cover of episode Tesla Supercharger update, is battery swap going to be a thing?, Ford goes back on BEV, and more

Tesla Supercharger update, is battery swap going to be a thing?, Ford goes back on BEV, and more

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Fred Lambert
Fred Lambert: 本周讨论了特斯拉的最新消息,包括Model Y的更新、超级充电网络的调整、FSD的进展以及最近的裁员事件。Model Y标准续航版被取消,取而代之的是长续航后轮驱动版,但标准续航版实际上是软件锁定的车辆,特斯拉将为现有车主提供付费解锁升级服务。关于超级充电网络,马斯克解雇了整个超级充电团队,但这并不意味着特斯拉放弃了超级充电网络的扩张计划,只是部署速度会放缓。FSD方面,即将发布的V12.4版本将移除方向盘提示功能,并改进驾驶体验,未来的版本将能够处理更复杂和罕见的驾驶场景。此外,特斯拉还面临着美国司法部的调查,调查内容涉及特斯拉是否在自动驾驶能力方面误导投资者和消费者。 Seth Wintraub: 就特斯拉裁员事件,Seth Wintraub表达了担忧,认为这不仅导致人员流失,还会严重影响员工士气。他认为马斯克解雇整个超级充电团队的决定是冲动且专制的,并非基于对超级充电网络战略的改变。他还谈到了特斯拉产品发布负责人Rich Otto因公司士气低落而离职的情况,这进一步凸显了裁员对公司造成的负面影响。关于FSD,Seth Wintraub对特斯拉FSD的未来发展表示谨慎乐观,认为虽然目前实用性还有待提高,但随着技术的不断进步,FSD最终将实现更高级别的自动驾驶功能。

Deep Dive

The episode discusses recent layoffs at Tesla and their impact on the Supercharger network deployment, highlighting concerns about the future pace of deployment and the morale of remaining employees.

Shownotes Transcript

On the Electrek Podcast), we discuss the most popular news in the world of sustainable transport and energy. In this week’s episode, we discuss what's happening with the Tesla Supercharger network, is battery swap going to be a thing?, Ford goes back on BEV, and more.

Sponsored by SplitVolt: The Splitvolt Splitter Switch automatically shares power from your existing 240V dryer socket with your Level 2 EV charger. Learn more here.)

The show is live every Friday at 4 p.m. ET on Electrek’s YouTube channel).

As a reminder, we’ll have an accompanying post, like this one, on the site with an embedded link to the live stream. Head to the YouTube channel) to get your questions and comments in.

After the show ends at around 5 p.m. ET, the video will be archived on YouTube) and the audio on all your favorite podcast apps:

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Here are a few of the articles that we will discuss during the podcast:

Here’s the live stream for today’s episode starting at 4:00 p.m. ET (or the video after 5 p.m. ET):