cover of episode #91 Ioana Teleanu on AI, Career Tips, and the Future of Design

#91 Ioana Teleanu on AI, Career Tips, and the Future of Design

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Future of UX | Your Design, Tech and User Experience Podcast | AI Design

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
#artificial intelligence and machine learning#ai in creative process#professional transition#ai product innovation#ai market trends#ai entrepreneurship challenges#product design#ai integration in product development#generative ai People
Ioana Teleanu
Patricia Reiners
@Patricia Reiners : 本期节目邀请了 UX Goodies 的创始人兼 Miro AI 负责人 @Ioana Teleanu ,讨论了 AI 在 UX 设计中的应用、职业发展建议以及未来趋势。节目中,Patricia 和 Ioana 分享了在 Miro AI 团队的工作经验,探讨了 AI 设计的流程、挑战和机遇,并对 AI 工具和未来设计师所需技能进行了深入探讨。 Ioana Teleanu: 在 Miro 工作中,她主要负责 AI 协作体验的设计,注重 AI 应用的实际价值,而非仅仅为了使用 AI 而使用 AI。她强调了在 AI 设计中,需要从用户研究出发,解决实际问题,并不断迭代改进。她认为 AI 设计的流程与传统设计流程有很多相似之处,但最大的不同在于原型设计阶段,需要验证 AI 的输出质量是否满足用户的期望。Ioana 还分享了她对 AI 工具的看法,认为目前 AI 工具的革命性突破还不够明显,但 Notebook LM 让她印象深刻。她认为未来设计师的角色将转变为 AI 的引导者和设计结果的策划者,需要具备批判性思维、系统性思维和良好的协作能力。 Ioana Teleanu: 她建议想进入 AI 设计领域的人,首先要熟悉 AI 工具,进行实践项目,并在公司内部或外部积极参与 AI 相关工作。她强调了个人品牌建设的重要性,建议将自己定位为 AI 爱好者,积极分享自己的经验和见解。她还分享了她在 UX Goodies 上分享经验的经历,以及如何通过分享内容来提升个人影响力。她认为,在 AI 时代,设计师需要具备批判性思维、系统性思维和良好的协作能力,并注重用户体验和长期发展。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is Ioana Teleanu's current role and how did she get into the AI space?

Ioana Teleanu is a product designer for AI at Miro. She joined Miro one year ago to work on AI experiences for collaboration on a canvas. Before that, she worked on Clipboard AI as part of UiPath, which won Time Magazine's Best Invention of 2023 award.

What is Ioana's approach to designing AI products at Miro?

Ioana emphasizes the importance of intentionality in designing AI products. She focuses on finding meaningful use cases for AI that solve real problems rather than creating AI for the sake of it. Her role involves ensuring that AI features are valuable and aligned with user needs, and she works closely with the research team to identify pain points and opportunities for AI integration.

How does Ioana describe the design process for AI products at Miro?

Ioana describes the design process as starting with research insights and user problems. The team maps out workflows and identifies friction points where AI can help. They experiment with different features, reflect on their impact, and iterate based on user feedback. Prototyping in the AI age involves not just usability but also ensuring the quality and relevance of AI-generated outputs.

What does Ioana think about the future of design roles in the age of AI?

Ioana believes that designers will shift from being executors of design to curators of design. AI will handle the execution of UI, but designers will still be valuable for their vision, problem-solving skills, and ability to guide AI in creating meaningful experiences. Designers will need to focus on critical thinking, systems thinking, and collaboration to remain relevant.

What key skills does Ioana recommend for designers to succeed in the future?

Ioana highlights the importance of critical thinking, systems thinking, and collaboration. Designers need to understand complex human experiences and identify opportunities to improve them with or without AI. They should also foster collaboration skills to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams.

How can designers position themselves to work in AI-related roles?

Ioana recommends experimenting with AI tools, building side projects, and volunteering to contribute to AI initiatives within their companies. Designers should also educate themselves by learning from free resources and content. Personal branding is crucial—communicate your passion for AI and share your experiments and insights to position yourself as an AI enthusiast.

What is Ioana's favorite resource for staying updated on AI and design?

Ioana's favorite resource is her newsletter, AI Goodies, where she shares her favorite AI tools, patterns, and insights twice a month. She also recommends experimenting with tools like Notebook LM and Gemini to understand the potential and limitations of AI.

Shownotes Transcript

Join host Patricia Reiners in an insightful conversation with Ioana Teleano the voice behind UX Goodies and AI Lead at Miro. Discover Ioana's journey from Instagram beginnings to leading AI-powered design at Miro, where she shares her unique insights on the evolution of AI in UX. This episode dives into the intricacies of designing AI experiences, career advice for aspiring UX professionals, and the critical role of intentionality in a fast-evolving tech landscape. Get ready to be inspired by Ioana's passion for meaningful design, thoughtful career moves, and the exciting future awaiting UX designers in the age of AI. Perfect for anyone looking to stay ahead in the design industry!

Ioana's Resources:


Ioana Teleanu on Linkedin

Other resources

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