Patricia Reiners: AI for Designers课程现已开放报名,但截止日期为4月21日周日晚上11点。课程为期六周,旨在帮助设计师学习如何使用AI并将其融入工作流程,提升职业竞争力。课程内容涵盖大量点播视频、七次直播培训、支持性私人社区以及六个月的访问权限。直播培训包括启动工作坊、GPT训练、图像生成和Midjourney工作坊、AI设计工作坊、AI工作流程工作坊、连接电话和最终演示等。课程还提供Notion规划器、总结和模板等额外资源。课程投资回报率高,可以节省大量时间,即使时间有限,每天抽出30分钟学习也能受益匪浅。如有任何疑问,请联系[email protected]。
AI for Designers is a six-week intensive program aimed at teaching designers how to strategically use AI in their workflow. It's beneficial for in-house, agency, and freelance designers, as well as design entrepreneurs. The program is highly recommended to start as soon as possible due to the rapid pace of AI advancements.