重候选人的态度和学习能力,而不是单纯的技能。此外,他还分享了对新晋设计领导者的建议,包括理解业务目标,与其他部门紧密合作,保持与团队成员清晰的沟通,以及平衡大大小小的胜利。

Deep Dive

Jared discusses his experience scaling the product and UX design team at Carro, starting from a lean team and growing it over four years to support multiple countries and achieve unicorn status.

Shownotes Transcript

Jared is an experienced product leader with over 15 years of experience in product management and digital innovation across various industries.

He is a design-thinking practitioner who enjoys creating products that empower people. During this tenure leading the product and design team in CARRO, he found passion in coaching and mentorship, helping others in their growth.

In his personal life, he is a proud fur-dad of 4 rescued dogs.

Join us to hear us cover:

  • Scaling product and UX design teams, especially with resource constraints

  • UX strategy (including hiring a strategist) and how it plays a role in taking the team to the next level

  • Helping to keep Carro’s design language distinctive from competitors

  • What new design leaders should know in their first/second year of their job