cover of episode #45 Navigating AI in UX: Insights from Sarah Gibbons of Nielsen Norman Group

#45 Navigating AI in UX: Insights from Sarah Gibbons of Nielsen Norman Group

logo of podcast Future of UX | Your Design, Tech and User Experience Podcast | AI Design

Future of UX | Your Design, Tech and User Experience Podcast | AI Design

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Patricia Reiners
Sarah Gibbons
Patricia Reiners:本期访谈探讨了AI技术如何改变UX设计领域,以及设计师如何利用AI提升工作效率和设计质量。访谈中,我们关注了AI在UX设计中的应用,以及设计师如何适应AI带来的变化,并利用AI提升自身能力。 Sarah Gibbons:AI不会取代UX设计师,但设计师需要学习如何适应AI带来的变化,并利用AI提升自身能力。UX设计在于弥合技术与用户理解之间的差距,AI的出现为设计师提供了新的工具和方法,但设计师仍然需要发挥自身的专业技能和创造力。 Sarah Gibbons:通过对用户使用ChatGPT的观察研究,我们发现用户存在两种主要行为模式:‘手风琴编辑’(反复压缩和扩展信息)和‘苹果采摘’(从大量结果中选择所需部分)。这些模式揭示了用户如何利用AI以及AI界面的设计改进方向。设计师需要了解这些用户行为模式,才能更好地设计AI产品。 此外,研究还发现用户与AI互动存在四种拟人化程度:礼貌、强化、角色扮演和陪伴。其中角色扮演尤其值得关注,它可能对用户信任和AI应用产生深远影响。设计师需要关注AI工具的伦理问题,并学习如何避免AI带来的偏差和风险。

Deep Dive

Sarah Gibbons discusses her background and approach to AI in UX, emphasizing the importance of research and understanding user behaviors.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, we're honored to have Sarah Gibbons with us, the Vice President at Nielsen Norman Group. With an illustrious career spanning over a decade, Sarah has championed empathetic design through her roles at Nielsen Norman Group and IBM. She's a thought leader when it comes to design and user experiences.

1️⃣ General UX for AIResearch is pivotal for understanding how to navigate AI as a designer. Concepts like "apple picking" and "accordion editing" are shaping the approach to AI products.

2️⃣ Anthropomorphism in AISkeuomorphism can make AI more relatable and easier to use. Making AI human-like isn't always better; it has to be purposeful and ethical.

3️⃣ 4 Degrees of AnthropomorphismThe emotional bond between users and AI needs to be managed ethically to prevent exploitation.

4️⃣ Future of DesignSarah suggests that designers should be prepared for the growing influence of AI in UX. Continual learning and adaptation will be key for designers.

5️⃣ Resources for the Future Keeping up-to-date with the latest research and publications in the UX field is crucial for designers.

Resources from Sarah:

NN/g's Podcast)

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📚 Resources Mentioned:

⁠** **AI for Designer⁠) ⁠Course (Launching in december)


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