cover of episode 38. User Interviews (feat. Steve Portigal, Research Consultant and Author)

38\. User Interviews (feat. Steve Portigal, Research Consultant and Author)

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NN/g UX Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Steve Portigal
Therese Fassenden
@Steve Portigal :用户访谈是了解用户体验的有效方法,因为它能直接与产品或服务的使用者沟通,从而获得第一手资料。访谈可以是结构化、半结构化或非结构化的,并且可以在不同的环境中进行,包括线下和线上,以及用户所在的环境中。访谈的目的是探索,而不是仅仅收集简单的答案。访谈过程本身也是一种学习体验,它能改变研究人员对用户、问题和机会的理解。 @Therese Fassenden :用户访谈与问卷调查相比,能够更深入地了解用户行为背后的原因,获得更丰富的定性数据,并帮助研究人员更好地理解用户的情感和体验。用户访谈能够捕捉到问卷调查难以获得的细微差别和情感信息。 Therese Fassenden:用户访谈并非适用于所有情况,在某些情况下,A/B 测试或其他定量研究方法可能更适合。选择哪种方法取决于研究问题和目标。用户访谈可能无法捕捉到所有信息,一些难以观察到的行为或事件可能需要结合其他研究方法,例如日记研究等,来补充用户访谈的不足。 Steve Portigal:过去十年,用户访谈在实践中发生了显著变化,包括企业内部建立了专门的用户研究团队,研究人员的角色也更加成熟和被重视。远程用户访谈的兴起,为研究带来了新的机遇和挑战。虽然远程访谈在便利性和包容性方面具有一定优势,但也损失了面对面交流的某些重要方面,例如非语言交流和现场环境的观察。尽管方法和参与者可能会随着时间的推移而变化,但其核心——即与用户建立联系并深入倾听——在过去十年中保持不变。提升用户访谈技能需要持续的学习和实践,并不断反思自身在访谈过程中的不足之处,例如避免在问题中加入答案,从而确保访谈的客观性和有效性。

Deep Dive

User interviews are described as conversations between researchers and users to gather insights about their experiences, behaviors, and needs. They are a qualitative method that provides deep user empathy and informed decision-making.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, we dive into User Interviews with Steve Portigal, discussing their critical role in product development and design research. User interviews, a qualitative method, involve conversations with users to gather insights about their experiences, behaviors, and needs. We discuss the benefits of this approach, such as deep user empathy and informed decision making, alongside common challenges like bias and recruitment. Join us in understanding when to use user interviews and how to get the most out of them.

NN/g Articles & Training Courses

User Interviews (full-day/2 half-day UXC course)

User Interviews 101 (free article)

The 3 Types of User Interviews: Structured, Semi-Structured, and Unstructured (free video)

When to Use Which User-Experience Research Methods (free article)

5 Facilitation Mistakes to Avoid During User Interviews (free article)

⁠Learn more about Steve Portigal

Interviewing Users (2nd Edition)  20% discount code: interviewing