cover of episode #43 UX Bites: Becoming a UX Leader with David Wenk

#43 UX Bites: Becoming a UX Leader with David Wenk

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Future of UX | Your Design, Tech and User Experience Podcast | AI Design

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Wenk
David Wenk: 成为优秀UX领导者的三个关键:避免成为阻碍者,将设计理念推广到产品设计团队之外,并学习产品管理和商业知识。首先,年轻设计师容易犯的错误是过于教条,被团队视为阻碍者,而非推动者。与其直接否定需求,不如快速行动,先交付一个原型,再逐步引入用户研究等流程,这能更好地赢得团队信任。其次,除了设计技能,学习产品管理和商业知识对成为设计领导者至关重要,这能帮助设计师从宏观角度思考问题,并更好地与各方沟通。可以通过建立内部UX协会,培训团队成员进行设计冲刺,为其他产品团队提供服务,提升团队的可见度和影响力。最后,成为优秀的UX领导者需要具备商业思维,了解产品管理和商业运作,才能更好地与利益相关者沟通,并从战略层面提升设计的影响力。学习产品管理知识可以帮助设计师更好地理解产品经理的需求和痛点,从而更好地为团队做出贡献。关注商业知识,例如创业公司如何运作、商业模式等,可以帮助设计师从更宏观的角度思考问题,并提升与利益相关者沟通的能力。 Patricia Reines: 积极主动地拓展自身技能和影响力,学习商业知识,并与团队成员合作,才能更好地在UX领域取得成功。

Deep Dive

Introduction to the new 'UX Bytes' format focusing on specific UX challenges and bringing in industry experts to share actionable tips on how to solve these problems.

Shownotes Transcript

Welcome to a new episode format of the 'Future of UX' podcast, 'UX Bites.' In this episode, host Patricia Reiners sits down with David Wenk, a UX innovator at Google, to discuss the transformational journey from a UX designer to a UX leader. Get actionable insights and tips to elevate your UX career. Whether you're a budding designer or an established professional, this episode is your go-to guide for positioning yourself as a leader in the UX field. Don't forget to sign up for our free newsletter for more UX trends, tech updates, and expert opinions. #FutureOfUX #UXBites #UXLeadership

Find David Wenk:


📚 Resources Mentioned:

**✨ AI Toolkit for Designer: **⁠⁠Download the AI Toolkit⁠)

⁠⁠⁠⁠** **AI for Designer⁠⁠⁠⁠) ⁠Course (Launching in January)


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