To explore how is AI shaping UX research and analysis, host Therese Fessenden shares two interviews on the topic; one with Savina Hawkins, Co-founder of Altis, and one with Caleb Sponheim, UX Specialist at NN/g. In this episode we explore the opportunities AI presents for enhancing productivity and innovation in UX work, alongside the risks and challenges it brings. Savina & Caleb offer practical advice on how UX professionals can leverage AI tools effectively and remain competitive in their field.
Learn more about Altis) Learn more about Caleb Sponheim, PhD) Get trained on using AI for UX work: Practical AI for UX Professionals Course) NN/g Articles on Artificial Intelligence) Caleb’s Favorite Resources: Optimistic Perspective: Ethan Mollick’s One Useful Thing.) Skeptical Perspective: Ed Zitron’s Where’s Your Ed At. )Weekly Newsletter)