cover of episode Tesla Semi event, Model 3/Y discount, M3 redesign, and more

Tesla Semi event, Model 3/Y discount, M3 redesign, and more

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Fred Lambert
Seth Wintraub
创始人和出版人,主持Electrek Podcast,专注于电动汽车和绿色能源新闻。
Fred Lambert: 本期播客主要讨论特斯拉相关的新闻,包括特斯拉Semi卡车交付活动、Model 3/Y折扣、Model 3重新设计等。特斯拉Semi卡车交付活动侧重于产品本身,展示其作为首款量产的长途Class 8电动卡车的实力,让人联想到特斯拉早期推广电动汽车的经历。特斯拉Semi卡车采用三电机Plaid动力系统,加速性能出色,续航里程超过500英里,采用1000伏特动力系统,并配备兆瓦级充电能力,Cybertruck也将兼容该技术。特斯拉Semi卡车内饰增加了一些提高驾驶员生活质量的功能,但未提及自动驾驶功能。特斯拉Semi卡车的价格预计会高于五年前公布的价格,运营成本将显著低于柴油卡车。需要知道特斯拉Semi卡车自身的重量才能计算其实际载货能力。 特斯拉计划在2023年第一季度从得克萨斯州超级工厂生产7.5万辆Model Y,并为美国市场提供Model 3和Model Y车型3750美元的折扣。特斯拉正在对Model 3进行代号为“Project Highland”的重新设计,以减少零部件数量和内饰复杂性。有报道称特斯拉与一家名为Annex Semiconductor的公司成立了一家合资企业,但该报道是虚假的。特斯拉开始通过百思买销售其充电桩。作者为其母亲购买了一辆雪佛兰Bolt EV,并分享了购车和安装充电桩的经历。 Seth Wintraub: 特斯拉Semi卡车最初使用四个Model 3电机,现在改用三电机Plaid动力系统,并对电机进行了优化以提高效率。特斯拉Semi卡车的加速性能非常出色,远超同级别柴油卡车。特斯拉Semi卡车的电池组容量约为900千瓦时。关于特斯拉Semi卡车1000伏特系统,这将应用于其他特斯拉车型,并能解决高电压下的绝缘问题。特斯拉Semi卡车的运营成本将显著低于柴油卡车。对特斯拉Semi卡车价格和重量的讨论,以及对续航里程和充电速度的分析。对特斯拉Model 3/Y折扣、Model 3重新设计、以及特斯拉充电桩在百思买销售的讨论。对大众汽车计划在北美建立电池工厂和Lordstown Endurance电动皮卡交付的讨论。对特斯拉与Annex Semiconductor公司合资的报道的质疑。对特斯拉超级充电站开放给非特斯拉车辆的讨论。对特斯拉Gigafactory Texas生产和物流的讨论。对Elon Musk的讨论。

Deep Dive

The Tesla Semi event showcased the capabilities of the electric truck, including its impressive range and charging technology, which could disrupt the trucking industry with lower operational costs and improved efficiency.

Shownotes Transcript

This week on the Electrek Podcast), we discuss the most popular news in the world of sustainable transport and energy. This week, we discuss the Tesla Semi delivery event, Tesla offering discounts in the US, potential Model 3 redesign, and more.

The show is live every Friday at 4 p.m. ET on Electrek’s YouTube channel).

As a reminder, we’ll have an accompanying post, like this one, on the site with an embedded link to the live stream. Head to the YouTube channel) to get your questions and comments in.

After the show ends at around 5 p.m. ET, the video will be archived on YouTube) and the audio on all your favorite podcast apps:

We now have a Patreon) if you want to help us to avoid more ads and invest more in our content. We have some awesome gifts for our Patreons and more coming.

Here are a few of the articles that we will discuss during the podcast:

Here’s the live stream for today’s episode starting at 4 p.m. ET (or the video after 5 p.m. ET):