cover of episode Rivian's new EVs, Tesla Model Y two-seater, Dodge Charger Daytona EV, and more

Rivian's new EVs, Tesla Model Y two-seater, Dodge Charger Daytona EV, and more

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Fred Lambert
Seth Winshaw
主持和编辑Electrek Podcast,专注于可持续交通和能源领域的新闻分析。
Fred Lambert: 本期节目讨论了Rivian发布的R2电动SUV,以及意外发布的更小巧、更实惠的R3车型。R2在设计上与R1S非常相似,但尺寸更小,充电接口位于后部乘客侧,这在超级充电站使用时可能不太方便。R2的内饰与R1系列相比有所简配,但增加了双储物箱等新功能。R2提供后驱、双电机四驱和三电机四驱三种版本,续航里程均超过300英里(480公里),三电机版本百公里加速时间小于3秒。R2采用4695型电池,并采用结构性电池组设计。R2的起售价为4.5万美元,但实际交付价格和最终价格可能会有所不同。Rivian将通过在伊利诺伊州的现有工厂生产R2来加快上市时间并节省成本。Rivian为R2推出了多款配件,包括帐篷、自行车架、货运平台和紧凑型厨房。Rivian的R1S和R1T车型具有双向充电功能,而R2车型将提供240伏的双向充电接口选项。 Seth Winshaw: R2的外观与R1S相似,容易被误认为是R1S。R2的充电接口位置设计是为了方便街边停车,但对于超级充电站来说可能不太理想。R2基础款车型将所有电子元件都放在后部,以降低成本。R2的一些独特设计,例如后窗可滑动和后侧窗可倾斜打开。R2的内饰与R1系列相比有所简配,但增加了双储物箱等新功能。R2改进后的储物箱解决了R1系列储物空间不足的问题。R2的前排座椅可完全放平,方便露营或装载货物。Rivian改进了R2的无线充电功能。R3是一款比R2更小巧的掀背车,设计风格独特,令人印象深刻。 RJ Scaringe: 在采访中,RJ Scaringe谈到了R2的各项技术细节,包括电池类型、续航里程、自动驾驶系统等。他还透露了R3车型的部分信息,并表示R3X版本速度极快。 Fred Lambert: 特斯拉在法国发布了双座版Model Y,该车型针对法国的商业车辆市场,可以享受法国的税收优惠政策。特斯拉双座版Model Y通过移除后排座椅来增加货运空间,并满足法国商业车辆的特定要求。特斯拉双座版Model Y的续航里程比普通版Model Y更长。 Seth Winshaw: 环保主义者对特斯拉柏林超级工厂采取了破坏性行动,导致工厂停产。 Fred Lambert: 埃隆·马斯克在2018年曾试图将特斯拉与OpenAI合并。埃隆·马斯克对OpenAI转向营利性公司的做法表示虚伪,因为他本人曾建议OpenAI转向营利性模式。道奇发布了Charger Daytona EV纯电动肌肉车,采用双电机动力系统,总功率为500马力。现代对IONIQ 5进行了更新,增加了电池容量、OTA更新功能和后雨刷器。

Deep Dive

The episode discusses Rivian's new R2 and R3 models, highlighting their design, features, and market strategy. The R2, a midsize SUV, and the R3, a smaller hatchback, are both built on a new platform that allows for different vehicle configurations.

Shownotes Transcript

On the Electrek Podcast), we discuss the most popular news in the world of sustainable transport and energy. In this week’s episode, we discuss Rivian's brand-new EVs, the Tesla Model Y two-seater, the Dodge Charger Daytona EV, and more.

The show is live every Friday at 4 p.m. ET on Electrek’s YouTube channel).

This week, it will be a bit early, starting at noon ET, due to Fred's travels in Europe.

As a reminder, we’ll have an accompanying post, like this one, on the site with an embedded link to the live stream. Head to the YouTube channel) to get your questions and comments in.

After the show ends at around 5 p.m. ET, the video will be archived on YouTube) and the audio on all your favorite podcast apps:

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Here are a few of the articles that we will discuss during the podcast:

Here’s the live stream for today’s episode starting at 12:00 p.m. ET (or the video after 1 p.m. ET):