cover of episode Episode 22: UX Research & Strategy with Homaxi Irani

Episode 22: UX Research & Strategy with Homaxi Irani

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Working in UX Design

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Homaxi Irani
Homaxi Irani: 许多组织对UX研究存在误解,将其简单地理解为产品测试,忽视了其在战略决策中的作用。她强调,研究贯穿产品开发的始终,不同阶段采用不同的方法,而她最关注的是研究的战略层面,即在产品早期阶段识别机遇、未被满足的需求,并制定相应的战略。她还指出,将市场细分直接用于用户研究是错误的,因为市场细分关注的是购买行为,而非用户对产品的态度和感知。有效的用户研究应该从市场细分中提取更深层次的用户特征和行为信息,用于用户研究的参与者招募。用户画像的有效性取决于具体情境,应避免创建泛化的品牌用户画像,而应针对用户旅程的特定阶段或产品/功能创建更细分的用户画像。用户画像应被视为团队协作工具和提升同理心的手段,而非僵化的清单或最终结论。构建一个有效的内部研究生态系统需要不同部门(市场、业务、UX/产品)之间进行沟通与协作,避免重复工作,整合不同视角,从而更全面地理解用户。研究团队的组织结构(集中式或分散式)并非关键,更重要的是团队成员间的协作和清晰的职责分工,以及对研究人员个人兴趣和能力的考量。战略性研究不仅包括对宏观趋势和机遇的探索,也包括对特定产品或功能的更深入的探索,以确保其与用户需求相符。初级设计师提升战略思维能力需要循序渐进,先打好设计基础,再逐步拓展到战略层面,并根据公司环境和自身能力灵活调整策略。初级设计师应谨慎选择职业发展起点,避免过早进入初创公司,而应选择能够提供更多学习和发展机会的环境。初级设计师应积极寻找机会参与现有工作流程,逐步提升自身影响力,而非试图直接改变整个流程。设计师应学习商业知识,并提升沟通技巧,以更有效地向商业伙伴传达用户中心化设计的价值。 Dalen: 引导讨论,提出问题,并与Homaxi Irani进行互动,共同探讨UX研究与战略相关话题。

Deep Dive

Homaxi discusses the misconception that research is only about testing and usability, emphasizing that research should happen at every stage of product development and can be strategic.

Shownotes Transcript

With over 20 years in experience design, the last 15 years have seen Homaxi Irani in roles providing leadership to build and elevate UX research and design maturity within organisations. She has worked in Australia and Asia in Group and APAC roles, in both corporate and consultancies.

Homaxi’s motivation to share her experience and learn from others drives her to invest time in the design community as an educator, coach, and mentor.

She is currently looking for global or regional opportunities to drive design maturity and customer centricity at an enterprise level. Homaxi enjoys collaboration with business partners that accelerates the product design partnership and results in richer customer experiences.

Come down to hear us cover:

  • UX Design Research vs UX Strategic Research

  • How to be more strategic as a junior designer

  • Interview preparation for a UX Researcher role

  • Enterprise vs Startup UX